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1.Sometimes_________to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.

A. that is difficult

B. is difficult

C. it is difficult

D. that it is difficult

2.The teachers don't know_________to start and run a school.

A. what it takes

B. what they take

C. what does it take

D. what takes

3.Because air is highly compressible,_________to define a clear upper boundary of the atmosphere.

A. it is impossible

B. impossible is

C. so the impossible

D. is the impossibility

4.The Homestead Act of 1862_________to acquire land at a small cost.

A. made possible

B. made it possible

C. made the possibility

D. possibly made

5.To what extent will future scientific discoveries_________possible the lengthening of the human life?

A. be made

B. make it

C. make

D. be made it

6.X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus make_________details that are otherwise impossible.

A. it visible

B. them visible

C. visibly

D. visible

7.Digital recording has made_________a significantly wider dynamic range in recorded music.

A. for the possibility

B. the possibility is

C. it is possible

D. possible

8.The discovery of the halftone process in photography in 1881 made

_________ photographs in books and newspapers.

A. the possible reproduction

B. possible to reproduce

C. it possible to reproduce

D. possibly reproduced


9.Their little bit of land doesn't provide enough food to _________.

A. live on

B. live

C. live in

D. live up

10.I got out some more chairs for the other guests _________.

A. to sit

B. to sit on

C. sit on

D. sit

11.I need a piece of paper to _________.

A. write on

B. write

C. be written

D. write with

12.He was the first_________and the last _________.

A. arriving, leaving

B. to arrive, to leave

C. arrive, leave

D. for arriving, for leaving

13.Air pollution has been greatly reduced, so this city is still _________.

A. a good place to live

B. a good place to live in

C. a good place to be lived in

D. a good place for living in

14.I have no place_________and no food _________

A. to live, to eat

B. to live in, to eat

C. to live in, to eat at

D. living in, eating

15.Her failure_________into college disappointed her parents.

A. getting

B. to get

C. get

D. of getting

16.His refusal_________surprised us.

A. of helping

B. with help

C. to help

D. of help

17.I have been working hard, with the determination_________something of myself.

A. making

B. of making

C. to make

D. in making


18.It is wise_________the experiment that way.

A. of him to do

B. for him to do

C. of his doing

D. that he do

19. _________any aspect of society, the sociologist must determine the laws influencing human behavior in social contexts.

A. Explain

B. To explain

C. One explains

D. The explanation of

20._________ as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created.

A. To rank

B. The ranking

C. To be ranked

D. For being ranked

21. _________the demands of aerospace, medicine, and agriculture, engineers are creating exotic new metallic substances.

A. Meet

B. Being met are

C. To meet

D. They are meeting


22.Nero, who was Emperor of Rome from 54 to 68 A.D., is believed to_________(murder) both his mother and his wife.

23.They seem to_________(make) much progress in their English study.

24.We are happy to_________(visit) so many historic spots in Beijing.

25.We didn't expect you to_________(wait) for us here.

26.They are proud to_________(win) the football match.

27.You look tired. You seem to_________(work) too hard all day.

28.A: I thought Sam was sick.

B: So did I. But he seems to_________(recover) very quickly. He certainly doesn't seem to be sick now.

29.I really have enjoyed our conversation, but I have to leave now. I'm very happy to_________(have) this opportunity to meet you and talk with you. Let's try to get together again soon.

30.I am glad that my company sent me to another country to study. I am very pleased to_________(give) the opportunity to learn about another culture.

31.Clint is fortunate to_________(give) a scholarship.

32.— Do you believe that Charlie did best in the exam?

— Yes. He is said to_________(work) very hard.


33.A: This letter needs to_________(send) immediately. Will you take care of it?

B: Right away.

34.He asked to_________(send) to work in Tibet.

35.It is easy to_________(fool) by his lies.

36.“I considered it an honor to_________(invite) to address the meeting of world-famous scientists," said Professor Leacock.

37.Don't all of us want to_________(love) and_________(need) by other people?

38.Clint wants us to tell him the news as soon as we hear anything. He wants to_________(tell) about it immediately.

39.Give him some books to_________(read).

40.The house is to_________(let).

41.The reason is not far to_________(seek).

42.The magazine is interesting to_________(read).

43.It is necessary for us to_________(constantly, remind) of our shortcomings.

44.The report is difficult to_________(write).

45.Everyone hates to_________(use).

46.They found the lecture hard to_________(understand).


47.The boy was made_________(sing) the song once again.

48.Don't make children_________(work) too hard.

49.They would rather_________(die) than_________(surrender).

50.He could not choose but_________(love) her.

51.She could do nothing but_________(change) her name under the circumstances.

52.He had his son_________(play) the violin three hours a day.

53.There was nothing to do except_________(escape) .

54.He has no alternative but_________(go) and ask his sister for help.

55.If he is not willing to be with you, why_________(not, ask) somebody else?

56.Since he is only a kid, why_________(make) fun of him?

57.A: What can you see in a park?

B: I can see birds_________(fly) in the sky and sometimes I can see people_________(do) shadowboxing.

A: Do you hear anything in the park?

B: Yes, I can hear people_________(chat) here and there and sometimes I can hear young people_________(speak) English at the English corner.


58.The boy liked to half close his eyes.

59.She was too ill to really carry out her duty.

60.The young man prepared to silently accompany her.

61.It is too heavy for me to even move.

62.He made up his mind to once more have a proposal to her.

63.I am required to carefully take the vase out of the bag.

64.The soldier is expected to firmly complete his task.


65.On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, _________some bananas and visited her cousin.

A. bought

B. buying

C. to buy

D. buy

66.We will have to get the Dean_________this form.

A. to sign

B. sign

C. signed

D. signing

67.She is having her car_________this week.

A. to repair

B. repair

C. repaired

D. repairing

68.The doctor had the patient_________on at once.

A. operate

B. operated

C. to operate

D. operating

69.My sister's professor had her_________her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee.

A. rewritten

B. to rewrite

C. rewrite

D. rewriting

70.The teacher had the students_________their homework every day.

A. do

B. to do

C. done

D. doing

71.We’re leaving at six o’clock in the morning, and hope to _________most of the journey by lunch time.

A. be doing

B. have done

C. have been done

D. do

72.A membership card authorizes_________the club's facilities of a period of 12 months.

A. the holder using

B. the holder's use

C. the holder to use

D. the holder uses

73.He asked_________since he had been chairman for seven years.

A. not to have been re-elected

B. to be not re-elected

C. not to be re-elected

D. to have not been re-elected

74.The police were tracking the criminal who was said_________in a nearby wood.

A. have hidden

B. to be hiding

C. to hiding

D. to hide

75.At the Seventh International Ballet Competitions, Ferando Bujones won the first gold medal ever_________to a United States male dancer.

A. to be awarded

B. to award

C. that awards

D. should be awarding

76.— I was arguing with him about our plan just now.

— Why_________with him? He'11 never change his mind.

A. arguing

B. argue

C. to argue

D. you argue

77.It is extremely important for an engineer to know_________a computer.

A. use

B. to use

C. how to use

D. using

78.The ancient Egyptians are supposed_________rockets to the moon.

A. to send

B. to be sending

C. to have sent

D. to have been sending

79.He prefers to stay here_________go home.

A. than to

B. rather than

C. rather than to

D. than

80.The use of well-chosen nonsense words makes_________the testing of many basic hypotheses in the field of language learning.

A. it is possible

B. it possible

C. possible

D. them possible

81.I should very much like to have gone to the party, but I _________.

A. was not invited

B. am not invited

C. shall not be invited

D. am not being invited

82.Many women complain that they’re educated as equals, only to go out into the workforce_________as inferiors.

A. to treat

B. to be treated

C. be treated

D. treat

83.After twenty years abroad, William came back only_________his hometown severely damaged in an earthquake.

A. finding

B. to find

C. was finding

D. was to find

84.They were believed_________the problem beforehand.

A. to discuss

B. in discussing

C. to have discussed

D. to have been discussed

85. _________money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the streets.

A. Rather than getting

B. Rather than to get

C. Rather than get

D. More than get

86.He came all the way to help her_________that she drowned herself in a well.

A. only to find

B. to find

C. in order to find

D. so as to find

87.He preferred_________with that Managing Editor.

A. not to identifying

B. identify himself

C. identity

D. not to identify himself

88.Caught in the act, he had no alternative but _________.

A. confess

B. confessing

C. confessed

D. to confess

89.I'd rather you_________smoking as soon as possible.

A. quitting

B. had quit

C. quit

D. to quit

90.I'd rather that you_________the bike. If only I had more time, I would repair it myself.

A. repairing

B. repaired

C. to repair

D. will repair

91.It is heartening to see millions who had nothing but a record of misery and hunger_________to improve their life.

A. having had the chance

B. had the chance

C. to have the chance

D. have the chance

92.The girl tried many times to sneak across the border to a neighboring country,_________each time.

A. having been caught

B. always being caught

C. had been caught

D. only to be caught

93.I experienced having students_________a thousand new words in a week.

A. considering less talented to remember

B. considered less talented remember

C. considering less talented remember

D. considered less talented to remember

94.The party_________at my house, but the central heating broke down, and we had to have it at John's place.

A. would be

B. have been

C. was to be

D. was to have been

95.He couldn't help_________after he heard the news.

A. bursting into tears

B. burst into tears

C. bursting out tears

D. burst out crying

96.For the government, the challenge_________the reform to the end.

A. is carry out

B. is to carry out

C. is for carrying out

D. is to carrying out

97.They found the lecture hard _________.

A. to understand

B. to be understood

C. for understanding

D. for being understood

98.The Cubists were concerned with how_________a given subject from different points of view simultaneously.

A. represented

B. to represent

C. do they represent

D. represent

99.The parents scolded the child and made her promise_________again.

A. never to do that

B. what to do never

C. that never to do that

D. so never to do that

100.I spoke to the kid kindly_________him.

A. not to frighten

B. so as not to frighten

C. in order to not frighten

D. for not frightening

101. The child may be able to attain his immediate goal_________that his method brings criticism from people who observe him.

A. only to find

B. only find

C. only finding

D. only have found

102.The student continued to do mischief in class even though his teacher repeatedly told him _________.

A. not doing

B. not

C. not to

D. to

103.The teacher doesn't allow_________on the exam.

A. his students to cheat

B. his students' cheating

C. to cheat

D. his students cheat

104.The total influence of literature upon the course of human history _________.

A. is difficult to evaluate

B. is difficult to evaluate it

C. difficult to evaluate it

D. it is difficult to evaluate

105.Those naughty boys were caught_________flowers in the garden again.

A. to steal

B. stealing

C. to have stolen

D. having stolen

106.Much of the forest, along with the farmland, near the Mount Saint Helens volcano, appears to_________at the time of the eruption.

A. be destroying

B. have been destroying

C. be destroyed

D. have been destroyed

107.By the first decade of the 21st century, international commercial air traffic is expected_________vastly beyond today's levels.

A. to have extended

B. to be extending

C. to extend

D. to be extended

108.A Dream of the Red Chamber is said_________into dozens of languages in the last decade.

A. to have been translated

B. to translate

C. to be translated

D. to have translated

109.The local health organization is reported_________twenty years ago when Dr. Smith became its first president.

A. to be set up

B. being set up

C. to have been set up

D. having been set up

110. In 1938 Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman _________the Nobel Prize for Literature.

A. receive

B. received

C. to receive

D. she received

111. The first explorer_________California by land was Strong Smith, a trapper who crossed the southwestern deserts of the United States in 1825.

A. that he reached

B. to reach

C. reached

D. reaching it

112.She could do nothing but_________her name under the circumstances.

A. to change

B. changing

C. change

D. to be changed

113.If he is not willing to be with you, why_________somebody else?

A. don't ask

B. not ask

C. to ask

D. not to ask

114.If you still don't have an answer from the New York University, why_________call the admission office?

A. you don't

B. not to

C. not

D. don't

115.Since he is only a kid, why_________fun of him?

A. make

B. to make

C. making

D. not to make

116.— Do you believe that Charlie did best in the exam?

— Yes. He is said_________very hard.

A. to work

B. that he worked

C. to have worked

D. that he has worked

117.I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than

_________ a room with someone else.

A. to share

B. to have shared

C. share

D. sharing

118.Mrs. Brown is supposed_________for Italy last week.

A. to have left

B. to be leaving

C. to leave

D. to have been left

119.For nearly four hours they waited for the decision, only _________to come again next day.

A. they were told

B. to be told

C. to tell

D. being told

120.In order to_________a passport, one must either present legal documents or call a witness to give evidence concerning one's identity.

A. be issued

B. issue

C. have issue

D. have been issued

121.As luck would have it, my teacher happened to_________America when an earthquake occurred in his native place.

A. visit

B. have visited

C. be visiting

D. have been visiting

122.If we allow our imagination_________by known research, our prophecies need not be sheer fantasy.

A. guided

B. be guided

C. to be guided

D. being guided

123.During the exam, the school authorities won't allow_________freely.

A. to talk

B. talk

C. talking

D. to be talking

124.Since you changed lanes without signaling, you are as much _________ for the accident as us.

A. to be blamed

B. to blame

C. blamed

D. blaming

125.The specialized nature of anthropological research makes _________that various groups of people be studied to determine their similarities and differences.

A. imperative

B. it imperative

C. it is imperative

D. it is an imperative


126.In order that(A) save the California condor from(B) extinction, a group of federal, local(C), and private organizations initiated a rescue(D) program.

127.Because of(A) the recent accidents, our parents forbid us from swimming(B) in the river unless(C) someone agrees to watch over(D) us.

128.Those part-time students expected to offer(A) some jobs on(B) campus during(C) the coming(D) summer vacation.

129.A conductor uses signals and gestures to let(A) the musicians to know(B) when to play(C) various parts of a composition(D).

130.Ogden Nash often extended(A) sentences over(B) several lines produce(C) surprising(D) and comical rhymes.

131.For thousands of years, people have used(A) some kind(B) of refrigeration cooling(C) beverages and preserve edibles(D).

132.The fragrant leaves(A) of the laurel plant to sell(B) commercially as bay leaves and are used for(C) seasoning foods(D).

133.As secretary(A) of transportation from 1975 to 1977, William Coleman worked to help(B) the bankrupt railroads in the northeastern United States solved(C) their financial(D) problems.

134.Mercury's velocity is so much(A) greater than the Earth's(B) that it completes more than four revolutions around the Sun in the time that(C) takes the Earth to complete one(D).

135.The invention of fresh(A) metaphors today continues to(B) make it possible(C) the vivid expression(D) of emotions.

136.A microphone enables musical(A) tones to be amplified(B), thus making it possible(C) the gentle renditions of soft(D) songs in large halls.

137.Government money appropriated for art(A) in the 1930s made it possible(B) hundreds of murals and statues still admired(C) in small towns all over(D) the United States.


1-5: CAABC 6-10: DDCAB 11-15: ABBBB 16-21: CCABCC


22. have murdered

23. have made

24. have visited

25. be waiting

26. have won

27. have been working

28. have recovered

29. have had

30. have been given

31. have been given

32. have worked


33. be sent

34. be sent

35. be fooled

36. be invited

37. be loved, needed

38. be told

39. read

40. let

41. seek

42. read

43. be constantly reminded

44. write

45. be used

46. understand


47. to sing

48. work

49. die, surrender

50. love

51. change

52. play

53. escape

54. to go

55. not ask

56. make

57. fly, do, chat, speak


58. 這個男孩喜歡半閉著眼睛。

59. 她病得太重,實在無法上班。

60. 這個青年準備默默地陪伴她。

61. 這太重了,我甚至都搬不動。

62. 他下定決心再次向她求婚。

63. 我被要求小心地把花瓶從包里拿出來。

64. 希望這位戰(zhàn)士能堅決完成任務(wù)。


65-70: AACBCA

71-75: BCCBA

76-80: BCCBC

81-85: ABBCC

86-90: ADDCB

91-95: DDBDA

96-100: BABAB

101-105: ACAAB

106-110: DAACC

111-115: BCBCA

116-120: CCABA

121-125: CCCBB


126. A/In order to

127. B/to swim

128. A/be offered

129. B/know

130. C/to produce

131. C/to cool

132. B/are sold

133. C/solve

134. C/that it

135. C/make possible

136. C/making possible

137. B/made possible


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