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一、根據(jù)兩個分句之間的邏輯關(guān)系, 填入相應(yīng)的連詞。

1.I've brought my umbrella_________it's raining.

2.You don't need an umbrella_________it's raining.

3.I've brought my umbrella_________it's not raining.

4.I've brought my umbrella_________I don't get wet.

5.I've brought my umbrella_________it rains.

6.we'll stay here_________it stops raining.

7.I intend to go for a walk this morning_________it's raining.

8.I try hard to learn English_________I don't seem to improve.

9.I find it difficult to believe a word he says_________he never tells me the truth.

10.You see the lightning_________it happens, but you hear the thunder later.


11. _________she realized it was too late to go home.

A. No sooner it grew dark than

B. Scarcely had it grown dark than

C. Hardly did it grow dark that

D. It was not until dark that

12.I had just started back for the house to change my clothes _________I heard voices.

A. as

B. when

C. after

D. while

13.Not until_________himself seriously ill.

A. he had completed the task did he find

B. had he completed the task did he find

C. he completed the task he had found

D. did he complete the task he had found

14.By the time the firemen arrived, the whole building _________.

A. has burned down

B. had burned down

C. will have burned down

D. burned down

15.We heard a loud sound of drums beating_________the parade marched.

A. till

B. while

C. the moment

D. once

16.The policemen went into action_________they heard the alarm.

A. promptly

B. presently

C. quickly

D. directly

17.We held a meeting to sum up our experience_________we finished the work.

A. incidentally

B. while

C. immediately

D. before

18. Charles started a job, he did it_________it was finished.

A. Since, where

B. Once, until

C. Each time, once

D. The moment, as


19.The picture is not hanging_________it should on the wall.

A. until

B. wherever

C. where

D. when

20._________, work songs often exhibit the song culture of a people in a fundamental form.

A. They occur where they are

B. Occurring where

C. Where they occur

D. Where do they occur

21.I have kept that portrait_________I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London.

A. which

B. where

C. whether

D. when


22. _________you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.

A. For

B. Since

C. Before

D. While

23. _________the cold weather, we decided not to go out.

A. Because

B. Due to

C. Owing to

D. Since

24.Neon is said to be inert_________does not react with other substances.

A. because of it

B. it is because

C. because it

D. is because it

25. _________he will not accept the offer, I have to find someone else.

A. Until

B. Though

C. As soon as

D. Seeing that

26.Skimming also differs from scanning_________it is an effort to get general information rather than specific facts.

A. in which

B. for that

C. in that

D. on that

27.Although many people view conflict as bad, conflict is sometimes useful_________it forces people to test the relative merits of their attitudes and behaviors.

A. by which

B. to which

C. in that

D. so that

28.Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _________ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.

A. in that

B. which

C. whereas

D. because of


29.Let's take the front seats_________we may have a better view.

A. so as to

B. in order to

C. in order

D. that

30.The motorist looked over the engine carefully_________on the way.

A. so that it should go wrong

B. lest it should go wrong

C. in order that should not go wrong

D. for fear that it should not go wrong

31.I spoke slowly and clearly_________the audience to understand me.

A. so that

B. in order that

C. in order for

D. so as

32.Batteries must be kept in dry places_________electricity should leak away.

A. where

B. lest

C. that

D. unless


33.It is_________weather that I would like to go to the beach.

A. so nice

B. such nice

C. such a nice

D. so nice a

34.She told us_________stories that we all laughed.

A. so funny

B. such funny

C. funny such

D. so fun

35.The windows are_________small as not to admit much light at all.

A. very

B. as

C. too

D. so

36.Would you be_________do me a favor, please?

A. so kind to

B. kind as to

C. as kind to

D. so kind as to

37.The police called off their search for the survivors of the air crash because of _________.

A. such bad weather

B. so bad

C. such a bad weather

D. too bad a weather


38. _________you fell in love with your boss, what would you do?

A. Provide

B. Supposing

C. Unless

D. Except

39.You can arrive in Beijing earlier for the meeting_________you don't mind traveling by air.

A. provided

B. unless

C. though

D. until

40.Government cannot operate effectively_________it is free from such interference.

A. so long as

B. if only

C. unless

D. lest


41._________lay eggs, but some give birth to live young.

A. Although most insects

B. Most insects

C. Despite most insects

D. Most insects that

42.Airsickness is produced by a disturbance of the inner car, _________ psychogenic factors, such as fear, also play a part.

A. in spite of

B. neither

C. nor

D. although

43. his physical handicap, he_________a successful businessman.

A. Despite, has become

B. Although, has become

C. In spite, became

D. Despite of, becomes

44. _________all our kindness to help her, Sarah refused to listen to us.

A. At

B. For

C. In

D. On

45._________, the policeman still has good command.

A. Sophisticated as search techniques were

B. Sophisticated were search techniques

C. Search techniques were sophisticated

D. Sophisticated as search techniques they were

46._________, I still enjoy driving even after my accident.

A. It may seem strange though

B. Strange though it may seem

C. Though strange it may seem

D. Strange it may seem though

47.I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, _________.

A. however much it costs

B. however does it cost much

C. how much does it cost

D. no matter how it costs

48._________, the fire men were unable to quench the fire.

A. Try they would

B. As they tried

C. What they tried

D. Try as they would

49. _________I admire him as a poet, I do not like him as a man.

A. Much so

B. So much

C. Much as

D. As much

50.The engineers are going through with their project,_________the expenses have risen.

A. even though

B. just because

C. now that

D. as though

51.Every society,_________great or small, primitive or civilized, has a culture.

A. if it is

B. no matter it is

C. if it were

D. be it

52._________, we will set off as we planned.

A. Were it good or bad

B. Being good or bad

C. Whether good or bad

D. Be it good or bad

53.All science students, _________, should have a good foundation in basic sciences.

A. whether they are future physicists and chemists

B. they are future physicists or chemists

C. they should be future physicists or chemists

D. be they future physicists or chemists


54.Just as we nurture our bodies with the right vitamins and nutrients, so we need to nurture our minds with good thoughts.

55.Science is built with facts just as a house is built with bricks, but a collection of facts cannot be called science any more than a pile of bricks can be called a house.

56.A causeless event or thing, we cannot think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end.

57.The greatness of a people is no more determined by their number than the greatness of a man is determined by his height.

58.What Newton was to mechanics and Darwin to biology, Freud was to psychology.

59.Stress is inevitable, but you don't have to be a victim of it. So what are the tools that can calm our nerves and open our minds? Here comes the good news: we all have the inner resources that are needed: courage, optimism, humility, humor, intuition, acceptance, forgiveness, love and yes, patience. These inner resources are to our souls what medicine is to our bodies.


60.An adult human must take eight steps to go_________as a giraffe does in one stride.

A. as far

B. the farther

C. how far

D. farther

61.The harder you work,_________you have of passing your exam.

A. more chance

B. more chances

C. the more chance

D. the chances

62.The knee is_________most other joints in the body because it cannot twist without injury.

A. more likely to be damaged than

B. much likely to be damaged than

C. likely to be more damaged than

D. more than likely to be damaged

63.Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills _________people each year than automobile accidents.

A. seven more times

B. seven times more

C. over seven times

D. seven times

64.Just as the soil is a part of the earth,_________the atmosphere.

A. as it is

B. the same is

C. so is

D. and so is

65.I would have paid_________for my car if the salesman had insisted, because I really wanted it.

A. as much twice

B. much twice

C. twice as much

D. two times

66.Any preexisting illness, even_________the common cold, increases the chances of contracting another disease.

A. as mild one as

B. as one mild as

C. as a mild one as

D. as mild a one as

67.After retirement my father earns only_________as he used to. However, he lives happily enjoying his leisure time.

A. a half as much

B. a half as many

C. half as many

D. half as much

68.The greater population there is in a locality,_________for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.

A. the great need

B. the greater need there is

C. greater the need

D. the greater the need there is

69.In China the South generally receives much less snow than _________the North.

A. does

B. it does

C. does in

D. it does in

70.Robin_________give up his scheme than the spider would give up his attempts.

A. will no longer

B. can no more

C. would rather

D. would no more


71.His father had promised to buy him a computer_________he behaved himself.

A. provided

B. while

C. in case

D. after

72. _________the weather was bad, we decided not to go out.

A. In spite of

B. Though

C. Since

D. Although

73.I find it difficult to believe a word he say_________he never tells me the truth.

A. so

B. as

C. though

D. while

74. _________dragon exists in the world. That's your illusion.

A. No such a thing as

B. No such thing as a

C. No such a thing as a

D. No such thing as

75._________, many people still vote against the use of the death penalty.

A. However some crimes are inexcusable

B. However are some crimes inexcusable

C. However inexcusable some crimes are

D. Some crimes are however inexcusable

76.He always did well at school_________having to do part-time jobs every now and then.

A. in case of

B. in spite of

C. regardless of

D. on account of

77. _________the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A. Even if

B. As far as

C. If only

D. So long as

78.These two areas are similar_________they both have a high rainfall during this season.

A. to that

B. besides that

C. in that

D. except that

79.The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his loudness_________by his lack of talent.

A. than

B. more than

C. as

D. so much as

80. _________devised to lessen the drudgery of washing clothes that the origin of the washing machine is unclear.

A. Were the inventions so numerous

B. The inventions so numerous

C. So numerous were the inventions

D. The inventions that were so numerous

81. _________some flowers contain more nectar than others, how does a honeybee worker, faced with a patch of flowers containing variable amounts of nectar, decide when to stop collecting.

A. Given that

B. Giving that

C. To give

D. Being given

82.Hovercraft, or air-cushion vehicles, are unusual_________travel over land and water on a layer of air.

A. they

B. in they

C. that they

D. in that they

83.Computers that once took up entire rooms are now_________to put on desktops and into wristwatches.

A. smaller than

B. so small

C. as small as

D. so small as

84._________ the fact that his initial experiments had failed, Prof. White persisted in his research.

A. Because of

B. Though

C. In spite of

D. In view of

85.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary_________it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.

A. by that

B. at that

C. on that

D. in that

86.There are few electronic applications_________to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities than robots.

A. likely

B. more likely

C. most likely

D. much likely

87.The world's deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees mountains, is almost three times as deep _________.

A. as the Empire State Building is high

B. that the Empire State Building is higher

C. is higher than the Empire State Building

D. and the Empire State Building's height

88.Just as the builder is skilled in the handling of his bricks, _________the experienced writer is skilled in the handling of his words.

A. as

B. thus

C. so

D. like

89.According to psychologists, a person's attention is attracted _________by the intensity of different signals as by their context, significance, and information content.

A. not much so

B. not so much

C. so much not

D. so not much

90. _________their differences, the couple were developing an obvious and genuine affection for each other.

A. But for

B. For all

C. Above all

D. Except for

91.The chief reason for the population growth isn't so much a rise in birth rates_________a fall in death rates as a result of improvements in medical care.

A. and

B. as

C. but

D. rather than

92.The very essence of civil liberty consists in the right of every individual to claim the protection of laws,_________he receives an injury.

A. whenever

B. wherever

C. whatever

D. whereas

93. _________she was a talented amateur cook, whose specialty was rich, cream-filled gateaux and puddings, she decided to put that talent to work.

A. Seen that

B. Seeing that

C. So

D. When

94. _________she started to look for premises, she looked at the business property columns in the local paper.

A. Not sooner than

B. While

C. The moment

D. Hardly

95.Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may be found_________higher plants can survive.

A. there

B. where

C. somewhere

D. then

96. _________that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.

A. For

B. Now

C. Since

D. Despite

97.A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _________the guards discovered what had happened.

A. before

B. until

C. since

D. after

98.The more female faculty at a school, whether it is co-ed or single sex, the more_________a female student is to go on to postgraduate accomplishment, usually a higher degree.

A. possible

B. probable

C. alike

D. likely

99. _________all his varied modes of writing and the multiplicity of characters in his novel, the novelist and his work are of a piece.

A. At

B. For

C. In

D. On

100.A turtle differs from all other reptiles_________it has its body encased in a protective shell of its own.

A. for that

B. for what

C. in case

D. in that

101._________you are familiar with the author's ideas, try reading all the sections as quickly as you possibly can.

A. Now that

B. Ever since

C. So that

D. As long as

102.The songs of Bob Dylan are very popular among people, who regard him_________other musicians.

A. as more superior to

B. as superior than

C. as superior to

D. as more superior than

103.Scientists generally agree that the Earth's climate will warm up over the next 50 to 100 years_________it has warmed in the 20,000 years since the Ice Age.

A. as long as

B. as much as

C. as soon as

D. as well as

104.People throughout the world are eating_________meat per person as they did in 1945.

A. more than twice

B. twice as much

C. twice much as

D. twice more

105.The boy walked quietly into the room_________awake his room mates.

A. in order to not

B. so as not to

C. for not to

D. so as to

106.Let us hope that_________a nuclear war, the human race might still survive.

A. in relation to

B. in support of

C. in the case of

D. in the event of

107.No sooner had we started the experiment_________we stopped it because of the cut-off of water.

A. than

B. when

C. then

D. as

108. _________was the first fully successful transatlantic cable finally laid.

A. Not until 1866

B. Until 1866, just

C. Until 1866

D. In 1866, not until

109.This is an ideal site for a university_________it is far from the downtown area.

A. provided that

B. now that

C. so that

D. in that

110. _________, I will marry him all the same.

A. Were he rich or poor

B. Whether rich or poor

C. Being rich or poor

D. Be he rich or poor

111. Mercury differs from other industrial metals_________it is a liquid.

A. and that

B. but that

C. in that

D. for that

112.Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure _________.

A. than more on efficiency

B. and more efficiency

C. and more on efficiency

D. than efficiency

113.She is_________a musician than her brother.

A. much of

B. much as

C. more of

D. more as

114.The lower_________in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus.

A. the level of lighting

B. light level

C. leveling of light

D. lighting is level

115.Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone added to the system,_________the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.

A. so

B. so does

C. and it does

D. so does it

116.The heart is_________intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.

A. not so

B. not much

C. no more

D. much more

117.Melted iron is poured into the mixer much_________tea is poured into a cup from a teapot.

A. in the same way like

B. in the same way which

C. in the same way

D. in the same way as

118.There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, _________ they can limit how much water you drink.

A. much more than

B. no more than

C. no less than

D. any more than

119.The lenses in an optical microscope bend the light passing through a specimen to form an image of that specimen that is much larger _________ actually viewed.

A. than it

B. than the one

C. one than

D. than one which

120.Hydrogen is the fundamental element of the universe_________it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.

A. so that

B. but that

C. in that

D. provided that

121.The vocabulary and grammatical differences between British and American English are so trivial and few as hardly _________.

A. noticed

B. to be noticed

C. being noticed

D. to notice

122. _________recurring fear is out of proportion to any real danger, it is called a phobia.

A. When

B. Whereas

C. Which

D. Whether

123. _________no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was invented only once and then diffused to the rest of the world.

A. Even

B. But

C. Although

D. So

124.Human being are superior to animals_________they can use language as a tool to communicate.

A. for which

B. in which

C. for that

D. in that

125. _________earth scientists understand how and why earthquakes happen, forecasts are usually inaccurate.

A. As

B. While

C. For

D. Since

126._________, Sarah Orne Jewett, a nineteenth-century writer, read widely in her family's extensive library.

A. That she received little education formally

B. As she received little formal education

C. The little formal education that she received

D. Although she received little formal education

127.Gorillas are quiet animals,_________they are capable of making about 20 different sounds.

A. whether

B. which

C. even though

D. as well as

128. _________your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

A. As

B. Since

C. Provided

D. While

129. _________we have begun exploring in earnest, we are getting glimpses of how huge the questions are and how far from being answered.

A. That

B. Then

C. Now that

D. Now

130. _________that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.

A. So clever are the construction robots

B. So clever the construction robots are

C. Such construction robots are clever

D. Such clever construction robots are

131.The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as_________its soils and the water of its lakes, rivers and oceans.

A. are

B. do

C. is

D. has

132.Hippopotamuses,_________a great deal of time submerging in lakes or rivers, do not feed in the water.

A. spend

B. they spend

C. although they spend

D. which they spend

133. _________the Atlantic Ocean crosses the equator, the trade winds cause a flow of water to the west.

A. Where

B. And

C. That

D. At


134.Some of the(A) first aerial photographs(B) were taken from(C) a balloon while(D) the Civil War in the United States.

135.Since rats are destructive(A) and may carry(B) disease, therefore many(C) cities try to exterminate(D) them.

136.The southwestern portion(A) of the United States is a land of little(B) rain, and parts of it are too(C) dry that they are(D) called deserts.

137.The black(A) leopard is very(B) dark that its spots(C) are difficult to see(D).

138.The radio was of so(A) inferior quality that(B) I took it back(C) and asked for a better one(D).

139.Science fiction is any fiction dealing(A) with the future or with so(B) imaginative subjects as interstellar travel, life(C) on other planets, or(D) time travel.

140.The speaker claimed that no other(A) modern nation devotes so small(B) a portion of its wealth to public assistance and health than(C) the United States does(D).

141.The moon has a mass that is nearly one hundred times less(A) than the earth(B); in consequence, the force(C) of gravity at the moon's surface is only one-sixth of(D)that at the earth's surface.

142.Some insects(A) hear ultrasonic sounds(B) more than(C) two octaves than higher(D) human can.

143.Saturn is the second largest(A) planet after(B) Jupiter, with(C) a diameter nearly ten times those of(D) Earth.

144.It was not so much the many blows(A) he received for(B) the lack of fighting spirits that(C) led to his losing(D) the game.

145.Despite(A) fats and oils are nutritionally(B) important as(C) energy sources, medical research indicates(D) that saturated fats may contribute to hardening of the arteries.

146.Much although(A) I have traveled, I have never seen anyone to equal(B) her in thoroughness, whatever(C) the job(D).

147.Some psychologists believe that those who(A) are encouraged to be independent, responsible(B), and competent in childhood(C) are likely more than(D) others to become motivated to achieve.

148.Brown rice(A) has great(B) nutritional value(C) than white rice because the nutrient-rice outer layers of the rice kernel(D) are not removed from brown rice.

149.Although Christopher Columbus failed in(A) his original goal, the discoveries he did make(B) were as(C) important than the route to Asia he expected(D) to find.

150.Ice is less(A) denser(B) than the liquid(C) from which it(D) is formed.

151.Of(A) the many machines invented(B) in the late century, none(C) had a great(D) impact on the United States economy than the automobile.

一、根據(jù)兩個分句之間的邏輯關(guān)系, 填入相應(yīng)的連詞。

1.I've brought my umbrella because it's raining.

2.You don't need an umbrella unless it's raining.

3.I've brought my umbrella even though it's not raining.

4.I've brought my umbrella so that I don't get wet.

5.I've brought my umbrella in case it rains.

6.we'll stay here until it stops raining.

7.I intend to go for a walk this morning although it's raining.

8.I try hard to learn English though I don't seem to improve.

9.I find it difficult to believe a word he says as he never tells me the truth.

10.You see the lightning the moment it happens, but you hear the thunder later.


11-15: DBABB

16-20: DCBCC

21-25: BBCCD

26-30: CCADB

31-35: CBBBD

36-40: DABAC

41-45: BDABA

46-50: BADCA

51-53: DDD


54.正如我們用維生素和其他營養(yǎng)物滋補身體,我們也需要用好的思想豐富自己的心靈。(Just as..., so...)

55.科學是建立在事實基礎(chǔ)之上的,正如房屋是用磚塊砌成的;但是簡單的事實羅列不能稱之為科學, 就如同磚塊的堆砌不能成為房屋一樣。(not...any more than...)

56.就像我們想象不出只有一端的棍子一樣,我們也想象不出事情會無緣無故地發(fā)生。(not...any more than...)

57.一個民族的偉大不能由其人口數(shù)量而定,正像一個人的偉大不能由其高矮決定一樣。(no...more than...)

58.弗洛伊德對于心理學的意義,就像牛頓之于力學,達爾文之于生物學一樣。(A is to B what C is to D.)

59.壓力不可避免,但你也不一定非得深受其害。那么要想做到精神安寧、心胸開闊到底有何良方呢?秘訣在于我們自身都有克服消極情緒的內(nèi)在武器,這就是勇氣、樂觀、謙卑、幽默、直覺、容忍、寬恕、愛還有忍耐。這些內(nèi)在武器對我們心靈的作用, 就如同藥物對于我們身體一樣。(A is to B what C is to D.)


60-65: ACABCC

66-70: DDBAD

71-75: ACBBC

76-80: BACDC

81-85: ADDCD

86-90: BACBB

91-95: BABCB

96-100: BADBD

101-105: ACBBB

106-110: DAADD

111-115: CCCAB

116-120: CDDBC

121-125: BACDB

126-130: DCDCA

131-133: ACA


134. D/during

135. C/many

136. C/so

137. B/so

138. A/such

139. B/such

140. C/as

141. C/the earth's

142. D/higher than

143. D/that of

144. B/as

145. A/Though

146. A/Much as

147. D/more likely than

148. B/greater

149. C/more

150. B/dense

151. D/greater


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