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Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.





2、The proposal was endorsed by the majority Of members.





3、Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.





4、This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.

A.turned dead

B.passed by

C.carried away

D.become extinct

5、The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.





6、Three world—class tennis players came to contend for this title.





7、Come out.or I'll bust the door down.





8、The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.





9、The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years.





10、They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.





11、The contract between the two companies will expire soon.





12、The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.





13、She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.





14、Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.





15、The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.







Mau Piailug, Ocean Navigator

Mau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methods. In early 1976, Mau Piailug, a freshman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional Polynesian boat across 25, 000 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organized the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers (海員) in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populated by accident. At the time, Mau was the only man alive who know how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea.

He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way. The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did it without a compass or charts.

His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behavior of the waves and wind changed in different places. Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star.

The voyage proved that Hawaii's ftrst inhabitants came in a small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars. Mau himself became a keen teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the positions of the stars to his students, but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.

At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.



C.Not mentioned

17、Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti.



C.Not mentioned

18、Mau could not afford a compass or charts.



C.Not mentioned

19、Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.



C.Not mentioned

20、Mau used stones to memories where the stars were situated in the sky.



C.Not mentioned

21、The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.



C.Not mentioned

22、Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.



C.Not mentioned


23、 根據(jù)材料,回答23-31問(wèn)題。

Traffic Jams -- No End in Sight

1. Traffic congestion (擁堵) affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U. S. , commuters (通勤人員) spend an average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams,according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways of getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience,comfort and privacy.

2. The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centers thanks to congestion pricing.

3. Another way to reduce rush-hour traffic is for employers to implement flextime, which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy times can do their part by sharing cars. Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute ( work from home) so as to keep more cars off the road altogether.

4. Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers around or overcrowded city streets. But such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of them.

5. Other, more forward-thinking, planners know that more and more drivers and cars are taking to the roads every day, and they are unwilling to encourage more private automobiles whenpublic transport is so much better both for people and the environment. For this reason, the American government has decided to spend some $ 7 billion on helping to increase capacity on public-transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient technologies. But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny compared with the $ 50 billion being spent on roads and bridges.

Paragraph 1____

A.Changing work practice

B.Not doing enough

C.Closing city centers to traffic

D.A global problem

E.A solution which is no solution

F.Paying to get in

24、 Paragraph 2____

A.Changing work practice

B.Not doing enough

C.Closing city centers to traffic

D.A global problem

E.A solution which is no solution

F.Paying to get in

25、 Paragraph 3____

A.Changing work practice

B.Not doing enough

C.Closing city centers to traffic

D.A global problem

E.A solution which is no solution

F.Paying to get in

26、 Paragraph 4____

A.Changing work practice

B.Not doing enough

C.Closing city centers to traffic

D.A global problem

E.A solution which is no solution

F.Paying to get in

27、 Most American drivers think it convenient to____.

A.drive around

B.go by bus

C.travel regularly

D.encourage more private cars

E.spend more money

F.reduce traffic iams

28、 If charged high enough, some drivers may____to enter certain parts of town.

A.drive around

B.go by bus

C.travel regularly

D.encourage more private cars

E.spend more money

F.reduce traffic iams

29、 Building more roads is not an effective way to____.

A.drive around

B.go by bus

C.travel regularly

D.encourage more private cars

E.spend more money

F.reduce traffic iams

30、 The U. S. government has planned to____ updating public-transport systems.

A.drive around

B.go by bus

C.travel regularly

D.encourage more private cars

E.spend more money

F.reduce traffic iams



Why So Many Children

In many of the developing countries in Africa and Asia, the population is growing fast. The reason for this is simple: Women in these countries have a high birth rate from 3.0 to 7.13 children per woman. The majority of these women are poor, without the food or resources to care for their families. Why do they have so many children? Why don't they limit the size of their families? The answer may be that they often have no choice. There are several reasons for this.

One reason is economic. In a traditional agricultural economy, large families are helpful.Having more children means having more workers in the fields and someone to take care of the parents in old age. In an industrial economy, the situation is different. Many children do not help a family; instead, they are an expense. Thus, industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate. This was the case in Italy, which was industrialized quite recently and rapidly. In the early part of the twentieth century, Italy was a poor, largely agricultural country with a high birth rate. After World War II, Italy's economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized. By the end of the century, the birth rate had dropped to 1.3 children per woman, the world's lowest.

However, the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate. Saudi Arabia, for example, does not have an agriculture-based economy, and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world. Nevertheless, it also has a very high birth rate (7.0). Mexico and Indonesia, on the other hand, are poor countries, with largely agricultural economies, but they have recently reduced their population growth.

Clearly, other factors are involved. The most important of these is the condition of women.A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women.This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia. There, the traditional culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home. On the other hand, the improved condition of women in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries. Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women.

Another key factor in the birth rate is birth control. Women may want to limit their families but have no way to do so. In countries where governments have made birth control easily available and inexpensive, birth rates have gone down. This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, and Brazil. In these countries,women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.

These trends show that an effective program to reduce population growth does not have to depend on better economic conditions. It can be effective if it aims to help women and meet their needs. Only then, in fact, does it have any real chance of success.

In a traditional agricultural economy, a large family____

A.may limit income

B.can be an advantage

C.isn't necessary

D.is expensive

32、 When countries become industrialized____

A.the birth rate generally goes down

B.families often become larger

C.women usually decide not have a family

D.the population generally grows rapidly

33、 Italy today is an example of an____

A.agricultural country with a high birth rate

B.agricultural country with a low birth rate

C.industrialized country with a low birth rate

D.industrialized country with a high birth rate

34、 Saudi Arabia is mentioned in the passage because it shows tha____ t

A.the most important factor influencing birth rate is the economy

B.women who have a high income usually have few children

C.the birth rate depends on per capita income

D.factors other than the economy influence birth rate

35、In Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia, the government____

A.is not concerned about the status of women

B.has tried to improve the condition of women

C.has tried to industrialize the country rapidly

D.does not allow women to work outside the home


Making a Loss Is the Height of Fashion

Given that a good year in the haute couture (高級(jí)定制女裝) business is one where you lose even more money than usual, the prevailing mood in Paris last week was sensational. The big-name designers were falling over themselves to boast of how many outfits they had sold at below cost price, and how this proved that the fashion business was healthier than ever. Jean-Paul Gaultier reported record sales. "but we don't make any money out of it," the designer assured journalists backstage. "No matter how successful you are, you can't make a profit from couture," explained Jean-Jacques Picart, a veteran fashion PR man, and co-founder of the now-bankrupt Lacroix house.

Almost 20 years have passed since the unusual economics of the couture business were first exposed. Outraged that he was losing money on evening dresses costing tens of thousands of pounds, the couturier Jean-Louis Scherrer published of his costs. One outfit he described curtained over half a mile of gold thread, 18, 000 sequins (亮片), and had required hundreds of hours of hand-stitching in an atelier (制作室). A fair price would have been ~ 50, 000 , but the couturier could only get ~ 35, 000 for it. Rather than riding high on the foolishness of the super-rich, he and his team could barely feed their hungry families.

The result was an outcry and the first of a series of government and industry-sponsored inquiries into the surreal ( 超現(xiàn)實(shí)的) world of ultimate fashion. The trade continues to insist that couture offers you more than you pay for, but it's not as simple as that. When such a temple of old wealth starts talking about value for money. It isn't to convince anyone that dresses costing as much as houses are a bargain. Rather, it is to preserve the peculiar mystique (神秘), lucrative (利潤(rùn)豐厚的) associations and threatened interests that couture represents.

Essentially, the arguments couldn't be simpler. On one side are those who say that the business will die if it doesn't change. On the other are those who say it will die if it does. Huge in its costs, tiny in its clientele and questionable in its influence, it still remains one of the great themes of Parisian life. In his book, The Fashion Conspiracy, Nicholas Coleridge estimates that the entire couture industry rests on the whims (一時(shí)興起) of less than 30 immensely wealthy women, and although the number may have grown in recent years with the new prosperity of Asia, the number of couture customers worldwide is no more than 4, 000.

To qualify as couture, a garment must be entirely handmade by one of the 11 Paris couture houses registered to the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture. Each house must employ at least 20 people, and show a minimum of 75 new designs a year. So far, so traditional, but the Big Four operators -- Chanel, Dior, Givenchy and Gaultier -- increasingly use couture as a marketing device for their far more profitable ready-to-wear, fragrance and accessory lines.

What is the main idea of the first paragraph____ ?

A.The haute couture designers claim losses in their sales.

B.The haute couture business is expanding quickly.

C.The haute couture designers make much profit in their sales.

D.The haute couture businessmen are happy with their profit.

37、 According to the second paragraph, Jean-Louis Scherrer____

A.was in a worse financial position than other couturiers

B.was very angry as he was losing money

C.was one of the best-know couturiers

D.stopped producing haute couture dresses

38、 The writer says that the outfit Jean-Louis Scherrer described____

A.was worth the price that was paid for it

B.should have cost the customer than it did

C.cost more to make than it should have

D.was never sold to anyone

39、 The writer says in Paragraph 4 that there is disagreement over____

A.the future of haute couture

B.the history of haute couture

C.the real costs of haute couture

D.the changes that need to be made in haute couture

40、What is the writer's tone toward haute couture business____?

A.Somewhat ironical.

B.Quite supportive.

C.Fairly friendly.

D.Rather indifferent.


On the Trial of the Honey Badger

On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert, a team of researchers learn a lot more about honey badgers. The team employed a local wildlife expert Kitso Khama to help them locate and follow the badgers across the desert. Their main aim was to study the badgers' movements and behavior as discreetly (謹(jǐn)慎地) as possible without frightening them away or causing them to change their natural behavior. They also planned to trap a few and study them close up before releasing them in view of the animal's reputation; this was something that even Khama was reluctant to do.

"The problem with honey badgers is they are naturally curious animals, especially when they see something new," he says. "That, combined with their unpredictable nature, can be a dangerous mixture. If they sense you have food, for example, they won't be shy about coming right up to you for something to eat. They're actually quite sociable creatures around humans,but as soon as they feel they might be in danger, they can become extremely vicious (兇惡的). Fortunately this is rare, but it does happen. "

The research confirrned many things that were already known. As expected, honey badgers ate any creatures they could catch and kill. Even poisonous snakes, feared and avoided by most other animals, were not safe from them. The researchers were surprised, however, by the animal's fondness for local melons, probably because of their high water content. Preciously researchers thought that the animal got all of its liquid requirements from its prey (獵物). The team also learnt that, contrary to previous research findings, the badgers occasionally formed loose family groups. They were also able to confirm certain results from previous research,including the fact that female badgers never socialized with each other.

Following some of the male badgers was a challenge, since they can cover large distances in a short space of time. Some hunting territories cover more than 500 square kilometers.Although they seem happy to share these territories with other males, there are occasional fights over an important food source, and male badgers can be as aggressive towards each other as they are towards other species.

As the badgers became accustomed to the presence of people, it gave the team the chance to get up close to them without being the subject of the animal's curiosity -- or sudden aggression. The badgers' eating patterns, which had been disrupted, to normal. It also allowed the team to observe more closely some of the other creatures that form working associations with the honey badger, as these seemed to badgers' relaxed attitude when near humans.

Why did the wildlife experts visit the Kalahari Desert____?

A.To find where honey badgers live.

B.To catch some honey badgers for food.

C.To find out why honey badgers have a bad reputation.

D.To observe how honey badgers behave.

42、 What does Kitso Khama say about honey badgers____?

A.They are always looking for food.

B.They do not enjoy human company.

C.It is common for them to attack people.

D.They show interest in things they are not familiar with.

43、 What did the team find out about honey badgers____?

A.There were some creatures they did not eat.

B.They were afraid of poisonous creatures.

C.Female badgers did not mix with male badgers.

D.They may get some of the water they needed from fruit.

44、 Which of the following is a typical feature of male badgers____?

A.They don't run very quickly.

B.They defend their territory from other badgers.

C.They hunt over a very large area.

D.They are more aggressive than females.

45、What happened when honey badgers got used to humans around them____?

A.They lost interest in people.

B.They became less aggressive towards other creatures.

C.They started eating more.

D.Other animals started working with them.



Toads are Arthritis and in Pain

Arthritis is an illness that Can cause pain and swelling in your bones. Toads, a big problem in the north of Australia, are suffering from painful arthritis in their legs and backbone, a new study has shown. The toads that jump the fastest are more likely to be larger and to have longer legs. ____ (46) ____

The large yellow toads, native to South and Central America, were introduced into the north-eastern Australian state of Queensland in 1935 in an attempt to stop beetles and other insects from destroying sugarcane crops. Now up to 200 million of the poisonous toads exist in the country, and they are rapidly spreading through the state of Northern Territory at a rate of up to 60 km a year. The toads can now be found across more than one million square kilometers.____ (47) ____A Venezuelan poison virus was tried in the 1990s but had to be abandoned after it was found to also kill native frog species.

The toads have severely affected ecosystems in Australia. Animals, and sometimes pets,that eat the toads die immediately from their poison, and the toads themselves eat anything they can fit inside their mouth. ____ (48) ____

A co-author of the new study, Rick Shine, a professor at the University of Sydney, says that little attention has been given to the problems that toads face. Rick and hiscolleagues studied nearly 500 toads from Queensland and the Northern Territory and found that those in the latter state were very different. They were active, sprinting down roads and breeding quickly.

According to the results of the study, the fastest toads travel nearly one kilometer a night. ____ (49) ____But speed and strength come at a price -- arthritis of the legs and backbone due to constant pressure placed on them.

In laboratory tests, the researchers found that after about 15 minutes of hopping, arthritic toads would travel less distance with each hop (跳躍). ____ (50) ____These toads are so programmed to move, apparently, that even when in pain the toads travelled as fast and as far as the healthy ones, continuing their relentless march across the landscape.


A.But this advantage also has a big drawback up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer from arthritis.

B.The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.

C.But arthritis didn't slow down toads outside the laboratory.

D.Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances while the others are being left behind.

E.Toads are not built to be road runners -- they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.

F.Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.

47、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(47)__處填上正確答案。

A.But this advantage also has a big drawback up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer from arthritis.

B.The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.

C.But arthritis didn't slow down toads outside the laboratory.

D.Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances while the others are being left behind.

E.Toads are not built to be road runners -- they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.

F.Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.

48、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(48)__處填上正確答案。

A.But this advantage also has a big drawback up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer from arthritis.

B.The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.

C.But arthritis didn't slow down toads outside the laboratory.

D.Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances while the others are being left behind.

E.Toads are not built to be road runners -- they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.

F.Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.

49、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(49)__處填上正確答案。

A.But this advantage also has a big drawback up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer from arthritis.

B.The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.

C.But arthritis didn't slow down toads outside the laboratory.

D.Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances while the others are being left behind.

E.Toads are not built to be road runners -- they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.

F.Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.


A.But this advantage also has a big drawback up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer from arthritis.

B.The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.

C.But arthritis didn't slow down toads outside the laboratory.

D.Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances while the others are being left behind.

E.Toads are not built to be road runners -- they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.

F.Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.



Family History

In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being attracted to the____ (51) ____of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by____ (52) ____their own family history. They can try to____ (53) ____out more about where their families carne from and what they did. This is now a fast-growing hobby, especially in countries____ (54) ____a fairy short history, like Australia and the United States.

It is one thing to spend some time____ (55) ____through a book on family history and to ____ (56) ____the decision to investigate your own family's past. It is quite another to____ (57) ____out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganised____ (58) ____and cause yourself many problems which could have been ____ (59) ____ with a little forward planning.

If your own family stories tell you. ____ (60) ____you are connected with a famous character,whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take____ (61)____your research. Just treat it as an interesting ____ (62) ____. A simple system with collecting and storing your information will be adequate to____ (63) ____ with; a more complex one may only get in your ____ (64) ____ The most important thing, though, is to get started. Who____ (65) ____what you might find?






52、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(52)__處填上正確答案。



C.investigating ~


53、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(53)__處填上正確答案。





54、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(54)__處填上正確答案。





55、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(55)__處填上正確答案。





56、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(56)__處填上正確答案。





57、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(57)__處填上正確答案。





58、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(58)__處填上正確答案。





59、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(59)__處填上正確答案。





60、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(60)__處填上正確答案。





61、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(61)__處填上正確答案。





62、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(62)__處填上正確答案。





63、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(63)__處填上正確答案。





64、 請(qǐng)?jiān)诘赺_(64)__處填上正確答案。












1. A


【題 干】尊重生命是法律的一個(gè)根本的原則。



2. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】提案得到了多數(shù)成員的贊同。



3. D

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】許多專家對(duì)他的聲明仍舊持懷疑態(tài)度。

【解 析】考查形容詞。劃線詞skeptical意為“懷疑的”,與doubtful為同義詞,故正確答案為D。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】-ful表示形容詞,如doubtful(懷疑的),sticcessful(成功的),hopeful (有希望的)

4. D

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】這個(gè)物種幾乎快滅絕了,因?yàn)樗臈⒌卣艿狡茐摹?/p>

【解析】考查短語(yǔ)。劃線詞die out意為“滅絕,消失”,與become extinct為同義詞,故答案為D。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】die off(相繼死去),die of/from(死于),die away(減弱,消失)。

5. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)時(shí)期所用的交流方法都很簡(jiǎn)單。



6. D

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】三名世界級(jí)網(wǎng)球選手來(lái)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)這個(gè)冠軍。

【解 析】考查動(dòng)詞。劃線詞contend意為“競(jìng)爭(zhēng),斗爭(zhēng)”,與compete為近義詞,所以答案為D。

7. D

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】快出來(lái),不然我破門而入了。

【解 析】考查短語(yǔ)。該題表面是考動(dòng)詞burst,實(shí)際上是考查短語(yǔ)burst down,意為 “損毀,破裂”,在意思上與break down比較接近,所以正確答案為D。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】break out(爆發(fā)),break up(分解,解散,打碎),break away(打破,脫離),break into(闖入,破門而人)

8. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】這些規(guī)則太死板而不允許人犯錯(cuò)。

【解 析】考查形容詞。劃線詞rigid意為“嚴(yán)格的,死板的”,與inflexible為近義詞,故正確答案為C。


9. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】這座塔在兩百年后依然保持完好無(wú)損。

【解析】考查形容詞。劃線詞intact意為“完整的,原封不動(dòng)的,未受損害的”, 與undamaged在語(yǔ)義上一致,故正確答案為B。


10. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】他們好像不在意問(wèn)題的重要性。

【解 析】考查名詞。劃線詞magnitude意為“重要,大小,強(qiáng)度”,與importance為近義詞,故答案為C。

11. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】?jī)晒局g的合同很快就要到期了。

【解 析】考查動(dòng)詞。劃線詞意為expire“終止,期滿”,與end在語(yǔ)義上一致,故C為正確答案。

12. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】飲用水已經(jīng)受到鉛污染了。


13. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】她在女兒的婚禮上落淚了。

【解析】考查動(dòng)詞。劃線詞“shed”意為“流出,脫落”,因而shed tears為“流淚”,與produce在語(yǔ)義上比較接近,所以答案為A。


14. D

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】關(guān)于他財(cái)務(wù)問(wèn)題的謠言開(kāi)始流傳。


15. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】警察對(duì)城鎮(zhèn)的這一帶要保持警覺(jué)。

【解 析】考查形容詞。劃線詞wary意為“謹(jǐn)慎的,機(jī)警的”,與cautious在語(yǔ)義上比較接近。故答案為A。



16. A


【題 干】航行時(shí),Mau有其獨(dú)特的導(dǎo)航技術(shù)。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞voyage,Mau和navigation等可以定位第一段“At me time,Mau was the only man alive who know how to navigate just by observing the stars,the wind and the sea.”,即“當(dāng)時(shí),Mau是唯一知道如何通過(guò)觀察星星、風(fēng)與海來(lái)航行的人”,由此可知題干信息與原句信息一致,故答案為A。

17. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】Mau對(duì)Tahiti附近的海域很熟悉。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞familiar和Tahiti等可以定位到第二段“He had never before sailed to Tahiti,which was long way to the south”,即“他從未航行到Tahiti,因?yàn)榫嚯x很遠(yuǎn)”。由此可知,題干信息與原句信息不一致,故答案為B。

18. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】Mau買不起指南針和地圖。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞compass和charts進(jìn)行定位,可以定位到第二段“he did it without a compass or charts”,即“Mau在沒(méi)有羅盤或圖表的情況下進(jìn)行航行”,但沒(méi)有提及他是不是買不起,所以答案為C。


19. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】Mau從其爺爺那里學(xué)到航海技術(shù)。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞learn和grandfather等可以定位到第三段“His grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby”,即“當(dāng)他還是孩子的時(shí)候,他爺爺就開(kāi)始教他如何航海”,由此可知,題干信息與原句信息一致,故答案為A。

20. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】Mau用石頭來(lái)記憶星星在天空中的位置。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞stone,position of stars等可以定位到第三段“Later,Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the position of the stars”,即“后來(lái),Mau用一圈石頭來(lái)記憶星星的位置”。由此可知,題干信息與原句信息一致,故答案為A。

21. C

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】夏威夷的第一批居民有讀寫能力。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞first inhabits,write和read等可以定位到最后一段“The vovage proved that Hawaii’S first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars”,即“夏威夷的第一批居民坐小船而來(lái),通過(guò)觀察(閱讀)海洋和星星來(lái)航行”,但沒(méi)有提及他們是否讀寫能力,故答案為C。

22. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】Mau希望他的學(xué)生能馬上記住星星的位置。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞Hill,Barton,color,sport等可以定位到最后一段“…he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done”,即“Mau讓他的學(xué)生寫下來(lái),因?yàn)樗浪麄儾荒芟袼粯佑涀∷械臇|西”。由此可知,題干信息與原句信息不一致,故答案為B。


23. D




24. F

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】第二段的段落大意為_(kāi)___。



25. A

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】第三段的段落大意為_(kāi)___。




26. E

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】第四段的段落大意為_(kāi)___。

【解 析】第四段的首句為“有些城市規(guī)劃者認(rèn)為緩解交通擁擠的最好辦法是建更多的路”,而第二個(gè)句子是以“but”放在句首,所以重點(diǎn)就轉(zhuǎn)向第二個(gè)句子,即“這個(gè)技術(shù)不能真地讓車遠(yuǎn)離道路,反而只能是容納更多的車”所以E(一個(gè)不能解決問(wèn)題的方案)為正確答案。

27. A

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】多數(shù)的美國(guó)司機(jī)認(rèn)為_(kāi)___是方便的。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞American drivers和convenient等可以定位到第一段“In the U.S.,…most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience…”,即“在美國(guó),多數(shù)人仍舊選擇開(kāi)自己的車因?yàn)樗麄儗で蠓奖?hellip;…”,所以答案為A(開(kāi)車到處跑)。

28. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】如果收費(fèi)足夠高,許多司機(jī)可能____進(jìn)人城鎮(zhèn)的特定區(qū)域。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞charge和certain parts of town等可以定位到根據(jù)第二段 “In theory,if the toll is high enough,some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train.”即“理論上,如果收費(fèi)足夠高,有些司機(jī)將會(huì)取消他們的行程或者乘坐公交或火車。”所以為B(坐公交)為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】in theory=theoretically理論上;in practice=practically在實(shí)踐上

29. F

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】建設(shè)更多的路不是____的有效方法。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞building roads等可以定位到根據(jù)第四段“Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads”,即“有些城市規(guī)劃者認(rèn)為緩解交通擁擠的最好辦法是建更多的路”,所以F(緩解交通擁擠)為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】traffic jam(交通擁擠,交通堵塞);rush hour(交通擁擠時(shí)間,上下班高峰期)

30. E

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】美國(guó)政府計(jì)劃通過(guò)____來(lái)升級(jí)公共交通系統(tǒng)。

【解 析】利用題干關(guān)鍵詞government和public—transport system等可以定位到根據(jù)第五段“the American government has decided to spend some$7 billion on helping to increase capacity on pubfic-transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient technologies”,即“美國(guó)政府決定花費(fèi)70億美元來(lái)提高公用交通系統(tǒng)的通行量,并使用更有效技術(shù)對(duì)其進(jìn)行升級(jí)”,所以E (花費(fèi)更多錢)為正確答案。


31. B


【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞traditional agriculture economy和a large family等可以定位到第二段“In a traditional agricultural economy,large families are helpful”,即“在傳統(tǒng)農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)中,大家庭是有益的”,所以B為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】細(xì)節(jié)題的關(guān)鍵就是利用題干或選項(xiàng)的關(guān)鍵詞在原文中定位到相關(guān)的原句。核心詞匯traditional(adj.傳統(tǒng)的),economy(n.經(jīng)濟(jì)),agricultural (adj.農(nóng)業(yè)的,名詞為agriculture)

32. A

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】當(dāng)國(guó)家變成工業(yè)化國(guó)家時(shí),____ 。

【解析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞industrialize等可以定位到第二段“In an industrial economy,the situation is different.Many children do not help a family;instead,they are an expense.Thus,industrialization has generally brought down the birth rate”,即“在工業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)中,情況是不同的。許多孩子不能幫助家庭,相反,還增加家庭的花費(fèi)。因此,工業(yè)化通常會(huì)降低出生率”,所以A為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】bring down(降低,減少),bring about(引起,導(dǎo)致),bring up(提出,撫養(yǎng))

33. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】今天的意大利是一個(gè)____的例子。

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞Italy和選項(xiàng)關(guān)鍵詞birth rate等可以定位到第二段“After World War Il,Italy’S economy was rapidly modernized and industrialized.By the end of the century,the birth rate had dropped t0 1.3children per woman,the world’S lowest”,即“二戰(zhàn)后,意大利經(jīng)濟(jì)快速現(xiàn)代化和工業(yè)化。到20世紀(jì)末,其出生率降到平均每個(gè)婦女l.3個(gè)孩子,是世界上最低的”,由此可知意大利是個(gè)工業(yè)化國(guó)家且出生率很低,所以C為正確答案。

34. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】文中提到沙特阿拉伯是因?yàn)樗砻髁薩___。

【解 析】例證題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞“Saudi Arabia”定位到第三段“Saudi Arabia,for example,does not have an agriculture-based economy,and it has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.Nevertheless,it also has a very high birth rate(7.0).”即“例如,沙特阿拉伯沒(méi)有基于農(nóng)業(yè)的經(jīng)濟(jì),并且其人均收入是全世界最高的,它也有很高的出生率。”這里需要指出的是,“for example”表示舉例,而舉例的目的是為了證明某個(gè)觀點(diǎn),因?yàn)檫€得關(guān)注例子前后的論點(diǎn),這里則是關(guān)注例子前的論點(diǎn)“However,the economy is not the only important factor that influences birth rate”,即“經(jīng)濟(jì)不是影響出生率的唯一重要因素”,而沙特阿拉伯的例子就是為了證明這個(gè)論點(diǎn)才舉例的,所以D為正確答案。


35. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】在墨西哥、泰國(guó)和印度尼西亞,政府——。

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞Mexic0,Thailand和Indonesia等可以定位到第四段“the improved condition of women in Mexic0,Thailand,and Indonesia explains the decline in birth rates in these countries.Their governments have taken measures to provide more education and opportunities for women”,即 “墨西哥、泰國(guó)和印度尼西亞等國(guó)家女性地位的改善解釋了其出生率的下降。他們的政府都采取措施給女性提供更多的教育和機(jī)會(huì)”,所以B為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】take measures(采取措施),take actions(采取行動(dòng))

36. A


【題 干】第一段的中心大意為。

【解 析】主旨題。段落的中心大意要找段落的主題句,而段落的主題句一般是首句或者尾句。第一段的主題句是首句,即“如果說(shuō)高級(jí)定制女裝的黃金時(shí)期是你花費(fèi)了比平時(shí)更多的錢,那么上周籠罩巴黎的氣氛就是聳人聽(tīng)聞的”,由此可知,高級(jí)定制女裝的生意不好,再?gòu)亩温淦渌渥涌芍?,很多衣服都是低于成本價(jià)出售的,所以A為正確答案。


37. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】根據(jù)第二段,Jean-Louis Scherrer。

【解析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞Jean—Louis Scherrer等可以定位到第二段 “Outraged that he was losing money on evening dresses costing tens of thousands of pounds,the couturier Jean-Louis Scherrer published of his costs”,即“Jean—Louis Schemer公布其制作成本,令他憤怒的是他投資了上萬(wàn)英鎊的晚禮服正在賠錢”,所以B為正確答案。

38. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】作者認(rèn)為Jean-Louis Scherrer所描述的高級(jí)女裝____。

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞outfit,Jean—Louis Schemer和describe等可以定位到第三段“0ne outfit he described…A fair price would have been£50,000,but the couturier could only get£35,000 for it.Rather than riding high on the foolishness of the super—rich,he and his team could barely feed their hungry families”,可知“Jean—Louis所描述的一件服裝……公平的價(jià)格本應(yīng)為5萬(wàn)英鎊,但實(shí)際只能獲得3.5萬(wàn)英鎊。他和他的團(tuán)隊(duì)沒(méi)有洋洋得意于有錢人的愚蠢(即賺了有錢人很多錢),反而幾乎都不能喂養(yǎng)他們饑餓的家人了(即連成本都不能回收)”,由此可知,作者認(rèn)為本來(lái)設(shè)計(jì)師是要大把從有錢人身上賺錢,結(jié)果這件衣服所收取的價(jià)格都不足以支付成本,更不用提獲利了,所以B為正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】ride high(得意洋洋),fair price(公平的價(jià)格),barely(幾乎不,僅僅)

39. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】作者在第四段中提到關(guān)于____存在不同意見(jiàn)。

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。根據(jù)文中第四段第二句“On one side are those who say that the business will die if it doesn’t change.On the other are those who say it will die if it does”,即“一方是那些認(rèn)為如果不改革那么這個(gè)行業(yè)就會(huì)消亡的人,另一方是那些認(rèn)為如果改革就會(huì)消亡的人”,可見(jiàn)雙方爭(zhēng)論的是高級(jí)定制女裝的行業(yè)是否要改革,故D是正確答案。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】On one side…on the other side…(一方……另一方……),on one hand…on the other hand…(一方面……另一方面)

40. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】作者對(duì)高級(jí)定制女裝的態(tài)度是什么?

【解 析】態(tài)度題。作者在文章提到高級(jí)女裝時(shí),認(rèn)為“Huge in its costs,tiny in its clientele and questionable in its influence(成本高,客戶少而且影響也有問(wèn)題)”“so far,SO traditional(太傳統(tǒng))”可見(jiàn)作者的態(tài)度是負(fù)面的,所以A是正確答案。


41. D


【題 干】為什么野生動(dòng)物專家要去Kalahari沙漠?

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞wildlife expert和Kalahari Desert可以定位到第一段“On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert,a team of researchers learn a lot more about honey badgers.The team employed a local wildlife expert Kitso Khama tO help them locate and follow the badgers across the desert.Their main aim was to study the badgers’movements and behavior”,可知其主要目的是“研究蜜獾的行動(dòng)和行為”,所以D為正確答案。

42. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】關(guān)于蜜獾,Kitso Khama說(shuō)了些什么?

【解析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞Kitso Khama等可以定位到第二段“the problem witll honey badgers is they are naturally curious animals.especially when they see something new,”he says.“That,combined with their unpredictable nature,Can be a dangerous mixture.If they sense you have food,for example,they won’t be shy about coming right up to you for something tO eat.They’re actually quite sociable creatures around humans,but as soon as they feel they might be in danger,they call become extremely vicious(兇惡的).Fortunately this is rare,but it does happen.”即“蜜獾的問(wèn)題在于他們天生是好奇的動(dòng)物,特別是他們看見(jiàn)新東西的時(shí)候。這種好奇心加上其難以預(yù)測(cè)的本性就成了危險(xiǎn)因素。如果它們感覺(jué)到你有食物,它們就不會(huì)害羞而是直接跑到你面前要東西吃。它們實(shí)際上是人類周圍中非常友善的動(dòng)物,但是一旦它們感到有危險(xiǎn),它們就變得異常兇惡。”由此可知,A沒(méi)有提到,B和c和原文都不一致,所以正確答案為D。


43. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】這個(gè)研究小組發(fā)現(xiàn)了有關(guān)蜜獾的什么?

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞進(jìn)行定位,發(fā)現(xiàn)無(wú)法確定相關(guān)的原句子,這時(shí)候可以改為定位選項(xiàng)的關(guān)鍵詞。分別定位四個(gè)選項(xiàng)的關(guān)鍵詞,可以定位到第三段“As expected,honey badgers ate any creatures they could catch and kill.Even poisonous snakes,feared and avoided by most other animals,were not safe from them”,可知“蜜獾吃任何它們能抓住和殺死的動(dòng)物。

甚至像多數(shù)動(dòng)物害怕和躲避的毒蛇,碰到它們時(shí)也不安全,會(huì)被吃掉”,由此可知A和B是錯(cuò)誤的,而“They were also able to confirm certain results from previous research,including the fact that female badgers never socialized with each other.”即“他們確認(rèn)了以前研究的結(jié)果,包括雌性蜜獾彼此之間從不交往。”由此可知C也是錯(cuò)的,利用排除法可知正確答案為D 。同時(shí)“he researchers were surprised,however,by the animal’s fondness for local melons.probably because of their high water content”可知蜜獾喜歡吃當(dāng)?shù)氐奈鞴?,可能因?yàn)槲鞴现休^多的水分含量”。由此進(jìn)一步確認(rèn)正確答案為D。


44. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】下列哪一個(gè)是雄性蜜獾的典型特征?

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題干關(guān)鍵詞和a large family等可以定位到第四段第一句 “Following some of the male badgers was a challenge,since they Can cover large distances in a short space of time”,即“雄性蜜獾是個(gè)挑戰(zhàn),因?yàn)樗麄兡茉诤芏虝r(shí)間內(nèi)在很大的區(qū)域內(nèi)活動(dòng)”,由此可知,C是正確答案。

45. A

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】當(dāng)蜜獾習(xí)慣了周圍有人后會(huì)怎么樣?

【解 析】細(xì)節(jié)題。利用題目順序與段落順序一致的原則和題干關(guān)鍵詞be used to可以定位到最后一段“As the badgers became accustomed to the presence of people,it gave the team the chance to get up close to them without being the subject of the animals’curiosity—or a sudden aggression”,即“當(dāng)蜜獾習(xí)慣于周圍有人存在的時(shí)候,人就可以接近它們,而它們也對(duì)人不再好奇或突然進(jìn)攻”。故A是正確答案。而且從42題可知,他們只是對(duì)不熟悉的東西好奇。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】be/get used to(習(xí)慣于),be/get accustomed to(習(xí)慣于)


46. A


【解 析】從原文來(lái)看,第一段的首句要說(shuō)關(guān)節(jié)疾病(arthritis)的危害??瞻滋幥懊嬉痪渲v到那種腿長(zhǎng)的大蟾蜍跳得快,空白處后應(yīng)該接著談蟾蜍的這種腿長(zhǎng)優(yōu)勢(shì),所以A(但是這個(gè)優(yōu)勢(shì)也有一個(gè)大的缺陷,即近10%的蟾蜍會(huì)得關(guān)節(jié)疾病)比較合適,不僅接著談長(zhǎng)腿的優(yōu)勢(shì),同時(shí)也點(diǎn)出了關(guān)節(jié)病的主題詞。


47. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【解 析】從原文來(lái)看,空白處前面一句講的是蟾蜍現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)蔓延到超過(guò)100萬(wàn)平方公里的區(qū)域,說(shuō)明蟾蜍開(kāi)始泛濫,而空白處后一句說(shuō)的是一種委內(nèi)瑞拉病毒在90年代開(kāi)始用來(lái)消滅蟾蜍,但之后發(fā)現(xiàn)也殺死本地的青蛙物種就不得不放棄了,所以空格填入與消除蟾蜍有關(guān)的選項(xiàng),故B(現(xiàn)在這個(gè)國(guó)家面臨的任務(wù)就是如何消除蟾蜍)符合原文。

48. F

系統(tǒng)解析: 【解 析】從原文來(lái)看,第三段的首句說(shuō)蟾蜍嚴(yán)重影響了澳大利亞的生態(tài)環(huán)境??瞻滋幥懊嬉痪渲v到吃蟾蜍的動(dòng)物和寵物都被毒死了,而且蟾蜍吃掉了能吃的一切??崭裉钊肱c生態(tài)環(huán)境受到蟾蜍影響有關(guān)的語(yǔ)句,故F(并且,它們很快就占據(jù)了澳大利亞本地物種的自然棲息地)是正確答案。

49. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【解 析】從原文來(lái)看,空白處前面一句講到研究結(jié)果表明最快的蟾蜍一個(gè)晚上能跑近l公里??瞻滋幒笠痪渲v的是這種速度和力量卻是要付出代價(jià)的。因此,空白處談?wù)摰倪€是有關(guān)速度的話題,所以D(長(zhǎng)腿的蟾蜍移動(dòng)較快并能移動(dòng)較長(zhǎng)的距離,而其他則落后)比較符合原文語(yǔ)意。

50. C



51. A



【解 析】考查名詞。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,發(fā)現(xiàn)idea比較適合原文的語(yǔ)境,所以答案為C。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】look back(回顧,回想),look forward to(盼望,期望),look up(往上看,查詢),look down Oil(輕視,看不起),look for(尋找),look after (照顧,照料)

52. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】他們可以這樣做的方式之一就是____他們的家族史。


53. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】他們?cè)噲D更多有關(guān)家族的起源以及家族做什么的(信息)。

【解 析】考查固定短語(yǔ)。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,發(fā)現(xiàn)find out比較符合原文的語(yǔ)境。所以答案為B。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】"動(dòng)詞+out'’組成的短語(yǔ),一般都有“出來(lái);完,結(jié)束”的意思,其他還有l(wèi)ook out(往外看,小心);watch out(小心);work out(想出,解決),drink out(喝光);take out(拿出來(lái))

54. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】這是現(xiàn)在快速發(fā)展的一個(gè)愛(ài)好,特別是在——較短歷史的國(guó)家,如澳大利亞和美國(guó)。

【解 析】考介詞。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,發(fā)現(xiàn)with(表示伴隨)比較符合原文的語(yǔ)境,所以答案為D。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】 with組成的高頻短語(yǔ)有do with/deal with/cope with(應(yīng)對(duì),處理),start/end with(以……開(kāi)始/結(jié)束),put up with(忍受),keep up with (跟上,保持),stand with(堅(jiān)持,與……一致)

55. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】花時(shí)間一本有關(guān)家族史的書(shū)和——決定去調(diào)查家族的過(guò)去是一方面。

【解 析】考查固定短語(yǔ)。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,90 through a book比較符合邏輯,所以答案為B。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】①特殊句型“it is+形容詞/名詞+to do”,這里“it”為形式主語(yǔ),真正的主語(yǔ)是后面的“to do”;②該句中出現(xiàn)了“investigate”與52題的正確答案一致,由此提示考生,完形填空中窒白處要填寫的詞有可能在上下文中出現(xiàn)

56. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】花時(shí)間——一本有關(guān)家族史的書(shū)和——決定去調(diào)查家族的過(guò)去是一方面。

【解 析】考查固定短語(yǔ)make decision,意為“做決定”,所以答案為D。。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】make組成高頻短語(yǔ)還有make full use of(充分利用),make money(賺錢),make up one’s mind(下定決心)

57. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】成功的——研究是另一方面。

【解 析】考查固定短語(yǔ)。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,carry out the research(開(kāi)展研究)比較邏輯和上下文語(yǔ)境,所以答案為C。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】it is one thin9…it is another thin9…(一方面……另一方面;一回事……另一回事)

58. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】以無(wú)條理的____開(kāi)始并引起很多問(wèn)題是很容易發(fā)生的。



59. A

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】……引起許多問(wèn)題,這些問(wèn)題有一點(diǎn)前期的計(jì)劃就可以被____。


60. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】如果你的家族故事告訴你____你與某個(gè)著名的人有關(guān),無(wú)論是英雄還是罪犯……

【解 析】考查賓語(yǔ)從句。you are connected with a famous character是做tell的賓語(yǔ)從句,而且從句本身為陳述句,所以用that引導(dǎo)。


I will tell w—ho will get the job.

I will tell w—h—at you should do next.

I will tell w—h—ere you Can buy it.

I will tell w—he—ther you can go there or not,

61. D

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】……不要讓這種想法____你的研究。


【考點(diǎn)延伸】take in(吸收,拿回),take out(拿出),take on(呈現(xiàn),承擔(dān))

62. A

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題干】?jī)H僅把它當(dāng)做____。

【解 析】考查名詞。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,an interesting possibility“一個(gè)有趣的可能事件”符合句意,而an interesting reason/question/example“一個(gè)有趣的理由/問(wèn)題/例子”均不符合句意。故A為正確選項(xiàng)。

63. B

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的用來(lái)搜集和存儲(chǔ)信息的系統(tǒng)就足以____。

【解 析】考查動(dòng)詞。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,start with“以……開(kāi)始”比較符合原文的語(yǔ)境,所以正確答案為B。

64. C

系統(tǒng)解析: 【題 干】一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的用來(lái)搜集和存儲(chǔ)信息的系統(tǒng)就足以開(kāi)始,而一個(gè)復(fù)雜的系統(tǒng)則可能只會(huì)讓你____。

【解 析】考查固定短語(yǔ)。get in the way意為“妨礙,阻礙”比較符合原文的語(yǔ)境,所以答案為C。

【考點(diǎn)延伸】get in the side“進(jìn)入……一方”,get in way“妨礙,成為障礙”,get in the track“進(jìn)入軌道”。

65. B

系統(tǒng)解析:【題 干】盡管開(kāi)頭是最重要的事情,但誰(shuí)____你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)什么呢?

【解 析】考查動(dòng)詞。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)分別代入,knows比較符合原文的邏輯,所以答案為B.


瘋狂英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法 新概念英語(yǔ) 走遍美國(guó) 四級(jí)聽(tīng)力 英語(yǔ)音標(biāo) 英語(yǔ)入門 發(fā)音 美語(yǔ) 四級(jí) 新東方 七年級(jí) 賴世雄 zero是什么意思淮安市二中學(xué)校門口英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)交流群

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