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常用財經(jīng)詞匯表:F, f





常用財經(jīng)詞匯表:F, f

fair dealing 公平交易

fair market value 公平市值

fair return 合理利潤;合理收益

fall back 回落

false accounting 偽造賬目

false entry 虛假記項

false market 假市

family income 家庭收入

family living expenses 家庭生活開支

family-owned company 家族公司

fast market 快市;速動市場

fast trading 交投暢旺

favourable balance 順差

fiduciary 受信人;受托人

fiduciary duty 受信責(zé)任

fiduciary issue 信用發(fā)行

fiduciary loan 信用放款;信用貸款

field audit 實地審查〔稅務(wù)〕

final settlement 最終結(jié)算

final settlement price 最終結(jié)算價格

final statement 決算表

final tax 最后稅款

finance 財務(wù);融資

finance company 財務(wù)公司

financial community 財經(jīng)界

financial conglomerate 金融集團(tuán)

financial constraint 財政約束

financial contract 財務(wù)合約

financial derivative 金融衍生工具

financial disclosure 財務(wù)資料披露

financial exposure 財務(wù)風(fēng)險

financial futures 金融期貨

financial guideline 財政準(zhǔn)則

financial integrity 財政方面的穩(wěn)健性

financial intermediary 金融中介機(jī)構(gòu)

financial journalist 財經(jīng)新聞工作者

financial loss 財政損失

financial management 財務(wù)管理

financial market 金融市場

financial model 財政模式

fine 罰款

fineness 純度;成色

fine-tuning 精確調(diào)整;仔細(xì)修訂

fire insurance 火險

fire risk 火險

firm 商號;事務(wù)所

firm market 市況堅挺

firm name 商號名稱

firm quotation 實價

firm up 回升;轉(zhuǎn)強(qiáng)

first and paramount lien 首要留置權(quán)

first buy order 首次買盤

first calculation 第一計算法

First Fund 第一基金

first legal mortgage 首次法律按揭

fiscal policy 財政政策

fiscal reason 財政理由

fiscal requirement 財政需求

fiscal reserve 財政儲備

fiscal system 財政制度

fiscal year 會計年度;財政年度

fisheries loan 漁業(yè)貸款

fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)

fixed capital formation 固定資本形成

fixed charge 固定費用;固定押記

fixed concessionary rate 固定優(yōu)惠率

fixed cost 固定成本

fixed deposit account 定期存款賬戶

fixed exchange rate 固定匯率

fixed interest investment 定息投資

flat rate charge 劃一收費

flexibility arrangement 彈性措施

floating charge 浮動押記

floating loss 浮動損失;浮動虧損

floating profit 浮動利潤

floating rate 浮動利率;浮動匯率

floating rate bond 浮息債券

floating rate liabilities 浮動利率負(fù)債

floating rate regime 浮動匯率制度

floor broker 出市經(jīng)紀(jì)

floor ticket 交易所買賣單

floor trader 出市代表;出市員

flow chart 流程圖

fluctuating overdraft 不定數(shù)額透支

fluctuation 波動

folio of ledger 分類賬

foolproof system 萬全辦法

forecast figure 預(yù)測數(shù)字

forecast period 預(yù)測期

forecast return 預(yù)測報表

forecast submission 呈報預(yù)測

forecast year 預(yù)測年度

foreclosure 止贖權(quán)

foreclosure order 止贖令

foreign bank 外地銀行

foreign bill 外地匯票

foreign currency 外幣

foreign currency assets 外幣資產(chǎn)

foreign currency deposit 外幣存款

foreign note 外地承付票

foreign ownership 外資擁有權(quán)

foreign partnership 外地合伙

foreign remittance 國外匯款

foreign tax 外地稅款

forfeit 沒收物品

forfeiture 沒收

forfeiture of contribution 沒收供款

forfeiture of sum 沒收款項

forged signature 假冒的簽名

forgiveness of a debt 免償債務(wù)

forward purchase 期貨購買

forward rate 遠(yuǎn)期匯率;期匯率

forward trading 期貨交易;遠(yuǎn)期交易

franc area 法郎區(qū)

franchise 專營權(quán);特許權(quán)

franking machine 印花蓋印機(jī)

fraudulent trading 欺詐營商

free fiscal reserve 自由財政儲備

free market economy 自由市場經(jīng)濟(jì)

freehold 不動產(chǎn)所有權(quán);永久產(chǎn)權(quán)

freely convertible 可自由兌換

freely remittable 自由匯返

freezing order 凍結(jié)令

French Franc[FRF]法國法郎

fringe benefit 附帶利益

fringe market 外圍市場

frozen provision 凍結(jié)款項

frustrating effect 破壞性影響

Fuji Bank Limited 富士銀行

full-cost price 十足成本價

full member 正式會員;正式成員

full-open market price 十足公開市價

full price 十足價格

full year 全年

full-year cost 全年經(jīng)費;全年費用

fully deductible 可全數(shù)扣稅

fully secured 有十足抵押

fund 基金;資金

fund accounting basis 基金會計基準(zhǔn)

fund credited 記入基金

fund expenditure 基金開支

fund levy 基金征費

fund management 基金管理

fund of funds 綜合基金

fund revenue 基金收入

fund warrant 基金支付令

funded debt 長期債款;長期借款

funding 經(jīng)費;資金

funding cost 集資成本

funding mismatch 資金錯配

funds employed 運用資金額

funeral expenses 殯殮費

further sum 額外款項

future dividend 未來股息

future earnings 未來入息

future expenses 未來開支

futures broker 期貨經(jīng)紀(jì)

futures contract 期貨合約

futures dealer 期貨交易商

futures market 期貨市場

futures trading 期貨交易


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