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> VOA > 美語訓(xùn)練班 >  第53篇





A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓(xùn)練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,快給大家介紹一下今天咱們要學(xué)什么?

A: 好! 今天,咱們要去看看一次糟糕的約會,聽聽Harry今天有多倒霉,學(xué)學(xué)怎么表達計劃泡湯,還要告訴大家怎么用美語說"贅肉"和"宅男宅女"!

B: 我可不喜歡宅男宅女,they are SO boring!! Life should be full of adventures!

A: 哈哈,I know you are a daredevil! 不過現(xiàn)在,咱們先趕快來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word # 1510 stepping-stone

今天我們要學(xué)的詞是stepping stone. Stepping is spelled s-t-e-p-p-i-n-g, stepping; and stone, s-t-o-n-e, stone; stepping-stone. Stepping-stone是為了達到目的而準備墊腳石,敲門磚。阿爾及利亞最近舉行議會選舉,Algeria's authorities say a parliamentary election is a stepping stone towards a more democratic state, but many people do not believe such promises. 阿爾及利亞當局說,議會選舉是為建立更民主的國家作鋪墊,不過很多人并不相信這些承諾。

Many people use education as a stepping stone to a better life. 許多人通過受教育來爭取過上更好的生活。Internships are a stepping stone into the corporate world and, for many, are the best way to learn. 實習(xí)是進入企業(yè)界的敲門磚,對許多人來說,也是最好的學(xué)習(xí)機會。

好的, 今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的詞是stepping-stone,stepping-stone, stepping-stone.

B: OMG,楊琳,I'm so excited for my trip to Colorado next week!

A:Wow, that sounds cool! What are you going to do while you're there?

B: Well, I'm going to go see my friend Dave, visit a couple of cities, and most importantly, I'm going to go hiking in the

dessert! Great Dunes National Park here I come!!

A: 啊? 在沙漠里徒步旅行? 我的天啊,Kat, 你可別走丟了....

B: 當然不會! 不過我得趕快去定票! 要是定不到想要的日子,then all my plans will be ruined!

A: Oh gosh, you waited way too long to buy your ticket, girl! 提到這個,在下面的Words and Idioms里,我們就來教你怎么說計劃泡湯!

Words and Idioms 965

現(xiàn)在播送美國習(xí)慣用語第 965講。我是楊琳。

我是Steve Baragona.



Cook someone's goose. Cook is spelled c-o-o-k; and goose; g-o-o-s-e. Cook-someone's-goose.

Cook 意思是煮,goose是鵝。連起來,to cook someone's goose, 可并不是煮鵝的意思,而是指打碎某人的計劃,或者毀了一個人的名譽。在上面的例子中,別人挖走了我們的嘉賓,我同事氣急敗壞,She is probably going to cook the guy's goose who stole our guest. 她八成要狠狠地整一下那個挖走我們嘉賓的家伙。在下面的例子中,我們要聽聽一個叫Brad的人在得知他女友的所作所為之后做了什么:

M: "Brad's girlfriend should have told him that she was out with another guy last weekend. When he found out, he was more than jealous. He was furious. Not only did he break up with her, but he also sent an e-mail to all of their friends about what she's done. That COOKED HER GOOSE. Her reputation was ruined."


這女孩確實做得不對??墒荁rad也夠狠的。大家還記得前一陣子國際貨幣基金組織前總裁斯特勞斯-卡恩的性丑聞么? The sex scandal cooked his goose. 那次性丑聞徹底毀了他的名譽。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: "Brad's girlfriend should have told him that she was out with another guy last weekend. When he found out, he was more than jealous. He was furious. Not only did he break up with her, but he also sent an e-mail to all of their friends about what she's done. That COOKED HER GOOSE. Her reputation was ruined."

我上大學(xué)的時候有個好朋友,她因為室友總是偷吃她的食物,所以決定要報復(fù)。她在烤餅干了放了瀉藥,She really cooked her roommate's goose that time. 她那次真是把自己的室友好好修理了一頓。


M: "Our plane is leaving in an hour. And here we are stuck in some of the worst traffic we've ever seen. If we don't make that flight, we'll miss our connection. Then OUR GOOSE WILL BE COOKED! We won't get to the port in time to board our cruise. Our vacation plans will be ruined."

這段話是說:[我們的飛機一小時之后就要起飛了??涩F(xiàn)在我們卻被塞在路上。如果我們趕不上這班飛機,就會錯過轉(zhuǎn)機。那我們的計劃就完全被打亂了! 我們也沒辦法按時登上油輪。那我們的渡假計劃就徹底泡湯了。]

渡假計劃被打亂是最讓人沮喪的事情。這里用了被動語態(tài),Our goose will be cooked. 意思跟cook our goose是一樣的,就是破壞了我們的計劃。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: "Our plane is leaving in an hour. And here we are stuck in some of the worst traffic we've ever seen. If we don't make that flight, we'll miss our connection. Then OUR GOOSE WILL BE COOKED! We won't get to the port in time to board our cruise. Our vacation plans will be ruined."

好的,今天我們學(xué)習(xí)的習(xí)慣用語是cook someone's goose,意思是“徹底打亂某人的計劃,或者毀了一個人的名譽”。好的,這次[美國習(xí)慣用語]就到此結(jié)束,我是楊琳,我是 Steve Baragona。謝謝各位的收聽。

A: 讓我也來造個句, If you can't get a plane ticket soon, your goose will be cooked!

B: 別烏鴉嘴,楊琳! 我這就定...

A: 哈哈,開個玩笑嘛 .... 不過沙漠旅行太危險了! What if you get lost? 要是讓我在驚險生活和宅在家里選一個,我還是宅吧....

B: But you only live once! You should take advantage of it and get all the excitement you can! 說到這,咱們先來看看宅這個詞兒用美語怎么說!


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