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聽電影學(xué)英語:玩具總動員3 08




Someone need a hand? 誰丟了手嗎?
- Where’s my nose?  - Here it is. - 我鼻子哪兒去了?  - 給你
- Here’s your arm.  - Gimme that.  - 你的胳膊  - 給我
Honey, the mustache? 親愛的胡子呢?
I don’t recall playtime being quite that strenuous. 我不記得玩游戲是這么艱苦卓絕的事情啊
- Andy never played with us like that.  - We’re just gonna have to make the best of it. - 安迪從未如此對待我們  - 我們得善處逆境
- But these toddlers, they don’t know how to play with us.  - They’re too young. - 但這些小屁孩他們不知道該如何玩耍我們  - 他們太小了
- And they’re sticky.  - We should be in the Butterfly Room. - 而且難纏  - 我們應(yīng)該待在蝴蝶屋
- With the big kids.  - That’s right. - 和稍大點(diǎn)的孩子一起  - 沒錯
You said it. 說得對
We’ll get this straightened out. I’ll go talk to Lotso about moving us to the other room.  我們要把這件事解決我去和抱抱熊談?wù)勛屗盐覀儙У狡渌块g去
Blast. Try that one. 糟糕試試那個
- It’s locked.  - Same here. - 鎖著呢  - 這邊也是
- Try the windows.  - Uh negatory. - 看看窗戶  - 也關(guān)著呢
It’s a Fenster-Sneckler 380. Finest child-proof lock in the world. 這是芬斯特-斯內(nèi)特380型號的鎖是世界上最好的預(yù)防兒童開啟的鎖

- We’re trapped!  - Wait. Did anyone notice the transom? - 我們被困住了!  - 等等看到氣窗了嗎?
Oh great. How do we get up there? 哦太好了但怎么上去呢?
All right, everyone. On three! 大家準(zhǔn)備好了我數(shù)到三!
- One... two...  - Three! - 一... 二...  - 三!
Let go! 松手!
Go! 跳!
- He did it!  - Yes, sir! - 他成功了!  - 是的先生!
Way to go, Buzz! 干得好巴斯!
- They think they had a fun playtime.  - Sh. They might hear you. - 他們還以為游戲時間很開心呢  - 噓他們會聽到的
- Ok, now you start.  - I...  - 好的你先說  - 我...
- Love...  - You! - 愛...  - 你!
See? That time I said "love". 你看? 這次我說了"愛"
- Ok, now me first.  - Ok, ok, ok. - 好啊該我先說了  - 好的好
- I...  - Love...  - 我...  - 愛...
You! You see what I mean? It changes every time! 你!明白我的意思嗎? 每次都會改變!
- You are so smart.  - Come on, Romeo. You’re late. - 你真聰明  - 好啦羅密歐你要遲到了

I’m going to miss you. 我會想你的
All right. Place your bets. Come on, everybody. Any splits? 好了下注大家快點(diǎn)有逃跑的嗎?
- Here we go.  - Come on. - 開始轉(zhuǎn)了  - 轉(zhuǎn)啊
That’s it. No more bets. 太好了不許下注了
- Come on, right here.  - Come on, lemme have duck! Come on, lemme have duck! - 停啊停啊  - 轉(zhuǎn)啊鴨子! 我要鴨子!
I won! 贏了!
- Stretch takes the round.  - You lost. - 八爪魚拿下了這局  - 你輸了
Ok, minimum bet: five monopoly. Coyotes wild. 好最小賭注: 五塊錢土狼發(fā)飆了
Change of two double A’s. 兩節(jié)雙A電池
Hey, what do you guys think of the new recruits? Any keepers? 嘿大家覺得新來的人怎么樣? 有誰能當(dāng)守衛(wèi)嗎?
Oh please ... landfill! 哦拜托... 全是垃圾!
- Cowgirl? Dinosaur?  - Toddler fodder. - 女牛仔呢? 恐龍呢?  - 也是沒用的人
But that, that, uh, space guy... he can be useful. 但是那個那個太空人呢... 他是可以利用的
He ain’t the sharpest knife in the place where they keep the knives. 在一群打手里面他可算不上厲害
Neither are you, Chunk. 你也不厲害恰克
You got a little piece for yourself, didn’t you, Ken? 你看上了一個不是嗎肯尼?
Hey, lay off, Twitch! 嘿別碰我戰(zhàn)神!
- Barbie’s different.  - Oh, Mr. Softy over here. - 芭比和他們不一樣  - 哦好一個柔情男子啊
- What do you expect from a girl’s toy?  - I’m not a girl’s toy! I’m not! - 他就是個女孩子的玩具能陽剛到哪兒去?  - 我才不是女孩子的玩具! 不是!
- Why do you guys keep saying that?  - All them toys are disposable. - 為什么你們總是這么說?  - 他們那些玩具都是一次性的
We’ll be lucky if they last us a week. 要是他們能堅持上一個禮拜就算我們走運(yùn)了
Well, well. Looky who we have here. 看看誰來了
- Let me go!  - Take him to the library. - 放開我!  - 把他帶到圖書館去
No! 不!
1225 Sycamore. Sycamore大道1225號
Woody, what are you doing? 伍迪你干嘛呢?
- I gotta get outta here.  - You’re leaving? - 我要離開這里  - 離開?
- But didn’t you have fun today?  - Well, of course I did. More than I’ve had in years. - 你今天玩得不開心嗎?  - 當(dāng)然開心很多年沒這么開心了
- But, you see, I belong to someone else.  - Who’s "Ydna"? - 但我不屬于這里  - 誰是"安達(dá)"?
- I believe it’s pronounced "Ydnay".  - Guys, it says Andy. - 是"安德"  - 伙計們那是安迪

He’s my Bonnie. And he’s leaving soon. 他是我的Bonnie 但他不久就要離開了
- I gotta get home.  - Where’s home? - 我得回家  - 家在哪里呢?
Elm Street. 234 Elm. 榆樹街234號
- Do you have guys a map?  - We’re on it, Cowboy. Trixie? - 你們有地圖嗎?  - 有啊牛仔特蕾茜?


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