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聽電影學(xué)英語:玩具總動(dòng)員3 07




Reach for the sky. 一飛沖天
  Bluebells, cockleshells, eeny, miney... 風(fēng)鈴草海扇殼點(diǎn)兵點(diǎn)將...
  You’re my favorite deputy. 你是我最好的副手
  - Bonnie!  - Coming! - Bonnie!  - 來了!
  Oh, great! 這下好了!
  - Oh, it’s gonna be ok, Bull’s-eye.  - Woody’s going to college with Andy. - 哦沒事的紅心  - 伍迪會(huì)跟著安迪去大學(xué)
  - It’s what he always wanted.  - Ah, he’s crazy. - 那正是他所期望的  - 啊他瘋了
  - College is no place for a toy. - Toys are for playtime. - 大學(xué)容不下一個(gè)玩具  - 玩具是為玩耍而生的
  Oh speaking about playtime... They’re lining up out there! 說到玩耍... 他們在排隊(duì)了!
  - How many?  - There must be dozens. - 有多少人?  - 好幾十人
  - Oh, I can hardly wait!  - Places, everyone. - 我迫不及待了!  - 大家各就各位
  At last I’m going to get played with. 終于有人玩我了
  - Uh Rex...  - Come to Poppa. - 抱抱龍呀... - 到這兒來
  There’s a snake in my boot. 我靴子里有條蛇
  I’d like to join your posse boys, but first I’m gonna sing a little song. 小伙子們我愿意加入你們的隊(duì)伍但首先我要唱一首歌
  A sheriff! 一個(gè)警長!

  Move over, Mr. Prickle Pants.  We have a guest. 讓開點(diǎn)刺頭褲子先生有客人來了
  You want some coffee? 想要點(diǎn)咖啡嗎?
  It’s good for you but don’t drink too much or you’ll have a .. have a ... 適量飲用對你有益一旦過量你就會(huì)... 就會(huì)...
  Be right back! 馬上回來!
  - Hey. Hello. Hi, excuse me.  - Sh! - 嘿你好請問  - 噓!
  - Can you tell me where I am?  - Shhh! - 請告訴我這是哪兒?  - 噓!
  - The guy’s just asking you a question.  - Well, excuse me, I’m trying  to stay in character. - 人家問你哪  - 不好意思我只是不想跳戲
  - My name’s Buttercup. You’ve met Baron Von Shush.  - Sh! - 我叫小奶油他是刺猬先生  - 噓!
  - Hello, I’m Trixie.  - Sh! Sh! - 你好我叫特蕾茜  - 噓! 噓!
  - Guys. Hey. Guys, look. I don’t know where I am.  - We’re either in a cafe in Paris... - 嘿伙計(jì)們聽著我不知道自己在哪兒  - 我們要么是在巴黎的咖啡廳...
  or a coffeshop in New Jersey. I’m pretty sure I just came back  from the doctor... 要么是在新澤西的咖啡店我確定自己剛看了醫(yī)生回來...
  - with life-changing news.  - We do a lot of improv here. Just stay loose, have fun. You’ll be fine. - 還獲知了一個(gè)重大消息  - 我們通常都是即興表演放松心情尋找樂子你會(huì)過得很好

  No, no, no, no. I... 不不不不我...
  Who wants lunch? 誰想吃午飯?
  I have the secret ingredient. Jelly beans. 我有絕密配方果凍豆豆
  - Somebody’s poisoned the water hole.  - Poisoned? - 有人在水洞里投毒  - 投毒?
  Who would do such a mean thing? 誰這么卑鄙?
  Agh! The scary witch! Look out! 啊! 邪惡女巫! 當(dāng)心!
  She’s using her witchy powers. 她正在施法
  I know where to hide. 我知道藏身之處
  She’ll never find us in here. 她永遠(yuǎn)也找不到這兒
  What’s wrong? 怎么了?
  Agh! She found us! We need a spaceship to get away from the witch! 啊! 她發(fā)現(xiàn)我們了! 我們要坐宇宙飛船逃跑!
  - You’re doing great.  - Are you classically trained? - 干得漂亮  - 你受過訓(xùn)練嗎?
  - Look, I just need to know  how to get out of here.  - There is no way out. - 聽著我只想離開此地  - 你無路可逃
  - Just kidding. Door’s right over there.  - Well, Cowboy. You just jumped right in, didn’t ya? - 開玩笑的門就在那兒  - 牛仔你來得很突兀嘛不是嗎?
  - I’m Dolly.  - Uh, Woody. - 我是布娃娃  - 伍迪
  Woody. Really? You’re gonna stick  with that? Cause now’s your chance to change it. New room and all... 伍迪真的嗎? 不考慮一下改名? 新房間新環(huán)境是時(shí)候換新名兒...
 That’s coming from a doll named Dolly. 這是布娃娃給你的忠告
 - Who’s the new guy?  - Are you a real cowboy? - 這個(gè)新人是誰呀?  - 你是真正的牛仔嗎?
 - Well, actually...  - Of course he’s not, Pea Brain... - 這個(gè)嘛事實(shí)上...  - 他當(dāng)然不是了豆豆...
 - He don’t even have a hat.  - I do too have ... - 他連個(gè)帽子都沒有  - 我有...
 - My hat!  - Told you. - 我的帽子!  - 我跟你說過了吧
 - I found a spaceship!  - Showtime! - 我發(fā)現(xiàn)了一艘宇宙飛船!  - 表演時(shí)間到!
 Quick. Get in. Strap in your seatbelts, close your tray tables. 快上船系好安全帶收起餐桌
 Hold on, it might get a little bumpy. 坐穩(wěn)了可能會(huì)有點(diǎn)顛簸喲
 Three, two, one. Blast off! 三二一發(fā)射!
 Yee haw! You saved us, Cowboy! You’re our hero! 嘢哈! 牛仔你拯救了我們! 你是我們的英雄!
 I got a kink in my slink. 我的彈簧都攪在一起了
 My tail! Where’s my tail? 我的尾巴! 我的尾巴哪兒去了?


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