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2024雅思聽(tīng)力訓(xùn)練 09








That seminar yesterday on automation and the future of work was really good, wasn't it? Looking at the first industrial revolution in Britain in the 19th century and seeing how people reacted to massive change was a real eye-opener. Yes, it was interesting to hear how people felt about automation then and what challenges they faced. I didn't know that first started with workers in the textile industry, with those protesting workers called the Luddites destroying their knitting machines because they were so worried about losing their jobs. Yes, and ultimately they didn't achieve anything, and anyway, industrialization created more jobs than it destroyed. Yes, that's true, but it probably didn't seem a positive thing at the time. I can see why the Luddites felt so threatened. I know I'm sure I would have felt the same. The discussion about the future of work was really optimistic for a change. I like the idea that work won't involve doing boring, repetitive tasks as robots will do all that. Normally you only hear negative stuff about the future. Bit too optimistic, don't you think? 

昨天關(guān)于自動(dòng)化和未來(lái)工作的研討會(huì)真的很棒,不是嗎?回顧 19 世紀(jì)英國(guó)的第一次工業(yè)革命,看看人們對(duì)巨大變化的反應(yīng),真是令人大開眼界。是的,聽(tīng)到當(dāng)時(shí)人們對(duì)自動(dòng)化的看法以及他們面臨的挑戰(zhàn)很有趣。我不知道這首先是從紡織行業(yè)的工人開始的,那些被稱為盧德分子的抗議工人因?yàn)閾?dān)心失去工作而破壞了他們的針織機(jī)。是的,最終他們什么也沒(méi)做成,而且無(wú)論如何,工業(yè)化創(chuàng)造的就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)比它摧毀的要多。是的,這是真的,但當(dāng)時(shí)可能看起來(lái)不是一件好事。我明白為什么盧德分子感到如此威脅。我知道我肯定會(huì)有同樣的感受。關(guān)于工作未來(lái)的討論確實(shí)很樂(lè)觀。我喜歡這個(gè)想法,即工作不會(huì)涉及做無(wú)聊、重復(fù)的任務(wù),因?yàn)闄C(jī)器人會(huì)做所有這些。通常你只會(huì)聽(tīng)到關(guān)于未來(lái)的負(fù)面消息。有點(diǎn)太樂(lè)觀了,你不覺(jué)得嗎?

For example, I can't see how people are about to have more leisure time when all the evidence shows people are spending longer than ever at work. No, that's true, and what about lower unemployment? I'm not so sure about that, perhaps in the long term, but not in the foreseeable future. Hmm, and I expect most people will be expected to work until they're much older as everyone's living much longer. That's already happening. I enjoyed all that stuff on how technology has changed some jobs and how they are likely to change in the near future. Yeah, incredible, like accountants. You might think all the technological innovations would have put them out of a job, but in fact, there are more of them than ever. They're still really in demand and have become far more efficient, right? That was amazing, 20 times more accountants in this country compared to the 19th century. 

例如,當(dāng)所有證據(jù)表明人們?cè)诠ぷ魃匣ㄙM(fèi)的時(shí)間比以往任何時(shí)候都長(zhǎng)時(shí),我看不出人們將如何擁有更多的休閑時(shí)間。不,這是真的,那么失業(yè)率降低呢?我對(duì)此不太確定,也許從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來(lái)看是這樣,但在可預(yù)見(jiàn)的未來(lái)則不是。嗯,我預(yù)計(jì)大多數(shù)人將一直工作到他們年紀(jì)大了,因?yàn)槊總€(gè)人的壽命都更長(zhǎng)了。這已經(jīng)發(fā)生了。我喜歡所有關(guān)于技術(shù)如何改變某些工作以及它們?cè)诓痪玫膶?lái)可能會(huì)如何改變的內(nèi)容。是的,令人難以置信,比如會(huì)計(jì)師。你可能會(huì)認(rèn)為所有的技術(shù)創(chuàng)新都會(huì)讓他們失業(yè),但事實(shí)上,他們的數(shù)量比以往任何時(shí)候都多。他們?nèi)匀缓苁軞g迎,而且效率更高,對(duì)吧?這太神奇了,與 19 世紀(jì)相比,這個(gè)國(guó)家的會(huì)計(jì)師數(shù)量增加了 20 倍。

I know, I'd never have thought the demand for hairdressing would have gone up so much in the last hundred years, one hairdresser for every 287 people now, compared to one for over 1,500. Yeah, because people's earning power has gone up, they can afford to spend more on personal services like that. But technology hasn't changed the actual job that much. No, they've got hair dryers, etc, but it's one job where you don't depend on a computer. The kind of work that administrative staff do has changed enormously, thanks to technology. Even 20 years ago, there were secretaries doing dictation and typing. Yes, really boring compared to these days, when they are given much more responsibility and higher status. Hmm, a lot of graduates go in for this kind of work now. I'd expected there to be a much bigger change in the number of agricultural workers in the 19th century, but the 1871 census showed that roughly 25% of the population worked on the land.

我知道,我從未想過(guò)在過(guò)去的一百年里,美發(fā)的需求會(huì)增長(zhǎng)如此之多,現(xiàn)在每 287 人就有一名美發(fā)師,而之前每 1,500 多人才有一名美發(fā)師。是的,因?yàn)槿藗兊氖杖肽芰μ岣吡耍麄兛梢载?fù)擔(dān)得起在個(gè)人服務(wù)上花更多的錢。但技術(shù)并沒(méi)有改變實(shí)際工作。不,他們有吹風(fēng)機(jī)等,但這是一份不依賴電腦的工作。由于技術(shù)的進(jìn)步,行政人員的工作發(fā)生了巨大變化。甚至 20 年前,還有秘書在做口述和打字。是的,與現(xiàn)在相比真的很無(wú)聊,因?yàn)樗麄儽毁x予了更多的責(zé)任和更高的地位。嗯,現(xiàn)在很多畢業(yè)生都從事這種工作。我原本預(yù)計(jì) 19 世紀(jì)農(nóng)業(yè)工人的數(shù)量會(huì)有更大的變化,但 1871 年的人口普查顯示,大約 25% 的人口在土地上工作。

Yeah, I'd have assumed it would be more than 50%. Now it's less than not point two %. Hmm, what about care workers? They barely existed in the 19th century, as people's lifespans were so much shorter, but now of course this sector will see huge growth. Yeah, and it's hard enough to meet current demand. The future looks quite bleak for bank clerks. They've been in decline since ATMs were introduced in the 80s, and technology will certainly make most of the jobs they do now redundant. I think. I agree, although the situation may change, it's very hard to predict what will happen.

是的,我原以為會(huì)超過(guò) 50%?,F(xiàn)在還不到 0.2%。嗯,護(hù)理人員呢?他們?cè)?19 世紀(jì)幾乎不存在,因?yàn)槿藗兊膲勖痰枚?,但現(xiàn)在這個(gè)行業(yè)當(dāng)然會(huì)出現(xiàn)巨大的增長(zhǎng)。是的,要滿足當(dāng)前的需求已經(jīng)夠難的了。銀行職員的前景相當(dāng)暗淡。自 80 年代 ATM 推出以來(lái),他們的工作一直在減少,技術(shù)肯定會(huì)使他們現(xiàn)在從事的大部分工作變得多余。我想。我同意,盡管情況可能會(huì)改變,但很難預(yù)測(cè)會(huì)發(fā)生什么。



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