人民調(diào)解委員會 People's Mediation Committee
認定財產(chǎn)無主案件 cases concerning determinationof property as qwnerless
認定公民無民事行為能力、限制民事行為能力案件casesconcerning determination of a citizen asincompetent or with limited disposing capacity
上訴 appeal
上訴人 appellant
上訴狀 petition for appeal
少管所 juvenile prison
社會治安綜合治理 comprehensive treatment of social security
涉外案件 cases involving foreign interests
涉外民事訴訟 foreign civil proceedings
涉外刑事訴訟 foreign criminal proceedings
申請人 applicant; petitioner
申請書 petition; application for arbitration
申請執(zhí)行人 execution applicant
申訴人宣誓書 claimant’s affidavit of authenticity
申訴書 appeal for revision; petition for revision
神示證據(jù)制度 system of divinity evidence
神示制度 ordeal system
審查案件 case review
審查并決定逮捕 examine and decide arrest
審查起訴階段 stage of review and prosecution
審理通知書 notice of hearing
審判長 presiding judge
審判長宣布開庭 presiding judge announce court in session
審判管轄 adjudgement/trial jurisdiction
審判監(jiān)督程序 procedure for trial supervision
審判委員會 judicial committee
審判員 judge
審問式訴訟 inquisitional proceedings
生效判決裁定 legally effective judgement/order
勝訴方 winning party
省市自治區(qū)檢察院 higher People’s Procuratorate
失蹤和死亡宣告 declaration of disappearance and death
實(質(zhì))體證據(jù) substantial evidence
實物證據(jù) tangible evidence
實在證據(jù) real evidence
示意證據(jù) demonstrative evidence
視聽證據(jù) audio-visual evidence
收容所 collecting post; safe retreat
首席大法官 chief justice
首席檢察官 chief procurator
受害人的近親屬 victim’s immediate family
受理 acceptance
受理刑事案件審批表 registration form of acceptance of criminal case
受送達人 the addressee
書記員 court clerk
書記員宣讀法庭紀律 court clerk reads court rules
書證 documentary evidence
司法部 Ministry of Justice
司法機關(guān) judicial organizatons
司法警察 judicial police
司法局 judicial bureau
司法廳 judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under directjurisdiction of central government
司法協(xié)助 judicial assistance
死緩的復核 judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve
死刑復核程序 procedure for judicial review of death sentence
死刑復核權(quán) competence for judicial review of death sentence
送達 service of process
送達傳票 service of summons/subpoena
送達訴狀 service of bill of complaint
搜查 search
訴 sue; suit; action; lawsuit
訴前財產(chǎn)保全 property attachment prior to lawsuit
訴訟 litigation; lawsuit; sue; action
訴訟保全 attachment
訴訟參加人 litigious participants
訴訟代理人 agent ad litem
訴狀 complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim
特別程序 special procedures