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真誠、熱心與高度的熱誠也可以協(xié)助你完成你所要做的一切。當(dāng)一個人受到自己的感覺的影響時,他真正的自我就會浮出表面。他的熱烈情緒,能夠?qū)⒁磺姓系K燒毀。他的行為舉止,將出于自然;他的談話,也將出于自然,表現(xiàn)也就很自然了。Sincerity and enthusiasm and high earnestness will help you, too. When a man is under the influence of his feelings, his real self comes to the surface. The bars are down. The heat of his emotions has burned all barriers away. He acts spontaneously. He talks spontaneously. He is natural.

歸根結(jié)底,即使是說表達(dá)的技巧,也要回到一再強(qiáng)調(diào)的原則上:全心投入講演中。So, in the end, even this matter of delivery comes back to the thing which has already been emphasized repeatedly in these pages: namely, put your heart into your talks.

勃朗院長對耶魯大學(xué)神學(xué)院發(fā)表有關(guān)傳道的演講時說:“我的一位朋友向我描述了他在倫敦參加過的教堂儀式的情形,我永遠(yuǎn)忘不掉。朋友敘述說,傳道的主講人是著名牧師愛喬治·麥唐納。他那天早上念了《新約·希伯來書》第十一章的經(jīng)文。然后說:‘你們各位全都聽過有關(guān)這些人篤誠信仰的事跡了,我不必再告訴你們信心是什么。神學(xué)教授的解釋,比我強(qiáng)很多。我在這兒是要協(xié)助你們建立信心的。’愛喬治·麥唐納牧師又以簡單、真誠及高貴的方式,說明了他對那些不可見的永恒事物的信心,希望幫助教友在內(nèi)心建立起信心。他全心全意專注于他的工作,他的講道發(fā)揮了很大的作用,因?yàn)檫@是出自他生命的真正美感?!盜 shall never forget, said Dean Brown in his Lectures on Preaching before the Yale Divinity School, "the description given by a friend of mine of a church service which he once attended in the city of London. The preacher was George MacDonald; he read for the Scripture lesson that morning the eleventh chapter of Hebrews. When the time came for the sermon, he said, 'You have all heard about these men of faith. I shall not try to tell you what faith is. There are theological professors who could do that much better than I could do it. I am here to help you believe.' Then followed such a simple, heartfelt, and majestic manifestation of the man's own faith in those unseen realities which are eternal, as to beget faith in the minds and hearts of all his hearers. His heart was in his work, and his delivery was effective because it rested upon the genuine beauty of his own inner life. "

“他全心全意地專注于他的工作?!边@就是成功的秘訣。但我知道,很多人都沒有注意到這一點(diǎn)。它似乎有點(diǎn)含糊,也不很準(zhǔn)確,而一般的學(xué)生都希望得到簡單易行的忠告,最好還能更明確一些的忠告,可以用手觸摸到的,比如像汽車駕駛手冊那樣的忠告。His heart was in his work. That is the secret.Yet I know that advice like this is not popular. It seems vague. It sounds indefinite. The average person wants foolproof rules, something definite, something he can put his hands on, rules as precise as the directions for operating a car.

他想要這樣,我也希望我能做到。這樣對他來說,會容易很多,對我也比較容易。這種忠告或規(guī)則不是沒有,只是有些問題。它們沒有用,它們只會讓你的演講喪失所有的自然氣息、生命力及趣味。我年輕的時候就這樣浪費(fèi)了很多精力去練習(xí)這些規(guī)則,所以我很清楚。它們不會出現(xiàn)在這本書中,因?yàn)閱淌病ぎ吜炙拐f過的:“知道了再多沒有用的東西,也仍然是沒有用的。”That is what he wants; that is what I would like to give him. It would be easy for him and it would be easy for me. There are such rules, and there is only one little thing wrong with them: they just don't work. They take all the naturalness and spontaneity and life and juice out of a man's speaking. I know. In my younger days, I wasted a great deal of energy trying them. They won't appear in these pages for, as Josh Billings observed in one of his lighter moments: "There ain't no use in know in' so many things that ain't so."

埃德蒙·伯克寫的發(fā)言稿是如此的華麗和充滿邏輯性,以至于他的發(fā)言稿在大學(xué)里成為研究能言善辯的經(jīng)典模型。但是,伯克作為一個演講者卻是十分失敗的。他沒有能力來使他的文稿更加出彩,當(dāng)然也沒有使他的文稿充滿幽默感和說服力。所以人們稱他為“晚餐鐘”下議院議員。每當(dāng)他要演講的時候,其他成員或者一起咳嗽,或者還有人直接去睡覺了。Edmund Burke wrote speeches so superb in logic and reasoning and composition that they are today studied as classic models of oratory in the colleges of the land; yet Burke, as a speaker, was a notorious failure. He didn't have the ability to deliver his gems, to make them interesting and forceful; so he was called "the dinner bell" of the House of Commons. When he arose to talk, the other members coughed and shuffled and either went to sleep or went out in droves.

你使盡全力向一個人丟炮彈,可是他的衣服上甚至不會出現(xiàn)一點(diǎn)凹痕,可是如果你把火藥放在牛油蠟燭后面,就可以把松木板擊穿。有些演講就好像是裝有火藥的牛油蠟燭,可是我要很遺憾地說,有許多演講卻像是徒有其表的炮彈,毫無力量。You can throw a steel-jacketed bullet at a man with all your might, and you cannot make even a dent in his clothing. But put powder behind a tallow candle and you can shoot it through a pine board. Many a tallow-candle speech with powder makes, I regret to say, more of an impression than a steel-jacketed talk with no force, no excitement, behind it.


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