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Apple has long had a playbook for iPhones, its most important product: Keep rolling out bigger, faster and more expensive models.


On Wednesday, it repeated that strategy by introducing another round of iPhones that are — you guessed it — bigger, faster and more expensive. The model with a 6.5-inch screen, the iPhone XS Max, is Apple’s biggest iPhone ever and will start at $1,100. (And, yes, its name is a mouthful.) Last year when Apple debuted its iPhone X, the starting price was $1,000.

周三,蘋果再次采用了這一策略,推出了又一輪iPhone——你猜對(duì)了——更大、更快,也更貴。擁有6.5英寸屏幕的iPhone XS Max(是的,它的名字有點(diǎn)拗口。)是蘋果有史以來最大的iPhone,起價(jià)1100美元。去年蘋果推出iPhone X時(shí),起價(jià)為1000美元。

More notable, perhaps, was how much Apple is now evolving its smart watch into a clearly health-related device. The company showed off a new Apple Watch with an electronic heart sensor approved by the Food and Drug Administration. That could lead to new implications for health care — and prove to be a major selling point for a device that has played second fiddle to the iPhone.

或許更值得注意的是,蘋果現(xiàn)在正在將他們的智能手表發(fā)展成一種明顯與健康相關(guān)的設(shè)備。公司展示了一款新的蘋果手表,其電子心臟傳感器獲得了美國(guó)食品和藥物管理局(Food and Drug Administration)的批準(zhǔn)。這可能會(huì)對(duì)醫(yī)療保健產(chǎn)生新的影響,并成為這款一直充當(dāng)iPhone副手的設(shè)備的主要賣點(diǎn)。

The largest-ever iPhone


Apple on Wednesday unveiled the iPhone XS, a premium model with a 5.8-inch screen, and the iPhone XS Max, with a 6.5-inch screen, its biggest-ever smartphone. The company also showed the iPhone XR, an entry-level model with a 6.1-inch screen.

本周三,蘋果發(fā)布了iPhone XS,一款有5.8英寸屏幕的高端機(jī)型,以及有6.5英寸屏幕的iPhone XS Max,蘋果史上最大的智能手機(jī)。該公司還展示了入門機(jī)型iPhone XR,屏幕尺寸為6.1英寸。

The XS models are generally sped-up versions of last year’s iPhone X. Apple emphasized the phones’ advanced processor, durable glass and so-called Super Retina OLED display with a wide color gamut.

幾款XS機(jī)型基本是去年iPhone X的加速版。蘋果公司強(qiáng)調(diào)這款手機(jī)擁有先進(jìn)的處理器、耐用的玻璃和所謂的超視網(wǎng)膜OLED(Super Retina OLED)顯示屏,能顯示廣泛的顏色范圍。

The iPhone XR will come in white, black, red, blue and yellow, and is just as fast as the XS models. It has a single-lens camera, unlike the XS models, which have dual-lens camera systems. And it uses LCD, a less expensive screen technology than the OLED used for the XS, and the casing is made of aluminum, unlike the stainless steel that the premium phones are composed of.

iPhone XR將有白、黑、紅、藍(lán)、黃四種顏色,它的速度和XS機(jī)型一樣快。和XS機(jī)型不同的是,它有一個(gè)單鏡頭相機(jī),而不是XS機(jī)型的雙鏡頭相機(jī)系統(tǒng)。它使用的是LCD,一種比用于XS的OLED更便宜的屏幕技術(shù)。XR機(jī)型的外殼是鋁制的,不像高端手機(jī)所使用的不銹鋼。

It’s obvious why Apple and other phone makers like Samsung keep enlarging their phones: Phones with bigger screens are selling well. When presented with the choice between a small phone and a bigger one, most people will go with the latter. That’s similar to how just about everyone wants a big-screen TV.


But for mobile phones, there are trade-offs. For one, the larger phones are more difficult to use with one hand. With last year’s 5.8-inch iPhone X, it was difficult to reach your thumb across the screen to type a keystroke or hit a button inside an app.

但對(duì)于移動(dòng)電話,也需要折衷。首先,較大的手機(jī)單手使用更為困難。用去年推出的5.8英寸iPhone X手機(jī)時(shí),把拇指伸過屏幕,在應(yīng)用程序中輸入一個(gè)按鍵或點(diǎn)一個(gè)按鈕是很困難的。

The larger screens raise an important question about design. Will Apple do much in the near future to improve one-handed use?


When Apple’s screen sizes started growing with the iPhone 6 in 2014, the company released a software shortcut, called Reachability, through which users can tap the home button twice to lower the top of the screen and make it easier to reach buttons up there. That feature still exists for the new iPhones, but the lack of a home button makes it more difficult to use — instead of double tapping the home button, now you swipe down from the bottom of the screen.

2014年,隨著iPhone 6的推出,蘋果的屏幕尺寸開始變大,該公司推出了一種名為“可達(dá)性”(Reachability)的軟件快捷方式,令用戶可以通過點(diǎn)擊Home鍵兩次來降低屏幕頂部的位置,使夠到上面的按鈕變得更容易。新款iPhone仍有這一功能,但由于不再有Home鍵,這一功能變得更難用了——現(xiàn)在你需要從屏幕底部向下滑動(dòng),而不是點(diǎn)擊Home鍵兩次。

Bigger, faster and pricier. Where have we heard that before?


As Apple has made its phones larger and faster, it is also charging more for them. The company said the new iPhones would start at $750, $1,000 and $1,100. The starting prices last year were $700, $800 and $1,000.


It’s a tried-and-true strategy for the company to milk a product line that has saturated the market; Apple said Wednesday that it had shipped nearly two billion iPhones and iPads.


Unit sales of the iPhone were about flat in the latest quarter compared with a year earlier, but iPhone revenue rose 20 percent, to $29.9 billion. Something else that rose 20 percent? The average selling price of the iPhone.


By going bigger, Apple is trying to grow not just by raising prices but also by getting customers to use their devices even more. Research shows people with larger smartphones use them more, particularly to watch movies and play games.


That’s good for Apple. A central part of its strategy is to get existing iPhone owners to pay for more services on their phones, like Netflix and HBO. For each subscription bought via its App Store, Apple takes a 30 percent cut for the first year and 15 percent for each subsequent year. That bet seems to be working: Apple’s services revenue rose 31 percent to $9.55 billion in the latest quarter.


Apple Watch becomes more of a health device

Apple Watch更像是一款健康設(shè)備

Apple introduced the Apple Watch Series 4, which it has designed to be more of a health aid.

蘋果推出了第四代Apple Watch,在設(shè)計(jì)上它更接近一款健康輔助產(chǎn)品。

It’s the first redesign of the company’s smart watch since it was introduced in 2015. The new watch is slightly thinner, but the black frame around the screen — what is known as the bezel — has been removed to create a larger display area.


Significantly, Apple said the new watch had a faster processor and better health and motion sensors. For instance, the watch can detect when a wearer has fallen down, a leading cause of injuries. If you have fallen, the watch is designed to prompt you to alert emergency services; if it detects no motion by the wearer after a minute, it calls automatically. The watch can also perform a electrocardiogram, alerting you to worrisome heart rhythms.

值得注意的是,蘋果表示,新的Apple Watch配備了更快的處理器,以及更好的健康和運(yùn)動(dòng)傳感器。比如說,它能檢測(cè)到佩戴者何時(shí)跌倒,這是導(dǎo)致受傷的一個(gè)主要原因。在摔倒之后,手表會(huì)提出聯(lián)系急救服務(wù);如果一分鐘之后佩戴者還沒有任何動(dòng)作,它就會(huì)自動(dòng)呼叫。這款表還可以做心電圖,提醒你注意可疑的心率。

The Apple Watch will be available in several colors and band styles; watchbands from older models will work on the new model. The Watch starts at $399. It will begin shipping on Sept. 21.

Apple Watch將有多種顏色和表帶風(fēng)格供選擇;舊型號(hào)的表帶可用于新型號(hào)。這款手表售價(jià)從399美元起,將于9月21日開始發(fā)貨。

What the Apple Watch means for consumer wearables

Apple Watch對(duì)消費(fèi)類可穿戴設(shè)備意味著什么

The new Apple Watch ushers Apple into the realm of selling bona fide medical devices, complete with a shout-out from the F.D.A.

新款A(yù)pple Watch引領(lǐng)蘋果真正進(jìn)入了醫(yī)療設(shè)備領(lǐng)域,它得到了美國(guó)食品和藥物管理局(FDA)的支持。

“The F.D.A. worked closely with the company as they developed and tested these software products, which may help millions of users identify health concerns more quickly,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the F.D.A. commissioner, said in a statement.

該局局長(zhǎng)斯科特·戈特利布(Scott Gottlieb)在一份聲明中說:“在該公司對(duì)這些軟件產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行開發(fā)和測(cè)試的過程中,F(xiàn)DA與他們展開了密切合作,它能幫助數(shù)百萬用戶更快地發(fā)現(xiàn)健康問題。”

Apple’s formal entrance into medical devices brings heft to the idea of tracking health with consumer wearables. Until now, they were largely limited to the casual counting of steps or watching heart rates climb at the gym. At Wednesday’s event, Apple featured remarks from Dr. Ivor Benjamin, the president of the American Heart Association, who described the ability of wearable devices to measure heart rhythms as “game-changing, especially when evaluating atrial fibrillation — an irregular and often rapid heart rate that can increase a person’s risk of stroke, heart failure and other heart-related complications.”

蘋果正式進(jìn)入醫(yī)療設(shè)備領(lǐng)域,極大增加了消費(fèi)者可穿戴設(shè)備追蹤健康狀況理念的影響。到目前為止,這些設(shè)備還主要局限于非專業(yè)的計(jì)步以及對(duì)健身房鍛煉時(shí)心率攀升的監(jiān)測(cè)上。在周三的發(fā)布會(huì)上,美國(guó)心臟病協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)艾弗·本杰明(Ivor Benjamin)形容可穿戴設(shè)備監(jiān)控心律的能力“正在改變游戲規(guī)則,尤其是在評(píng)估房顫方面——這是一種不規(guī)則的、往往快速的心率情況,它會(huì)增加中風(fēng)、心力衰竭和其他心臟相關(guān)并發(fā)癥的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)”。

Even Vic Gundotra, the chief executive of AliveCor, which sells a wearable device with similar heart-testing capabilities, said Apple’s decision to enter the market would make consumers’ use of electrocardiograms take off.

AliveCor銷售具有類似心臟測(cè)試功能的可穿戴設(shè)備,就連它的首席執(zhí)行官維克·岡多特拉(Vic Gundotra)都表示,蘋果進(jìn)入這個(gè)市場(chǎng)的決定,將增強(qiáng)消費(fèi)者對(duì)心電圖運(yùn)用的重視。

The F.D.A. warned that the Apple Watch was not meant as a substitute for traditional diagnosis, and it said the device was not intended for people under 22 or those with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

但FDA也警告,Apple Watch并非傳統(tǒng)診斷的替代品,它表示,該設(shè)備不適合22歲以下的人群,也不適合被診斷為房顫的人。

The readings may not always be helpful, and doctors are advised not to use electrocardiograms as a screening tool for someone without symptoms, said Dr. Rita Redberg, a cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco.

加州大學(xué)舊金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)的心臟病專家麗塔·雷德伯格(Rita Redberg)說,這些讀數(shù)可能并不總是能起到幫助作用,而且也不建議醫(yī)生把心電圖作為對(duì)無癥狀者的篩查工具。

“People are going to start looking at their watch as if something is wrong,” she said.



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