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另外一個戰(zhàn)場 日韓商家逐鹿越南




The tale of a Vietnamese transgender entrepreneurhas become the country’s biggest film hit — andsparked domestic debate about whether it plays tostereotypes. But Let Hoi Decide has made waves foranother reason: it is co-produced by CJ E&M,the South Korean leisure group, which has burrowedto the heart of the Vietnam market.

一位越南變性人企業(yè)家的故事成為該國最熱門的電影,并在國內(nèi)引發(fā)了有關(guān)該故事是否合乎常理的辯論。但《Let HoiDecide》引起轟動還有一個原因:這部電影是越南與韓國娛樂集團CJ E&M共同打造的,CJ E&M已深入越南市場的核心。

CJ’s cinematic coup is part of a stream of Japanese and South Korean investment in thecountry, amid goodwill that contrasts with the troubled relationship between Hanoi andBeijing. While anti-Chinese rioters ransacked foreign companies in Vietnam last year aftermaritime skirmishes between the countries, Seoul and Tokyo were quietly brandishing hardmoney and soft power.

CJ E&M在電影上大獲成功是日韓對越南眾多投資的一部分,這種友好與中越之間的不睦形成對比。去年,在中越爆發(fā)海上沖突后,反華暴徒洗劫了在越南的外國企業(yè),而日韓卻在悄悄運用其硬通貨和軟實力的影響力。



Analysts say the push by the two east Asian economic leaders reflects a dovetailing ofcommercial and strategic interests that has a broader regional importance. While Hanoi wantsto limit its dependence on Beijing, Japan and South Korea wish to tighten their embrace withthe 10 countries of the Asean Southeast Asian grouping that are preparing — some sayoptimistically — to launch a single market of more than 500m people this year.


“In the past few years, most of the new foreign investment in Vietnam came from Korea andJapan,” said Nguyen Xuan Thanh, director of the Fulbright Economics Teaching Program in HoChi Minh City. “And that is for both business and geopolitical reasons.”

“過去幾年,越南多數(shù)新外資來自韓國和日本,”胡志明市Fulbright Economics Teaching Program負責(zé)人Nguyen Xuan Thanh表示,“這既有商業(yè)原因,也有地緣戰(zhàn)略原因。”

The advances are visible in trends ranging from the extraordinary expansion of SamsungElectronics to the Ho Chi Minh City banners proclaiming the Vietnam-Japan co-operation to builda landmark urban rail network.

這一進展十分明顯,從三星電子(Samsung Electronics)非同尋常的擴張到胡志明市打出的橫幅,稱贊越南與日本合作修建地標性城市鐵路網(wǎng)絡(luò)。

Japan and South Korea are building on a long interest in a country notable for its cheap labourand 90m-strong consumer market. For Hanoi, there is a political imperative to draw moreforeign investment because of structural economic problems such as bad debts and inefficientstate companies, which have dragged Vietnam’s growth down from above 7 per cent a yearbefore the financial crisis to 5.4 per cent in 2013.


Fred Burke, a corporate lawyer in Ho Chi Minh City, said Vietnam looked “a lot like Thailand was20 years ago” to Japanese and South Korean executives seeking a “long-term strategicpartner they can work with”.

胡志明市公司律師弗雷德•伯克(Fred Burke)表示,對于尋求“能與之合作的長期戰(zhàn)略合作伙伴”的日本和韓國高管而言,越南看上去“很像20年前的泰國”。

One manifestation of that is Vietnam’s emergence as the second-biggest recipient ofJapanese official development assistance in 2013, after Myanmar. Loans and grants to Hanoi —many of them for infrastructure projects, such as the gleaming international terminal at thecity’s commercial airport — totalled $1.3bn, according to the OECD group of mostly wealthynations.


Direct investment by Japanese businesses in Vietnam more than tripled to $9bn between 2011and 2014, compared with the previous four years, according to the Japan External TradeOrganisation. South Korean investment in Vietnam in 2013 and last year totalled $2.6bn,almost a third higher than in the previous two years.

根據(jù)日本貿(mào)易振興機構(gòu)(Japan External Trade Organisation)的數(shù)據(jù),2011年至2014年,與之前4年相比,日本企業(yè)在越南的直接投資增長3倍多,至90億美元。2013年和去年,韓國在越南的投資總額為26億美元,幾乎比之前兩年高出三分之一。

Notable Japanese corporate entrants in Vietnam include Haseko, the property developer,which is to start building a $17m rental flat complex in Hanoi. Aeon, Japan and Asia’s biggestretailer, opened two shopping centres in Vietnam last year and has bought stakes in two largelocal supermarket chains.


Leading the charge for South Korea is Samsung. The electronics company has takenadvantage of tax and regulatory incentives to open two mobile phone assembly plants and hasstarted building factories for display panels, home appliances and electrical parts.


Vietnam is unlikely to escape the dependence in its complex relationship with China, in whichcultural, political and trade ties chafe against conflicts ranging from a 1979 border war to lastyear’s high-seas spat. But the surge by South Korea and Japan is an early sign of how regionalrelationships are also being shaped by a focus on foreign investment and trade that may growstronger still if the Asean single market ever becomes reality.



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