Chopsticks, invented by ancient Chinese, are a type of tableware with distinctive ethnic characteristics and an important component reflecting the unique features of Chinese food culture. The history of Chinese people using chopsticks can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, more than three thousand years ago. Chopsticks can be regarded as a quintessence of Chinese culture. They are both lightweight and flexible, standing out uniquely among tableware from around the world and being praised by Westerners as "the civilization of the East". Everyone who has used chopsticks, whether Chinese or foreigners, has praised them endlessly for their convenience, affordability, and high quality.
筷子 (chopsticks):這是中文特有的餐具名稱,在英語中直接翻譯為“chopsticks”,已成為國際通用的翻譯。
商代 (Shang Dynasty):商代是中國歷史上的一個重要時期,這里直接翻譯為“Shang Dynasty”,保留了歷史時期的原名。
中國國粹 (quintessence of Chinese culture):“國粹”在這里被翻譯為“quintessence”,表示中國文化的精髓和核心。
獨樹一幟 (standing out uniquely):這里用“standing out uniquely”來表達筷子在世界餐具中的獨特地位。
東方的文明 (the civilization of the East):這里“東方”被翻譯為“the East”,表示筷子所代表的中國文化在東方文化中的地位?!拔拿鳌北环g為“civilization”,強調(diào)了筷子所蘊含的文化價值。
物美價廉 (affordable and high quality):這里“物美價廉”被翻譯為“affordable and high quality”,表示筷子既價格合理又質(zhì)量上乘。