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1. Levi Coffin, a teacher raised in North Carolina, explained, "The Bible, in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, said nothing about color."

【翻譯演練】  _____________________________________

【參考譯文】  作為一名從小在北卡羅來納州長大的教師,Levi Coffin解釋說:“圣經(jīng)在要求我們給那些食不果腹者提供食物、給那些衣不蔽體者提供衣物的同時,只字未提膚色問題?!?

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  雙逗號中間的 a teacher (raised in North Carolina),是主語Levin Coffin的同位語,raised in North Carolina是a teacher的后置定語;雙引號中的內(nèi)容是explained的賓語從句,其中The Bible是主語,said nothing about作謂語部分,color是賓語,此處雙逗號里的in bidding...是從句謂語動詞said的時間狀語。

【詞匯精記】  raise 撫養(yǎng);North Carolina 北卡羅來納(州名);bid 命令,要求;feed 喂,養(yǎng),提供食物;clothe 提供衣物;say nothing about 只字未提;the hungry 饑餓者;the naked 裸露者,衣不蔽體者;in doing... 在做……其間(或方面)。

2. In Europe, as elsewhere multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another.

【翻譯演練】  _____________________________

【參考譯文】  在歐洲,像在其他地方一樣,傳媒集團即那些將相關(guān)的電視、廣播、報紙、雜志和出版社組合在一起的集團一直以來都非常成功,而且越來越好。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  In Europe, as elsewhere//multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: // groups (which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses) (that work in relation to one another).第一段中,In Europe是句子的地點狀語;as elsewhere是句子的比較狀語;第二段是句子的主干:multi-media groups是主語,have been是謂語,successful是表語;冒號后面的groups which...是主語groups的同位語,which引導(dǎo)的定語從句對groups進行內(nèi)容解釋。 此句的同位語較特殊,因其自身較長之故被后置(本應(yīng)放在所修飾的主語后),并用冒號加以強調(diào);在which引導(dǎo)的定語從句里,that又引導(dǎo)定語從句對前面的五個并列先行詞television,radio,newspapers,magazines and publishing houses進行修飾說明。

【詞匯精記】  multi-media group 傳媒集團;bring together 將……聚集/組合;publishing house 出版社;in relation to 與……相關(guān)聯(lián)。

3. This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.

【翻譯演練】  ______________________________

【參考譯文】  這一點就足以證明,要在電視行業(yè)里生存下來并非易事。統(tǒng)計數(shù)字尤其說明了這一事實,在80個歐洲電視網(wǎng)中,1989年出現(xiàn)虧損的多達一半。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  This alone demonstrates//that the television business is not an easy world (to survive in),// a fact (underlined by statistics) (that show that out of eighty European television networks , no less than 50% took a loss in 1989 ).第二段中that引導(dǎo)名詞性從句,作謂語動詞demonstrates的賓語(即賓語從句),其中括號部分的不定式短語to survive in是an easy world的后置定語;第三段是要強調(diào)的重點,a fact是前面that賓語從句的同位語,后面的underlined by statistics是過去分詞短語作a fact的后置定語;在statistics后面的that show...是定語從句,修飾先行詞statistics;在此部分還要關(guān)注show后面的又一個that從句(畫線部分),它是show的賓語從句,表示數(shù)據(jù)的內(nèi)容;在此賓語從句中,斜體的out of eighty European television networks是范圍狀語,no less than 50%是主語,took是謂語,a loss是賓語,in 1989是時間狀語。

【詞匯精記】  alone若置于所修飾名詞之后,常做定語,可譯為“單單,僅僅”;demonstrate(相當于show)表明;television business 電視行業(yè);not an easy world to survive in 并非容易生存的行業(yè);underline 在下面畫線,引申為“強調(diào)”;a fact underlined by statistics 一個有數(shù)據(jù)可證明的事實;out of eighty European television networks 在80個歐洲電視網(wǎng)中;no less than 多達/高達;take a loss 虧損。

4. When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind's instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.

【翻譯演練】  ___________________________

【參考譯文】  當這種反應(yīng)出現(xiàn)時,并不是什么錯,這是人類用道德觀念進行推理的本能在起作用,這種本能應(yīng)得到鼓勵而不應(yīng)遭到嘲弄。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  When that happens, it is not a mistake: //it is mankind's instinct (for moral reasoning) (in action),// an instinct (that should be encouraged rather than laughed at).第一段是句子主干:when引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,表示主句it is not a mistake的時間背景;第二段(冒號后)是對第一段內(nèi)容的進一步解釋,其中括號里的for moral reasoning和in action是instinct的兩個后置定語;第三段中的an instinct是前面instinct的同位語,其后面的that...是定語從句,對其進一步修飾解釋。

【詞匯精記】  that(代詞)聯(lián)系上下文譯為“這種反應(yīng)”;mankind 人類;instinct 本能;moral 道德的;reasoning 推理(因有-ing,所以reason此處是動詞詞義);in action (在)起作用;rather than 而不是。

5. Imagine the effect on a reasonably advanced technological society, one that still does not possess the bomb, of making it aware of the possibility, of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed.

【翻譯演練】  ____________________________________

【參考譯文】  對于一個技術(shù)相當先進卻沒擁有此炸彈的國家而言,如果使其意識到這一可能,并向其提供足夠的造彈細節(jié),可以想象后果何其嚴重。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  Imagine the effect (on a reasonably advanced technological society), one (that still does not possess the bomb), (of making it aware of the possibility), (of supplying sufficient details to enable the thing to be constructed).第一個括號中的介詞on短語是effect的后置定語;one是其前面society的同位語,其后的that引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾one,對其作進一步的解釋;最后面的兩個of短語是effect的兩個后置定語,因較長被置于句末;此句的正常語序是:Imagine the effect of..., of..., on...; 此句的整體句式是個祈使句,例如:

Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully cooked wallet and notes turned to ash. 當他們發(fā)現(xiàn)煮過的錢包面目全非、鈔票已化成灰燼時,可以想象他們的沮喪程度。

【詞匯精記】  the effect on 對……的影響;reasonably 合理地,相當?shù)?;advanced 先進的,發(fā)達的;be aware of 意識到;sufficient 足夠的;detail 細節(jié);sufficient 足夠的;enable 使能夠;construct 建設(shè),建造。

6. If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea, a refinement of the Big Bang called the inflationary universe theory.

【翻譯演練】  _____________________________

【參考譯文】  假如那些小熱點看上去同預(yù)期的一致,那就意味著又一科學理論的勝利,也就是經(jīng)過完善的大爆炸論——宇宙膨脹說。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  If the small hot spots look as expected, that will be a triumph for yet another scientific idea,// a refinement (of the Big Bang) (called the inflationary universe theory).句子主干結(jié)構(gòu)是第一段:If引導(dǎo)的條件句+主句,其中l(wèi)ook as expected是look as they are expected的省略,意思是“看上去和預(yù)想的一樣”,as短語在本質(zhì)上是比較狀語從句的省略;a refinement of the Big Bang和前面的yet another scientific idea是同位語關(guān)系;過去分詞短語called the inflationary universe theory作后置定語,修飾the Big Bang。

【詞匯精記】  hot spots 熱點;triumph 勝利;yet another... 又一個……;refinement 提煉,改進;bang 突然的巨響,爆炸;inflationary 膨脹的;universe 宇宙;the inflationary universe theory 宇宙膨脹說(理論)。

7. Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American South.

【翻譯演練】  ___________________________________

【參考譯文】  Henson僅僅是一長串的英勇男女名單中的一個名字,他們一起打造了地下鐵路這一組織。地下鐵路是一個由逃亡路線和可靠人家組成的秘密網(wǎng)絡(luò),他們利用這一網(wǎng)絡(luò)來解放那些來自美國南部的奴隸。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  Henson is but one name (on a long list) (of courageous men and women) (who together forged the Underground Railroad) ,// a secret web (of escape routes and safe houses) (that they used to liberate slaves from the American South).第一段是句子的主干:Henson是主語,is是謂語,one name是表語,but是“僅僅”之意,on a long list作后置定語修飾name,of courageous men and women作后置定語修飾list,who together forged the Underground Railroad作定語修飾men and women,彼此是層層限定的關(guān)系;第二段是理解的重點:a secret web是the Underground Railroad的同位語,其后的of短語和that從句都是web的后置定語;值得關(guān)注的是,在that引導(dǎo)的定語從句里,不定式to短語和前面的used并非固定搭配,而是目的狀語,used的邏輯賓語是引導(dǎo)定語從句的關(guān)系代詞that。

【詞匯精記】  but 僅僅,不過;list 目錄,名單;courageous 英勇的;forge 打造,鍛造;underground 地下的;web 網(wǎng)絡(luò);escape route 逃亡路線;liberate 解放。

8. Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen, a character who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself.

【翻譯演練】  _____________________________

【參考譯文】  確切地講,我們對于美國公民有特定的了解:他們通常能夠正確地評估身外之物對自身生計和幸福的影響程度,否則,他們就不是地道的美國人。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  Rather, we have a certain conception of the American citizen,// a character (who is incomplete if he cannot competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself ).第一段是句子的主干:主語是We,謂語部分是固定搭配have a certain conception of(“對……有特定了解”),賓語是the American citizen;第二段是應(yīng)關(guān)注的重點:a character是American citizen的同位語,其后括號中的who引導(dǎo)定語從句對其進行修飾;who引導(dǎo)的定語從句是個復(fù)合句,其中if又引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,而在此條件狀語從句里,謂語動詞assess后又接了how引導(dǎo)的賓語從句(畫線部位); 在括號里的定語從句中,斜體的incomplete和cannot構(gòu)成了雙重否定結(jié)構(gòu),表示肯定。

【詞匯精記】  rather 確切地講(放在句首時);a certain 特定的,某種程度上的;have a certain conception of 對……有特定的了解;character 性格,有某種性格的人;incomplete 不完整的;competently 稱職地,勝任地;assess 評估;livelihood 生計;affect 影響;things outside of oneself 身外之物。

9. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas—legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another.

【翻譯演練】  ____________________________

【參考譯文】  他們保存歷史的唯一方式是把歷史作為英雄故事來加以敘述,即由講述人一代代地將之作為傳奇故事流傳下來。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  The only way (that they can preserve their history) is to recount it as sagas —// legends (handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another).第一段是句子主干:主語是The only way,謂語是系動詞is,不定式to recount it是表語,畫線的as sagas是方式狀語,括號中關(guān)系副詞that(相當于in which)引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾主語The only way;破折號后面的第二段里,legends是sagas的同位語,也是此句的重點學習對象;最后面括號中的成分是過去分詞短語作legends的后置定語。

【詞匯精記】  preserve 保存;recount 敘述;saga 英雄故事;legend 傳奇;hand down 流傳;generation 一代人;story-teller 講故事者;one...another... 一個……又一個……。

10. In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the "scientific method" a substitute for imaginative thought.

【翻譯演練】  _______________________

【參考譯文】  在和一些科學家,尤其是年輕的科學家交談的時候,你或許會得出這一印象:他們認為“科學的方法”可以取代發(fā)散思維。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression//( that they find the "scientific method" a substitute for imaginative thought ).第一段是句子的主干:主語是you,謂語是might gather,賓語是the impression,句首的In talking to...作句子的時間狀語,雙逗號中間的表達是插入語;第二段中,that引導(dǎo)同位語從句,解釋其前面impression的內(nèi)容;在此從句里,主語是they,謂語是find,其后面接的是復(fù)合賓語,即the "scientific method"是賓語,a substitute是賓語補足語;句末畫線的介詞短語for imaginative thought是a substitute的后置定語。

【詞匯精記】  in doing... 在做……的時候(方面);gather the impression that 得出……的印象;a substitute for 一個……的代替物;imaginative (有)想象力的。

11. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history.

【翻譯演練】  ____________________________

【參考譯文】  在我身旁的是一位身材苗條的黑衣女郎,她把我引領(lǐng)回這樣一個時代:當時安大略省德累斯頓周圍的居民區(qū)居住著一位美國歷史上的英雄人物。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  Alongside me was a slender woman (in a black dress),// my guide (back to a time) (when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario , was home to a hero in American history ).此句的主干是第一段中的倒裝句(屬表系主倒裝的范疇,參見第十章倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)),正常的語序是:a slender woman in black dress was alongside me;第二段中的my guide是woman的同位語,其后面back to a time作后置定語,修飾guide,再后面的when引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾其前面的time;在when引導(dǎo)的定語從句中,主語是the settlement,其前后的畫線部分是定語,謂語動詞是固定搭配was home to,賓語是a hero;句末的畫線部分則是hero的后置定語。

【詞匯精記】  alongside 和……并排,在……旁邊;slender 苗條的;guide 向?qū)?;a time 一個時代;settlement 定居點;Dresden, Ontario (加拿大地名)安大略省德累斯頓;be home to 是……的家,居住著。

12. Word spread that fleeing slaves could always find refuge at the Coffin home.

【翻譯演練】  _______________________________

【參考譯文】  逃亡的奴隸總是能夠在Coffin家得到庇護,這一消息傳播開來。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  Word spread// that fleeing slaves could always find refuge at the Coffin home.第一段是句子主干:Word是主語,spread是謂語;第二段是that引導(dǎo)的同位語從句,解釋說明主語word的內(nèi)容,因較長,為了避免頭重腳輕才和主語word發(fā)生分隔,這在同位語從句的結(jié)構(gòu)里是相當常見的。

【詞匯精記】  word(不加任何冠詞時意為)消息;spread 散布,傳播;flee 逃跑;refuge 庇護。

13. If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed of it, and that it represents good value.

【翻譯演練】  _______________________

【參考譯文】  如果你看到一個商品一再地做廣告,這就最有力地證明了該商品是名副其實、物有所值的。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  If you see an article consistently advertised , it is the surest proof//(I know) ( that the article does what is claimed of it ), and ( that it represents good value).第一段是句子的主干,由If條件狀語從句+主句構(gòu)成;在此段中,值得關(guān)注的是if從句的畫線部位,它作賓語補足語的成分(原理是:see sth. done);在第二段中,I know是省略了關(guān)系代詞that的定語從句,修飾proof;后面并列的兩個that從句是proof的同位語從句;第一個that從句中,須注意畫線的部位是what引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句,作does的賓語(即賓語從句),其中的介詞of是“關(guān)于”之意。

【詞匯精記】  article 商品,物品;consistent 一貫的,一致的;advertise 做廣告;claim 聲稱;of(相當于about)關(guān)于。

14. They reached a merger agreement on the understanding that both parties will be committed to expanding the market share of the company in Europe.

【翻譯演練】  __________________________

【參考譯文】  他們認為雙方都應(yīng)該致力于擴大公司在歐洲的市場份額,基于這一共識,他們達成了合并的協(xié)議。

【結(jié)構(gòu)分析】  They reached a merger agreement on the understanding // that both parties will be committed to expanding the market share (of the company) (in Europe).第一段是句子的主干:They是主語,reached是謂語,a merger agreement是賓語,on the understanding是原因狀語,表示reached的原因;第二段是that引導(dǎo)的同位語從句,解釋understanding的內(nèi)容,此從句中主語是both parties,謂語是will be committed to,賓語是動名詞短語expanding...,句末兩個括號中的部分皆是the market share的后置定語。

【詞匯精記】  reach an agreement 達成一致;merger 合并,融合;on the understanding that... 基于……的觀點;party (一)方;be committed to 致力于;expand 擴張,擴大;the market share 市場份額。


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