Jaco: An embalmer? Is it a real job? You didn’t make it up, did you? It’s not funny.
Jean: They prepare the dead for burial.
Jaco: What a creepy job! Isn’t it scary to deal with the dead? Maybe they would wake up.
Jean: Don’t you think it’s a holy job? People will die sooner or later. No exception. Even if you are a zombie, you have to die first.
Jaco: Stop saying that for God’s sake! You are getting on my nerves.
Jean: They wash the body with germicidal soap and dry it. They spruce up the body as well to give the face a lifelike appearance.
Jaco: Sounds humane! But I bet their wives don’t like their hands that touch the dead every day.
Jean: Show some respect! When I die, don’t you want to spruce me up? Isn’t it ironic that the last thing people buy for themselves is decided by someone else? When I die, I just need an ordinary coffin. I don’t like anything fancy. Keep that in mind!
Jaco: Honey, can we talk about anything but death, coffins? We are in the middle of a dinner.