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   在這一課里, 我們繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)怎么樣引述別人或是自己以前說過的話.首先我們還是依照慣例, 聽一段對話,    內(nèi)容是說彼得轉(zhuǎn)告凱特, 亨利打電話回家, 交待了一些什么事情. 請你特別注意英文老師的發(fā)音和語調(diào).

   M: Mom, Dad called and said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
   F:  Did he say why?
   M: Yes, he said that one of the men was sick and he was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
   F:  Did he say when he would be home?
   M: He didn't say. But he did say that he was tired. He had had a busy day.
   F:  Did he say why?
   M: He  said  that  there  had  been  a    big  fire  in  town and  it  had  taken   nearly   all morning to put it out.
   F:  I hope that he wasn't hurt.

   現(xiàn)在我們把整段對話再聽一遍, 請你注意聽.

   M: Mom, Dad called and said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
   F:  Did he say why?
   M: Yes, he said that one of the men was sick and he was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
   F:  Did he say when he would be home?
   M: He didn't say. But he did say that he was tired. He had had a busy day.
   F:  Did he say why?
   M: He  said  that  there  had  been  a    big  fire  in  town and  it  had  taken   nearly   all morning to put it out.
   F:  I hope that he wasn't hurt.


   M: Dad said that he wouldn't be home for dinner.
   M: He said that one of the men was sick.
   F:  Did he say when he would be home?
   M: He did say that he was tired.
   M: He said that there had been a big fire in town.


   從上面的幾個(gè)句子你可以看出間接引句的一些規(guī)則,有一些我們在上一課已經(jīng)學(xué)過; 有些我們今天要學(xué).首先我們復(fù)習(xí)上一課教過的. 第一組練習(xí)是由彼得或是凱特說幾句話,  然后由別人引述一遍, 請你注意聽.

   M: Henry is going to stay for the afternoon shift.
   F:  Peter said that Henry was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
   M: He will be busy in the afternoon.
   F:  Peter said that Henry would be busy in the afternoon.
   M: He can't come home for dinner.
   F:  Peter said that Henry couldn't come home for dinner.
   F:  Is Henry tired?
   M: Kate asked if Henry was tired.
   F:  Is Henry hurt?
   M: Kate asked whether Henry was hurt.


   聽了上面一組練習(xí), 我想你對我們上一課教過的間接引句已經(jīng)有了印象, 尤其是怎么樣引述問句. 現(xiàn)在我們來學(xué)習(xí)怎么樣引述用疑問詞.比方 "為什么" why,"哪兒" where, "什么時(shí)候" when 開頭的疑問句. 如果有人問你:  "你什么時(shí)候下班?" When are you going to be off duty? 在引述這句話的時(shí)候你就應(yīng)該這么說: Someone asked me  when I was going to be off duty.  請你注意,    因?yàn)橛幸蓡栐~,所以在間接引句里疑問詞代替了我們以前學(xué)過 if,    whether,  或是 that, 但是仍然必須把問句改為過去時(shí)態(tài)陳述句. 我再舉一個(gè)例子, 比方有人問你:"怎么樣才能作救火員?" How can one be a fire fighter?    在引述這句話的時(shí)候你就應(yīng)該這么說: Someone asked me how one could be a fire fighter.現(xiàn)在我們作一組練習(xí),學(xué)學(xué)這種說法.練習(xí)的作法是由凱特問一些有關(guān)亨利跟其他救火員的情況的問題, 然后學(xué)生就把凱特的話引述一遍. 在學(xué)生作練習(xí)的時(shí)候請你也一起作.

   F:  Why isn't Henry coming home for dinner?
   M: Kate asked why Henry wasn't coming home for dinner.
   F:  Why is he going to stay for the afternoon shift?
   M: Kate asked why Henry was going to stay for the afternoon shift.
   F:  Where is he?
   M: Kate asked where Henry was.
   F:  How is he?
   M: Kate asked how Henry was.
   F:  How are his fellow fire fighters?
   M: Kate asked how Henry's fellow fire fighters were.
   F:  When is he going to be off duty?
   M: Kate asked when Henry was going to be off duty.
   F:  When is he coming home?
   M: Kate asked when Henry was coming home.

   下面一組練習(xí)的內(nèi)容是說彼得問母親凱特怎么樣才能夠像父親亨利一樣作個(gè)救火員.  彼得提出了許多問題. 凱特都一一回答,   比方凱特告訴彼得作救火員必須小心, 鎮(zhèn)靜, 必須隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備救火, 一有必要就得上夜班等等. 練習(xí)的作法是你會先聽到一個(gè)疑問詞開頭的疑問句, 比方彼得問: How can one be a fire fighter? 聽了之后請你把話引述一遍,所以答案就是: Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter. 如果你聽到的不是問句, 而是陳述句, 比方凱特回答:   "他們需要小心, 鎮(zhèn)靜."   One needs to be careful and calm. 在引述的時(shí)候你就必須這么說: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm. 現(xiàn)在我們開始作練習(xí),每作完一句, 就請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: How can one be a fire fighter?
   F:  Peter asked how one could be a fire fighter.
   F:  One needs to be careful and calm.
   M: Kate answered that one needed to be careful and calm.
   M: What are their duties?
   F:  Peter asked what their duties were.
   F:  They put out fire and rescue people.
   M: Kate answered that they put out fire and rescued people.
   M: When do they have to be ready to answer an alarm?
   F:  Peter asked when they had to be ready to answer an alarm.
   F:  They have to be ready at any hour of the day or night.
   M: Kate answered that they had to be ready at any hour of the day or night.
   M: How many shifts are there?
   F:  Peter asked how many shifts there were.
   F:  There are three shifts.
   M: Kate answered that there were three shifts.
   M: How often do they work the night shift?
   F:  Peter asked how often they worked the night shift.
   F:  They work the night shift as often as needed.
   M: Kate answered that they worked the night shift as often as needed.

   下面彼得問凱特作救火員危險(xiǎn)不危險(xiǎn), 他們怎么救火; 怎么樣幫助受傷的人等等問題; 凱特回答說救火員的工作有時(shí)候相當(dāng)危險(xiǎn), 他們必須有救火設(shè)施, 必須給予受傷的人急救等等. 還是請你跟剛才一樣作練習(xí)

   M: How dangerous is the job?
   F:  Peter asked how dangerous the job was.
   F:  It can be very dangerous at times.
   M: Kate answered that it could be very dangerous at times.
   M: How do they enter a burning building?
   F:  Peter asked how they entered a burning building.
   F:  They use the necessary equipment.
   M: Kate answered that they used the necessary equipment.
   M: How do they help injured people?
   F:  Peter asked how they helped the injured people.
   F:  They give those people first aid.
   M: Kate answered that they gave those people first aid.

   剛才我們引述的句子本身都是現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài). 所以在引述的時(shí)候必須把動(dòng)詞或助動(dòng)詞改為過去時(shí)態(tài). 如果你要引述的句子是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí)態(tài)或是過去時(shí)態(tài),   那么在引述的時(shí)候就應(yīng)該用had, h-a-d,had加上動(dòng)詞的過去分詞或是用 had been 加上動(dòng)詞的過去分詞把時(shí)態(tài)改為過去完成時(shí)態(tài). 比方凱特問亨利:  "發(fā)生了什么事?" What happened?    在引述這句話的時(shí)候就應(yīng)該這么說:Kate asked what had happened. 再舉一個(gè)例子,  比方凱特問亨利:    "有多少人受傷情況嚴(yán)重?" How  many  people  were  in critical  condition? 引述那句話的時(shí)候就應(yīng)該這么說: Kate asked  how many people had been in critical condition. 

  下面我們作一組練習(xí),學(xué)學(xué)這種說法.練習(xí)的內(nèi)容是說亨利救火之后回到家里, 凱特問他有關(guān)火災(zāi)的種種情況,比方受傷的人被送進(jìn)哪家醫(yī)院,多少樓房被燒壞或是全部燒毀,  火災(zāi)多久才被撲滅等等. 這些問題亨利都一一答覆. 練習(xí)的作法跟剛才一樣,還是每作完一句就請你聽正確答案.

   F:  What happened?
   M: Kate asked what had happened.
   M: There was a fire in town.
   F:  Henry answered that there had been a fire in town.
   F:  When did it happen?
   M: Kate asked when it had happened.
   M: It happened in the morning.
   F:  Henry answered that it had happened in the morning.
   F:  How many people were injured?
   M: Kate asked how many people had been injured.
   M: A lot of people were injured.
   F:  Henry answered that a lot of people had been injured.
   F:  How many people were in critical condition?
   M: Kate asked how many people had been in critical condition.
   M: Four people were in critical condition.
   F:  Henry answered that four people had been in critical condition.
   F:  Which hospital were they taken to?
   M: Kate asked which hospital they had been taken to.
   M: They were taken to the hospital downtown.
   F:  Henry answered that they had been taken to the hospital downtown.
   F:  How many buildings burned down?
   M: Kate asked how many buildings had burned down.
   M: None of the buildings burned down.
   F:  Henry answered that none of the buildings had burned down.
   F:  How many buildings were damaged?
   M: Kate asked how many buildings had been damaged.
   M: Three buildings were damaged.
   F:  Henry answered that three buildings had been damaged.
   F:  How long did it take to put out the fire?
   M: Kate asked how long it had taken to put out the fire.
   M: It took three hours to put out the fire.
   F:  Henry answered that it had taken three hours to put out the fire.


   今天我們要聽的文章是說亨利在西雅圖市政府作救火員,    文章里除了談到救火員的責(zé)任,   比方如何隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備救火,    還提到救火員必須要冒著危險(xiǎn)進(jìn)入燃燒中的房屋去救人, 有的時(shí)候接到火警趕到現(xiàn)場才發(fā)現(xiàn)有人謊報(bào)等等.文章最后一段還說到凱特對亨利作救火員有什么感想.現(xiàn)在請你注意聽.

   Henry is an employee of the city of Seattle.  He is one of more than 2,000 fire fighters there. Seattle had a  major  fire  nearly 100 years ago when most of the city burned to the ground. Henry and his fellow fire fighters don't  want that to happen again. Henry  is on duty eight  hours a  day. During  his shift, he eats and sleeps at the fire house. Fire fighters  have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or  night. Most  of the alarms are for  small fires  which  can be put out in a few minutes.  There  are also a few    fake alarms, when the  fire  fighters arrive to find that there isn't  any fire  at  all.  Big fires are very  dangerous. Most of  the time  the greatest danger comes from smoke.   Sometimes, Henry  has  to  enter  burning  buildings to rescue  people  inside. He  has been  in serious danger many times to save people's lives. Kate is proud of Henry for his work, but she  worries  about his  safety.  Henry feels  that his job  isn't  dangerous  if  he  is  careful and  stays  calm. He  also needs to stay  in  good shape too.

   剛才那篇文章如果你不能全部聽懂, 等一會兒你還有機(jī)會聽. 現(xiàn)在我們先把今天測驗(yàn)的問題念一遍.

   M: Why do fire fighters have to work the night shift?
   M: What do fire fighters do?
   M: How does Kate feel about Henry's job?

   現(xiàn)在我們再聽英文老師用慢速度把整篇文章念一遍. 聽完之后, 我們要請你回答剛才念的三個(gè)問題.

   Henry is an employee of the city of Seattle.  He is one of more than 2,000 fire fighters there. Seattle had a  major  fire  nearly 100 years ago when most of the city burned to the ground. Henry and his fellow fire fighters don't  want that to happen again. Henry  is on duty eight  hours a  day. During  his shift, he eats and sleeps at the fire house. Fire fighters  have to be ready to answer an alarm at any hour of the day or  night. Most  of the alarms are for  small fires  which  can be put out in a few minutes.  There  are also a few    fake alarms, when the  fire  fighters arrive to find that there isn't  any fire  at  all.  Big fires are very  dangerous. Most of  the time  the greatest danger comes from smoke.   Sometimes, Henry  has  to  enter  burning  buildings to rescue  people  inside. He  has been  in serious danger many times to save people's lives. Kate is proud of Henry for his work, but she  worries  about his  safety.  Henry feels  that his job  isn't  dangerous  if  he  is  careful and  stays  calm. He  also needs to stay  in  good shape too.

   現(xiàn)在請你回答下面三個(gè)問題. 回答之后請你聽老師念正確答案.

   M: Why do fire fighters have to work the night shift?
   F:  It is because they have to be ready to answer an alarm day and night.

   M: What do fire fighters do?
   F:  They put out fire and rescue people.

   M: How does Kate feel about Henry's job?
   F:  She is proud of Henry for his work, but she worries about his safety.


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