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Kevin Spacey, Star of ‘House of Cards’ and a Bromance With Bill Clinton


Before Kevin Spacey got into character as Francis Underwood, the fictional congressman who by the third season of “House of Cards” has murdered and manipulated his way into the Oval Office, he liked to portray a real-life president: Bill Clinton.

在《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)第三季,凱文·斯佩西(Kevin Spacey)所飾演的虛構(gòu)出來的國會議員弗朗西斯·安德伍德(Francis Underwood),靠著謀殺和搞陰謀詭計(jì),最終入主總統(tǒng)辦公室;在接演這個角色之前,斯派西喜歡扮演生活中的一位真正總統(tǒng)——比爾·克林頓(Bill Clinton)。

“We, in fact, have spent so much time together that sometimes I even become him,” Mr. Spacey said last fall at an event in Little Rock, Ark., to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center.


“I’m from a place called Hope,” Mr. Spacey said as he feigned Mr. Clinton’s Arkansas accent, which sounded vaguely like Underwood, who is from South Carolina.


“Let me tell you one thing, I love that ‘House of Cards’ — it’s so good,” Mr. Spacey continued in his Clinton voice. “Ninety-nine percent of what they do on that show is real, and the 1 percent they got wrong is that you could never get an education bill passed that fast.”


Mr. Clinton joined Mr. Spacey onstage, and a bromance between the two men ensued. Mr. Clinton grinned widely, relishing the impersonation. He put his arm around Mr. Spacey.


It was only the latest public display of affection between an actor, who is currently best known for portraying one of the most morally bankrupt presidents ever to come out of Hollywood, and a former president, who ever since he played the saxophone on “The Arsenio Hall Show” in 1992, has had a special bond with the small screen.


Mr. Spacey, a Democratic donor, first met Mr. Clinton in the White House during his first term. In two industries — politics and entertainment — known for fleeting friendships of convenience, the men seemed to genuinely bond. They stayed in touch and grew closer in Mr. Clinton’s post-presidency, talking a couple times a month and collaborating often on philanthropic work. It’s a relationship that is well known to those close to Mr. Clinton and that has become evident since I began covering him and his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton. If you look closely at the décor in Underwood’s office on “House of Cards,” you’ll see a photo of Mr. Spacey and Mr. Clinton at dinner together plugging away on their BlackBerrys. The photo is likely to move to the White House with President Underwood in Season 3, which will begin streaming on Netflix on Feb. 27.

斯佩西是民主黨的贊助者,他和克林頓第一次見面是在白宮,當(dāng)時正值克林頓的第一個任期。政治與娛樂業(yè)的友誼一向以轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝、各取所需著稱,這兩人之間卻似乎建立了真正的聯(lián)系。在克林頓結(jié)束任期之后,他們一直保持聯(lián)系,并且愈來愈親密,每月都要在一起聊幾次,還經(jīng)常在慈善事業(yè)中合作。熟悉克林頓的人都知道這段友誼,自從我開始報道克林頓和他的妻子希拉里·羅德姆·克林頓(Hillary Rodham Clinton)開始,它就更是廣為人們所知。如果你仔細(xì)觀察《紙牌屋》里安德伍德的辦公室,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)斯佩西與克林頓一邊共進(jìn)晚餐一邊玩黑莓手機(jī)的照片。這張照片很可能也會在第三季里隨同安德伍德總統(tǒng)一起進(jìn)入白宮,這一季將于2月27日在Netflix以流媒體形式上映。

Of all the TV shows for Mr. Clinton to be associated with as Mrs. Clinton prepares for a 2016 presidential campaign, the coldly cynical depiction of Washington in “House of Cards” might not be the best for political optics.


Better to remind voters of the “The West Wing,” Aaron Sorkin’s optimistic ode to the Clinton years with President Josiah Bartlet as an unwavering liberal champion with none of the foibles of the real-life Mr. Clinton. Or, perhaps the current “Madam Secretary,” the glossy CBS drama with Téa Leoni as a glamorous and effective C.I.A. agent-turned secretary of state.

最好還是讓選民聯(lián)想到《白宮風(fēng)云》(The West Wing)吧,這是亞倫·索金(Aaron Sorkin)對克林頓年代的一曲樂觀主義頌歌,片中的喬希亞·巴特勒(Josiah Bartlet)總統(tǒng)是個毫不動搖的自由主義捍衛(wèi)者,而且沒有現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的克林頓身上的任何缺點(diǎn)。又或者應(yīng)該讓選民想起《國務(wù)卿女士》(Madam Secretary),這是CBS臺精心打造的劇集,蒂婭·里歐妮(Téa Leoni)飾演一位漂亮精干、中情局特工出身的國務(wù)卿。

After all, the second season of “House of Cards” included Underwood pushing a young journalist in front of a train and having a threesome with his wife, Claire, played by Robin Wright, and his eager-to-please secret service agent Edward Meechum.

況且,《紙牌屋》第二季中,安德伍德把一個年輕記者推下鐵軌,還和他的妻子——羅賓·懷特(Robin Wright)飾演的克萊爾(Clarie),以及熱衷討好他們的內(nèi)勤人員愛德華·米坎姆(Edward Meechum)大玩3p。

Not exactly the stuff of a 2016 campaign ad. (Representatives for Mr. Spacey, Mr. Clinton and Netflix declined to comment for this article.)


Still, the Clintons have not been shy about their ties to “House of Cards.” Last summer, Mrs. Clinton told People magazine she and Mr. Clinton “totally binge-watched” the first season. After a crushing travel schedule as secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton said part of the appeal was “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we can just sit here and do this.”


The connection extends beyond Mr. Spacey and Mr. Clinton’s friendship. Before he became a TV writer and playwright, the “House of Cards” creator Beau Willimon worked as an intern on Mrs. Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign.

這種聯(lián)系還不止于斯佩西與克林頓先生的友情?!都埮莆荨返闹鲃?chuàng)鮑爾·威利蒙(Beau Willimon)在成為電視劇和舞臺劇編劇之前,曾在克林頓夫人2000年的參議員競選班底中擔(dān)任實(shí)習(xí)生。

Jay Carson, a political consultant on “House of Cards” and a college friend of Mr. Willimon, worked as a press secretary to Mr. Clinton and served as Mrs. Clinton’s traveling press aide during her 2008 presidential campaign.

《紙牌屋》的政治顧問杰伊·卡森(Jay Carson)是威利蒙在大學(xué)時的好友,曾為克林頓先生擔(dān)任媒體秘書,為克林頓夫人擔(dān)任2008年競選總統(tǒng)期間的旅行媒體助理。

In August, Mr. Spacey, in character as Underwood, made a spoof video posted online in honor of Mr. Clinton’s 68th birthday. Underwood pretends to be Mr. Clinton and prank-calls Mrs. Clinton. He suggests that their daughter, Chelsea, then pregnant with her first child, name the baby “Frank” and tries to goad Mrs. Clinton into telling him what she will buy her husband for his birthday.


“This is a very personal decision I will make when I’m ready,” Mrs. Clinton said, a play on the response she gives when asked whether she will run for president. She suggests another name for Chelsea’s baby: Kevin.


Mr. Spacey’s relatively public friendship with Mr. Clinton began around the time of his 1996 re-election campaign. Today, Democrats must be careful not to appear too cozy with liberal Hollywood, lest they seem out of touch with a struggling Main Street. But during the Clinton years, Tinseltown swooned over the first couple, who represented a Democratic break after 12 years of Republican leadership. David Geffen and Barbra Streisand were invited to spend nights in the Lincoln Bedroom, and Mr. Spacey became a fixture on the inauguration and fund-raising circuit.

斯佩西與克林頓先生相對公開的友情是在1996年克林頓第二次競選總統(tǒng)時傳開的。如今,民主黨人得更加小心謹(jǐn)慎,不能顯得和自由派的好萊塢更加親近,以免被視為和奮斗之中的主流大眾脫節(jié)。但在克林頓的時代,浮華的好萊塢竭力討好第一夫婦,他們象征著12年來民主黨對共和黨的首次勝利。大衛(wèi)·格芬 (David Geffen)和芭芭拉·史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)被邀請到白宮的林肯臥室消磨晚上,斯佩西也成了就職儀式和各種資金籌措活動的固定賓客。

After he left office, Mr. Clinton brought Mr. Spacey into his global philanthropic work through the Clinton Foundation. The two men helped struggling Lower Manhattan businesses in the aftermath of Sept. 11. They went on a five-day swing through Africa together to promote efforts to fight AIDS and joined Nelson Mandela onstage to address a crowd of teenagers about H.I.V. awareness. The British news media spotted them having dinner at a McDonald’s in London, sharing chicken nuggets as only old friends would.

總統(tǒng)任期結(jié)束后,克林頓先生帶著斯佩西加入了自己的克林頓基金會全球慈善工作。9·11事件之后,兩人幫助奮斗中的下曼哈頓企業(yè)恢復(fù)生機(jī)。他們一起去非洲做了一次五日之旅,宣傳抗擊艾滋,并登臺與納爾遜·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)一起對青少年觀眾發(fā)表關(guān)于關(guān)注HIV的講演。英國媒體發(fā)現(xiàn)他倆在倫敦的麥當(dāng)勞一起吃飯,像老朋友一樣分吃麥樂雞塊。

Mr. Spacey and Mr. Clinton, both known as expert raconteurs, appear to enjoy candid conversations and debates about politics and books they’ve read.


Mr. Clinton seems to have less in common with Mr. Spacey’s on-screen persona. In many ways, the former president, with his preternatural sociability and desire to win over everyone (sometimes to a fault) is the opposite of Underwood, an antihero who has no interest in making friends and hardly ever deigns to meet the voting masses.


Mr. Willimon has said Frank and Claire’s marriage, a complex portrayal of intellectual equals who enable each other in the name of ambition, could just as easily resemble Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt’s partnership. “You can compare it to lots of real-life unions, and you might find parallels, but it’s not based on any one marriage,” he said during a panel discussion in Washington last year.

威利蒙說過,弗蘭克和克萊爾的婚姻是兩個智力上旗鼓相當(dāng)?shù)娜说膹?fù)雜寫照,他們?yōu)榱艘靶亩ハ喑删蛯Ψ?,這和富蘭克林(Franklin)與埃莉諾· 羅斯福(Eleanor Roosevelt)的關(guān)系很像。“我們可以拿它來和許多現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的聯(lián)姻相對照,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)共同之處,但它并不是建立在某一段特定的婚姻上。”去年他在華盛頓的一次研討會上這么說。


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