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英語播客初級版 第262期(外教講解):雇保姆



Getting A Nanny
Grace: Hey Mel! Are you up for some tennis today?
Mel: Sorry, I can’t! I have to go to work, pick up Jake and Maddie from school, and make them an afternoon snack, then take Jake to soccer practice and Maddie to dance class.
Grace: You sound exhausted. Maybe you should hire a nanny to help you out! She can pick the kids up and take them to their after-school activities. She can also help you do some household chores, and run some errands.
Mel: Oh, I don’t know... it’s hard to find the right nanny .You have to consider her previous work experience, the responsibilities you give her, and how she interacts with the kids. I would love to have someone to help me out, though.
Grace: I think you should definitely consider it! This way you won’t have to juggle such a busy schedule, and you’ll still get to spend time with the kids in the evenings. I can refer you this great nanny Amy. She used to work for my neighbors, before they moved away. She’s very responsible, a good cook, and great with kids.
Mel: Oh, that’s great. Thanks Grace. Can you give me her number? I’ll talk it over with Dan and give her a call tomorrow. Maybe this way I won’t be so tired every day, and Dan and I might even get to go on a date once in a while.
nanny n.保姆
exhausted a.很疲憊
hire v.雇傭
chore n. 家務(wù)雜事; 零工
errand n.差事, 跑腿
interact v.溝通
juggle v.同時做很多事
refer v. 推薦
once in a while 偶爾
Grace: 你好,Mel。你今天有空打網(wǎng)球嗎?
Mel: 對不起,我去不了,我得去干活,去學(xué)校接Jake和Maddie。并給他們做午飯,然后帶Jake去進(jìn)行足球訓(xùn)練,送Maddie去舞蹈班。
Grace: 你聽起來很疲憊,也許你該雇個保姆來幫你。她能接孩子,并帶他們參加放學(xué)后的活動。她也能幫你做些家務(wù)活,給你跑跑腿。
Mel: 喔,我不知道,很難找到合適的保姆。你必須得考慮她以前的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),你教給她的責(zé)任,以及她是如何和孩子們溝通的。但是我倒是想雇人來幫幫我。
Grace: 我認(rèn)為你應(yīng)該好好考慮下。這樣你就被繁忙的時間表弄得手忙腳亂,而且晚上你還可以和孩子們在一起。我能給你推薦個好保姆。在我的鄰居搬走之前,她過去經(jīng)常為他們工作。她很負(fù)責(zé),也是個好廚子,而且對孩子們很好。
Mel: 那太好了,謝謝,Grace。你把她的電話給我嗎?我要和Dan談?wù)?,明天給她打個電話。也許這樣我就不必每天這樣如此皮別,Dan和我甚至還可以時不時去約會下。

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