。“中暑”的英文怎么說呢?大家都知道stroke,中風,而中暑就是heat stroke。
The skin may become red and hot as blood vessels dilate in an attempt to increase heat dissipation, sometimes leading to swollen lips. An inability to cool the body through perspiration causes the skin to feel dry.
In the case of severe heat stroke, heart rate and respiration rate will increase as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to supply enough oxygen to the body. The decrease in blood pressure can then cause blood vessels to contract, resulting in a pale or bluish skin color in advanced cases of heat stroke.
在夏天的時候我們如何預防中暑呢?首先防曬工作要做好,出門前的準備包括:陽傘parasol、防曬霜sunblock、墨鏡sunglasses、遮陽帽topee、清涼油cooling oil;天熱的時候記得多吃一些涼性的食物,比如plum syrup,酸梅湯;mung bean soup,綠豆湯等等。世博園中為了防暑降溫特設了不少sprayer,噴霧器,大家自己也可以隨身攜帶一個小巧的spray bottle,隨時補水,又防暑又護膚。
說到spray這個詞,女生們比較熟悉的可能就兩種:防曬噴霧,sunscreen spray,還有就是防狼噴霧,pepper spray,估計這兩大噴霧是女生們包包里長期必備的吧。不過防曬工作可以不用太嚴密,現在流行黑美人,健康膚色嘛,有很多人還會用spray-on tan來把皮膚弄成健康的小麥色呢。