我剛買的那個咖啡壺,顯然不符合我的要求。It simply does not cut the mustard. 下面這個例子里的消費者,對新買的手機很不滿意,因為it does not cut the mustard. 讓我們聽聽他是怎么說的。
例句-1:The sales agent convinced me to buy my cell phone. But I haven't been impressed with its service. It drops calls and takes forever to recharge. What I really need is a phone that's much more dependable. This one just does not cut the mustard.
這個人錯就錯在不應(yīng)該輕信那個推銷員的話,結(jié)果跟我一樣,買了個質(zhì)量偽劣的產(chǎn)品。在美語里面,這種質(zhì)量偽劣的產(chǎn)品有一種說法,叫Lemon. 比如說,我姐夫的新車就是Lemon。他因為貪圖便宜,買了這輛車,結(jié)果開了不到半年,就大修了兩次,花了很多錢。好在美國有專門的Lemon Laws,保護消費者利益。我姐夫恐怕要好好研究一下這些法律,因為,His car does not cut the mustard.
例句-2:After my niece had trouble finding work, I managed to get her a position as an administrative assistant at my office. What a mistake! Not only was she slow, but she was rather lazy. After two weeks, I had to let her go because she could not cut the mustard.
給親戚朋友安排工作,很容易遇到這種棘手的狀況。值得說明的是,cut the mustard也可以用于肯定某個人或是某件事。比如說,我們公司的老板準(zhǔn)備給一個在我們這里實習(xí)的學(xué)生轉(zhuǎn)正,因為,He can really cut the mustard. 他已經(jīng)達到了正式員工的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。
很多人想知道,cut the mustard這個習(xí)慣用語的來歷。在這個問題上,語言學(xué)家們眾說紛紜。有人認(rèn)為這個習(xí)慣用語來源于芥末的制作程序;另外一些人則認(rèn)為是從pass mustard轉(zhuǎn)變而來的。If those explanations are not cutting the mustard for you, you'll have to wait until we have conclusive research. 如果上面的解釋不能讓你滿意的話,那你就只好等待更深入的研究后得出結(jié)論了。