如果你喜歡玩牌的話,肯定知道,shuffle,是洗牌的意思。Lost in the shuffle意思是在混亂之中把某件事情遺漏或是忽略了。比如說我們那個讀書俱樂部。俱樂部的成員們東拉西扯,可就是忽略了俱樂部的真正目的,交流讀書心得,The discussion of our book got lost in the shuffle.
例句-1:There's been so much controversy over the collapse of the bridge. The mayor's office blames the engineers for poor design while they fault the city for not keeping up with routine repairs. But no one is showing much concern for commuters like me who desperately need the bridge to be fixed. We're getting lost in the shuffle.
我以前一直痛恨開會,因為很多時候,開來開去,討論的都是一些并不重要的話題。最近我們剛換了主管,每次開會都按照輕重緩急,列出會議日程,so that the most important issues won't be lost in the shuffle. 保證重要問題不會被忽略掉。
例句-2:Growing up as a middle kid in my family could be tough. Sometimes my folks seemed to spend a lot of time looking after my younger brother and sister or worrying about my older siblings. Is it any surprise I felt lost in the shuffle? I wanted mom and dad to notice me more often.
對了!In the shuffle這個習慣用語源于二十世紀,毫無疑問,是從撲克牌來的。今天盡顧著解釋這個習慣用語的用法,The explanation of its original nearly got lost in the shuffle! 差點就忘了解釋它的來源。