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> VOA > 美語咖啡屋 >  第38篇

美語咖啡屋Mark, Bee Keeper & Other Jobs




J: Hello everyone! I'm Jody. Welcome to American Cafe!

Y: 各位聽眾好,我是楊晨。歡迎您到美語咖啡屋!

J: Yang Chen, our guest today is Mark Boudevaul, from Beverly, West Virginia. And he has several ways that he makes a living.

Y: Mark住在西維吉尼亞的Beverly. 你說他同時有好幾種工作,聽上去很有意思。那他的主要工作是什么呢?

J: Primarily, Mark is a beekeeper.

Y: Beekeeper?

J: Bee Keeper!

Y: Bee就是蜜蜂,Beekeeper就是養(yǎng)蜂的人。那他另外的職業(yè)是什么呢?

J: He's also the host of a bluegrass radio show and is also a musician himself.

Y: Wow. 他還在電臺主持蘭草音樂節(jié)目,還是個音樂家,那他會不會演奏樂器?

J: He plays the steel guitar that you hear in the background.

(Enter samples of steel guitar)

J: ... and the dobro.

Y: 我知道 Steel guitar是夏威夷吉他, dobro好象沒有中文翻譯,

J: It's common in bluegrass music. Oh, Yang Chen, listen to that lonely, haunting sound.

Y: 沒錯,這種樂器聽起來有一種孤獨深沉的味道。

J: Now, let's meet Mark

實錄1: Mark: I'm Mark Boudervaul and I'm from Beverly, West Virginia. Well I'm a beekeeper primarily but I also do a bluegrass radio show and play steel guitar and dobro.

Y: Mark的聲音真的很好聽,難怪他要主持電臺節(jié)目呢。

J: I know. He has a great radio voice.

Y: 沒錯,不過我更感興趣的是他的另一個職業(yè):養(yǎng)蜜蜂。

J: Raising bees sounds like such interesting work.

Y: 就是啊,那他是什么時候開始養(yǎng)蜜蜂的呢?

J: Mark started bee keeping when he was around 17 years old. He says a guy a couple farms over, meaning a neighbor, had bees and Mark was intrigued.

Y: 對,Intrigued就是產(chǎn)生興趣的意思。

J: Right. So Mark pestered his neighbor long enough ...

Y: 等一等, "pester" 不是麻煩,打擾的意思嗎?

J: Right. To pester means to bother somebody. So, Mark pestered his neighbor to teach him about bee keeping and it worked.

實錄2: Mark: I started when I was about 17. I knew a guy a couple farms over from us that had bees and I was pretty intrigued by it. I pestered him long enough for him to show me what to do. And I got my own bees when I was about 18. And I'm 48 now so, that's about 30 years.

Y: 有意思,Mark 想學(xué)養(yǎng)蜂,就纏著附近農(nóng)場的一個人教他, 那個人最后不厭其煩只好幫助他。嗯,pester這個辦法不錯.

J: Sometimes you have to pester, pester, pester, pester somebody to get what you want.

Y: 沒錯,Mark說他養(yǎng)蜜蜂到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)有30年歷史了。 對Mark來說養(yǎng)蜜蜂雖然是他的興趣,可是養(yǎng)蜂也有淡季和旺季,對吧?

J: Exactly. Bee keeping is definitely seasonal because, of course, bees need flowers and in the dead of winter there are no flowers.

實錄3: Mark: It's a seasonal job in that bees are only really working when flowers are in bloom and in the dead of winter there's no flowers.

Y: 到了冬天他就得找點別的事做。

J: Mark goes on to say that bee keeping keeps him going in the summertime. During the winter he finds other things to keep him going.

實錄4: Mark: Ahh, it's interesting. It keeps me going in the summer time. You know, I find other things to keep me going through the winter.

Y: Mark 說的keeps him going 就是維持生計的意思。我們知道西維吉尼亞冬天很冷,他能找什么工作呢?

J: To keep himself going through a winter in West Virginia Mark does something very interesting.

Y: 我們來聽聽是什么。

Mark: I raise donkeys also.

Y: 什么?毛驢?我沒有聽錯吧?

J: You heard it right, Yang Chen! Mark also raises donkeys to give people rides on the trails through the beautiful mountains of West Virginia.

實錄5: Mark: Yes, I have donkeys that I take out on trails and this is a good area to come for that. (laughter)

Y: 騎著毛驢沿著西維吉尼亞的山路欣賞風(fēng)景,聽起來很不錯,如果我下次要到西維吉尼亞旅游,我一定會去找Mark。

J: Good idea! And also look for Mark if you need any honey or a radio host or a steel guitar player or whatever other wonderful job Mark does. Thanks for joining us today at American Cafe!

Y: 我們下次節(jié)目再見!


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