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> VOA > 美語(yǔ)咖啡屋 >  第31篇

美語(yǔ)咖啡屋What is a Bonfire?




Y: 各位聽(tīng)眾好。歡迎收聽(tīng)美語(yǔ)咖啡屋。我是楊晨。

J: Hello everyone! I'm Jody! Welcome to American Cafe! Except today, we're not in the Cafe.

Y: 沒(méi)錯(cuò)。我們現(xiàn)在是樹(shù)林里。不過(guò)這都是Jody的主意,如果我有選擇,我寧可舒舒服服地呆在咖啡館里。

J: Aw come on, Yang Chen, this is going to be fun. Out in the woods enjoying a campfire. This is what I call living large! Living the good life! Don't ya (you) think?

Y: 你說(shuō)得到輕松。Living large活得自由自在。先別自在了,你看我們點(diǎn)的火都快滅了,快拿手電筒來(lái)。

J: You said you were bringing the flashlights.

Y: Jody!! 你不是說(shuō)你要拿手電筒嗎? 哎呀,現(xiàn)在怎么辦呢。

J: Hey, there's no reason to panic.

(Enter animal sound)

Y: (getting anxious) Jody! 這是什么聲音,后面是不是有狼???

J: That's not a wolf. It was probably just a raccoon. We're fine, Yang Chen.

Y: 聽(tīng)這聲音好象是一個(gè)個(gè)頭很大的動(dòng)物. 我們?cè)跇?shù)林里,火又快滅了。都怪你非要到這里來(lái)作節(jié)目。你趕快想辦法讓火燒得旺一點(diǎn)好不好!

J: Okay, okay. Calm down. How big do you want the fire, Yang Chen? Do you want it as big as a bonfire?

Y: Bonfire? 是什么?

J: A bonfire? Well, it just so happens that on today's show we have two experts, you could say, on bonfires. Aren't we lucky? Heh heh.

Y: Lucky? 今天我們這么倒霉你還敢說(shuō)是lucky?

J: Oh, whatever. Let's go to our guests. First let's hear from our good friend CT, a man who claims to have built over 100 bonfires in his life.

實(shí)錄1: CT: A bonfire is a large campfire. It is just a bunch of wood you collect from natural surroundings and put into a pile and then you light it on fire. And ideally you have more wood and you keep throwing it on and on, making the flames bigger and bigger and then it burns out.

Y: Bonfire 就是篝火,只不過(guò)比普通的篝火要大,Jody, 他剛才說(shuō)點(diǎn)這種篝火要準(zhǔn)備很多木頭,不斷地往火里扔。

J: Yeah, I heard that. He did say that ideally you have more wood and you keep throwing it on the fire. Heh, what a great idea. Okay, I'll go get some more wood while CT tells how big a bonfire should be.

實(shí)錄2: CT: Well it depends on your neighbors. If your neighbors like bonfires I would say you could have a nice size fire in a plot of land that is 20 meters by 20 meters. But maybe you want to have something that's 50 meters by 50 meters. Then you can have a big bonfire.

Y: 我們倒是不用擔(dān)心鄰居們會(huì)有意見(jiàn)。因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在除了我們兩人附近根本沒(méi)有人!

J: Yang Chen, you really must calm down. Here, have a beer.

(Enter sound of beer can opening)

Y: 太棒了。你可真行,忘了手電筒,倒是沒(méi)有忘記帶啤酒。

J: Hey, I do have my priorities. But look at all the wood I gathered!

(Enter sound of wood dropping to the ground)

Y: 不錯(cuò)。不過(guò)我還是想聽(tīng)聽(tīng)你認(rèn)識(shí)的那兩個(gè)所謂的專家還有什么高見(jiàn)。

J: Good idea. Here's Marty.

實(shí)錄3: Marty: Uh...a bonfire is anytime you're burning any lengths of wood. You can throw in trees ... that's a bonfire. When you get a full tree in ... that's a bonfire. The bigger the better.

Y: 我喜歡他說(shuō)的 "the bigger, the better.",越大越好。

J: And don't forget...it's getting darker and darker. Heh, boy, fire is really important.

Y: 你很聰明。

J: Yang Chen, I bet this is what primitive people, you know原始人, felt like thousands of years ago.

Y: 我真佩服你的想象力。可我們沒(méi)有生活在原始社會(huì),干嗎要沒(méi)事找罪受呢?

J: Well, I'm just saying that people like fire.

Y: 為什么?

J: It feels good and, I think, it touches part of our primal side. Again here's Marty.

實(shí)錄4: Marty: I am just watching the flames and burning stuff. It's primal burning things. I mean this is like the original source of heat in the world; it is burning wood so ...It smells good. Radiant heat is just beautiful heat; how it radiates out at you and warms your whole body.

(Enter sound of roaring fire)

Y: Mary 說(shuō)的primal side就是原始的本能。 我不知道烤火是不是能讓一個(gè)人看到自己原始本能,不過(guò)我覺(jué)得篝火散發(fā)出來(lái)的光和熱給了我一種安全感。 你覺(jué)得我們兩個(gè)人點(diǎn)這么大的篝火是不是太浪費(fèi)木頭了?

J: Boy, you are just never happy. Here let's have a drink to a bonfire!

J&Y: Cheers!

Y: 各位聽(tīng)眾我們下次節(jié)目再見(jiàn)

J: See you next time on American Cafe. Next time I think we'll actually be in the cafe! See you later!


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