A 17-year-old Ethan Crumbley was sentenced to life in prison for the shooting deaths of four students in 2021 at Oxford High School in Michigan. The AP's Ed Donahue reports. A judge rejected please for a shorter sentence and insured Crumbley will not get a chance for parole. He spoke before he was sentenced.
2021年,17歲的Ethan Crumbley因在密歇根州牛津高中槍殺四名學生被判處終身監(jiān)禁。美聯(lián)社的 Ed Donahue 報道。法官拒絕了縮短刑期的要求,并保證Crumbley不會獲得假釋機會。他在被判刑前發(fā)表了講話。
"It may not show it now if only two years of records, but I am trying, and all I want is for the people I hurt to just have a final sense of culpability that justice has somehow been served."
The court also heard from victims families, Nicole Beausoleil's daughter was killed. "Forgiving is a choice, I choose not to forgive you for the choice you made." His attorney told the judge
Crumbley deserves an opportunity for parole after his sick brain is fixed through counseling and rehab.
法庭還聽取了受害者家屬的證詞,Nicole Beausoleil的女兒被殺?!皩捤∈且环N選擇,我選擇不原諒你的選擇?!彼穆蓭煾嬖V法官,Crumbley的大腦通過咨詢和康復治療后,應該有機會獲得假釋。
I'm Ed Donahue.
Ed Donahue為您報道。