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新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)讀寫(xiě)教程第三冊(cè)u(píng)nit1-b The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Alber




Section B
The Romantic Life of Secret Agent Albert

Albert did not fit the description of any secret agent Charles had ever read about. Following him down the corridor of the gloomy French hotel where Albert had a room, Charles felt disappointed. It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic figure. Albert was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent. Though he spoke French and German fairly well, he had never altogether lost the American accent he had brought to Paris twenty years ago.“You are disappointed,” Albert said over his shoulder. “You were told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in secrets and danger. You wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic. You imagined mysterious figures in the night,the crack of guns, clever disguises, secret exploits.”“Instead, you have spent an exceedingly dull evening at the opera with a fat man who, instead of having messages slipped into his hand by dark-eyed beauties, gets only an ordinary telephone call making an appointment in his room. You have been bored!” The fat man laughed to himself as he unlocked the door of his room and stood aside to let his frustrated guest enter.“Take cheer, my young friend,” Albert told him. “Presently you will see a paper of singular importance for which several men and women have risked their lives. Some day soon that paper may well affect the course of history. In that thought is drama, is there not?” As he spoke, Albert closed the door behind him. Then he switched on the light.


And as the light came on, Charles had his first thrill of the day. For across the room, a small gun in his hand, stood a man.“Max,” he said, “you gave me quite a start. I thought you were in Berlin. What are you doing in my room?”Max was slender, not tall, and with a face that suggested the look of a fox. Except for the gun, he did not look very

dangerous.“The report,” he said. “The report that is being brought to you tonight concerning some new missiles. I thought I would take it from you. It will be safer in my hands than in yours.”Albert moved to a chair and sat down heavily. “I swear I'm going to raise the devil with the management this time; I am angry,” he said. “This is the second time in a month that somebody has gotten into my room off that damn balcony!”Charles's eyes went to the single window of the room. It was an ordinary window; outside was utter blackness.“Balcony?” Max asked curiously, “No, I had a key. I did not know about the balcony. It might have simplified things had I known about it.”“It's not my balcony,” explained Albert angrily. “It belongs to the next apartment. You see,” he said, “this room used to be part of a large unit, and the next room used to be the living room. It had the balcony, which extends under my window now.


You can get onto it from the empty room next door, and somebody did, last month.”Max waved the gun with a commanding gesture. “Please sit down,” he said. “We have a wait of half an hour, I think.”“Thirty-one minutes,” Albert said, in a bad mood. “The appointment was for twelve-thirty. I wish I knew how you learned about the report, Max.”


The little spy smiled an evil smile. “And from our standpoint, we wish we knew how your people got the report. Anyhow, no harm has been done. I will get it back tonight. What is that? Who is at the door?”Charles jumped at the sudden knocking at the door. Albert just smiled, “That will be the police,” he said. “I told them to check on me to make sure everything was all right.”“What will you do now, Max?” Albert asked. “If I do not answer the door, they will enter anyway. The door is unlocked. And they will not hesitate to shoot.”Max's face was black with anger as he made a swift movement towards the window; with his hand behind him, he opened the window and put his leg out into the night. “Send them away!” he warned. “I will wait on the balcony.”The knocking at the door became louder and a voice was raised. “Mr. Albert! Mr. Albert!”Keeping his body twisted so that his gun still pointed at the fat man and his guest, Max grasped the window frame and heaved his other leg up and over the bottom of the window.


The door began to open. Swiftly Max pushed to free himself and drop to the balcony. And then as he dropped, he screamed once.The door opened and a waiter stood there with an oval tray, a bottle of liquor, and two glasses. “Here is the drink you ordered, sir.” He set the tray on the table, opened the bottle, and left the room.White-faced and shaking, Charles stared after him. “But … but … what about … the police?” he finally was able to say.“There never were any police.” Albert sighed. “Only Henry, whom I was expecting.”“But what about the man on the balcony…?” Charles began with a shiver.“No,” said Albert, “he won't return.”

New Words

 romantic a. 1.傳奇性的,有浪漫色彩的 2.不切實(shí)際的,空想的
 agent n. 1.政府或其他組織的特工人員 2.代理人
 corridor n. 走廊,通道
 accent n. 1.口音,腔調(diào) 2.重音,強(qiáng)音
 writer n. 作家,作者
 mysterious a. 神秘的,難解的,不可思議的
 crack n. 1.爆炸聲,劈啪聲 2.裂縫,裂紋
v. 1.(使)劈啪作響,(使)發(fā)爆裂聲 2.打開(kāi),砸開(kāi)
 disguise n. 偽裝,偽裝物
vt. 1.偽裝 2.掩蓋,掩藏
 exploit n. 英勇的行為,冒險(xiǎn)的行為
vt. 1.利用,開(kāi)發(fā) 2.剝削
 exceedingly ad. 非常地,極度地
 opera n. 歌劇
 aside ad. 在邊上,朝邊上
 switch v. 轉(zhuǎn)變,改變
n. 1.開(kāi)關(guān),電閘 2.轉(zhuǎn)變,改變
▲thrill n. 興奮,激動(dòng),緊張感
v. (使)非常興奮,(使)非常激動(dòng)
 slender a. 苗條的,纖細(xì)的
 missile n. 導(dǎo)彈,飛彈
 swear v. 1.發(fā)誓 2.詛咒,罵
 devil n. 魔鬼
 damn a. (表示憤怒、厭煩等)該死的,可惡的
int. (表示憤怒、厭煩等)該死,討厭
 balcony n. 陽(yáng)臺(tái)
 utter a. 完全的,徹底的,十足的
vt. 發(fā)出(聲音),說(shuō)
 simplify vt. 使易懂,使易做,簡(jiǎn)化
 mood n. 心情,情緒
 evil a. 道德敗壞的,邪惡的,罪惡的
 standpoint n. 立場(chǎng),觀點(diǎn)
 anyhow ad. 1.不管怎樣,無(wú)論如何,至少 2.粗心大意地,隨隨便便地
 swift a. 快的,迅速的,敏捷的
 twist vt. 1.彎曲或壓擠 2.曲解,歪曲
n. 變化,轉(zhuǎn)折,改變
 grasp vt. 1.抓住 2.理解,領(lǐng)悟
 frame n. 1.畫(huà)框,邊框,框架 2.構(gòu)架,骨架
vt. 1.在... ...上加框 2.表達(dá),設(shè)計(jì),構(gòu)想出
 heave vt. 1.很費(fèi)勁地抬起,舉起,拽起 2.(用力)發(fā)出(嘆息聲)
n. 舉起,升降
 oval a. 橢圓形的
n. 橢圓
 tray n. 盤(pán),托盤(pán),碟
 liquor n. 烈性酒
 sigh vi. 嘆息,嘆氣
n. 嘆息,嘆息聲
 shiver vi. 戰(zhàn)栗,發(fā)抖
n. 戰(zhàn)栗,發(fā)抖


Phrases and Expressions

 read about 借助閱讀發(fā)現(xiàn)或查明
 for one thing (用以列舉理由)首先;一則
 in the night 在夜晚,在半夜
 make an appointment 預(yù)約,約會(huì)
 switch on 接通(電源),開(kāi)啟
 come on (電燈、電力機(jī)器等)開(kāi),開(kāi)動(dòng),運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)
 raise the devil 非常生氣,大聲抱怨
 check on 檢查,核實(shí),調(diào)查
 answer the door 應(yīng)聲開(kāi)門(mén)
 point (sth.) at 瞄準(zhǔn),對(duì)著
 stare after 目不轉(zhuǎn)睛地追隨(某人),以凝視的目光隨著(某人)移動(dòng)


Proper Names

 Albert 艾伯特
 Charles 查爾斯
 French 法國(guó)的;法國(guó)人,法語(yǔ)
 German 德國(guó)的;德國(guó)人,德語(yǔ)
 Paris 巴黎 (法國(guó)首都)
 Max 馬克斯
 Berlin 柏林 (德國(guó)首都)
 Henry 亨利

    艾伯特一點(diǎn)也不像查爾斯讀過(guò)的書(shū)里描寫(xiě)的特工。 隨著艾伯特穿過(guò)他所住的法國(guó)旅館的昏暗走廊時(shí),查爾斯很是失望。 艾伯特的房間很小,位于6樓,旅館的頂層,不像是個(gè)傳奇人物的住處。
    "你一定很失望," 艾伯特轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)頭來(lái)說(shuō)道。"有人告訴你我是個(gè)特工,一個(gè)間諜,總是做秘密情報(bào)和危險(xiǎn)的買(mǎi)賣(mài)。 你想見(jiàn)我是因?yàn)槟闶莻€(gè)作家,年輕、富于幻想。 你想像的是在黑夜中出現(xiàn)的神秘人物,槍聲,巧妙的化裝,秘密的使命。"
    "然而,你卻在歌劇院里陪著個(gè)胖子打發(fā)了一個(gè)極度無(wú)聊的夜晚。根本沒(méi)有什么黑眸美女偷偷將情報(bào)塞到他手里,他只是接了一個(gè)普通的電話,約在他住的地方見(jiàn)面。 你已經(jīng)厭倦了。" 當(dāng)胖子打開(kāi)房門(mén),站在一邊讓他沮喪的客人進(jìn)屋時(shí),他暗自笑了。
    "振作點(diǎn),年輕人。" 艾伯特對(duì)他說(shuō)。 "你很快就會(huì)見(jiàn)到一份特別重要的文件,那是幾個(gè)人冒著生命危險(xiǎn)換來(lái)的。 不久的某一天,它很可能會(huì)影響歷史的進(jìn)程。 這種想法夠戲劇化吧,是不是?"艾伯特一邊說(shuō),一邊隨手關(guān)上門(mén)。然后他打開(kāi)了燈。
    燈光一亮,查爾斯就感到了當(dāng)天的第一次驚悸: 屋子的另一邊站著一個(gè)男人,手里握著一支小手槍。
    "馬克斯," 艾伯特說(shuō),"你真嚇了我一跳。我還以為你在柏林呢,你在我屋里干什么?"
    馬克斯身材瘦小,個(gè)子不高,一張狐貍模樣的臉。 除了那支手槍?zhuān)瓷先ゲ⒉涣钊烁械轿kU(xiǎn)。
    "那份報(bào)告,"他說(shuō), "今晚要交給你的那份報(bào)告,涉及到一些新型導(dǎo)彈。 我打算從你這兒把它拿走。 它在我手里比在你手里更安全。"
    艾伯特移向一張椅子,重重地坐了下去, "我發(fā)誓,這一次我一定要找管理部門(mén)大吵一場(chǎng),真讓人生氣," 他說(shuō), "這是一個(gè)月內(nèi)第二次有人從那該死的陽(yáng)臺(tái)進(jìn)入我的房間了。"
    查爾斯將目光投向屋里惟一的窗戶(hù)。 窗戶(hù)很普通;窗外一片漆黑。
    "陽(yáng)臺(tái)?"馬克斯好奇地問(wèn), "不,我有鑰匙。 我不知道有陽(yáng)臺(tái)。否則的話,事情就更簡(jiǎn)單了。"
    "不是我的陽(yáng)臺(tái)," 艾伯特生氣地解釋說(shuō), "是隔壁房間的。 你瞧," 他說(shuō),"這間房原是大套房的一部分。隔壁原來(lái)是臥室, 那兒有個(gè)陽(yáng)臺(tái),一直延伸到我的窗口下。 隔壁的房間是空的,可以從那兒到陽(yáng)臺(tái)上去。上個(gè)月就有人這么干過(guò)。"
    馬克斯擺了擺手槍?zhuān)隽艘粋€(gè)命令的手勢(shì)。" 請(qǐng)你坐下,"他說(shuō), "我想我們要等半個(gè)小時(shí)。"
    "31分鐘," 艾伯特沒(méi)好氣地說(shuō)。" 我們約好12點(diǎn)半。 馬克斯,我倒想知道你們?cè)趺粗滥欠輬?bào)告的。"
    這名小個(gè)特務(wù)邪惡地笑了笑, "站在我們的立場(chǎng),我們還想知道你們的人是怎么弄到那份報(bào)告的呢。 不過(guò)也沒(méi)關(guān)系,今晚我就可以拿回來(lái)。 怎么回事?誰(shuí)在門(mén)外?"
    查爾斯被突然的敲門(mén)聲嚇得跳了起來(lái)。 艾伯特只是笑了笑,"可能是警察,"他說(shuō), "我叫他們過(guò)來(lái)檢查一下,以保萬(wàn)事大吉。"
    "你現(xiàn)在怎么辦,馬克斯?" 艾伯特問(wèn)道, "即使我不應(yīng)門(mén),他們還是會(huì)進(jìn)來(lái)。門(mén)沒(méi)鎖,而且他們會(huì)毫不猶豫地開(kāi)槍。"
    馬克斯氣得臉都黑了,他迅速地移到窗口,一只手從身后打開(kāi)了窗戶(hù),一只腳伸進(jìn)了黑夜里。 "打發(fā)他們走,"他警告道,"我在陽(yáng)臺(tái)上等著。"
    敲門(mén)聲越來(lái)越響,有人高聲叫道, "艾伯特先生,艾伯特先生!"
    門(mén)就要開(kāi)了,馬克斯急忙松手,跳向陽(yáng)臺(tái)。 就在跳落之際,他發(fā)出了一聲尖叫。
    門(mén)開(kāi)了,一名侍者站在門(mén)口,手里端著一只橢圓形的托盤(pán),上面有一瓶酒和兩個(gè)酒杯。" 先生,這是您要的酒。" 他把托盤(pán)放在桌上,打開(kāi)酒瓶,走了。
    臉色慘白的查爾斯還在發(fā)抖,他盯著侍者離去的身影,半晌才說(shuō)出話,"可…… 可是…… 警察呢?"
    "根本就沒(méi)什么警察," 艾伯特嘆息了一聲,"只有亨利,我等的就是他。"
    "但是陽(yáng)臺(tái)上的那個(gè)人,他…… " 查爾斯開(kāi)始哆嗦起來(lái)。
    "沒(méi)事," 艾伯特說(shuō), "他不會(huì)回來(lái)了。"


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