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新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)讀寫(xiě)教程第三冊(cè)u(píng)nit1-a The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams




Section A
The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams

Tomintoul, Scotland — On Saturday night at The Grouse's Nest, they're still willing to raise a glass or two to “Lord Williams”, though now his title prompts laughter. And now they just call him “Tony”.There are those in this beautiful village in the mountains of Scotland (population, 320) who say they were never quite sure about Anthony Williams, the soft-spoken, wealthy noble who arrived in 1986 with his well-dressed wife.And there are others who say their suspicions were aroused over time, as the 55-year-old Mr. Williams, who appeared on weekends turned out in fine suits, bought up property after property, providing such a large injection of cash into the village that he single-handedly brought the community back to life.But no one could have possibly guessed the truth — that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scotland Yard.


About two weeks ago, a regretful Mr. Williams, who had worked for the London police since 1959 and had risen to a£65,000 a year position as deputy director of finance, was brought into court and sentenced to seven and a half years in prison.


Estimates are that he poured nearly £5 million of the stolen money into the village and gave jobs to 43 people. And now that he has fallen upon dark days at least some villagers are sticking by him.“I found him a very charming man, very friendly, considerate — not at all proud,” said Georgie McAllister, 70, the manager of the local museum whose family has been farming the surrounding hills for generations. “It's hard to understand how a clever person like him could mislead people like that. It's sad. Of course, it did benefit the village. A lot of the properties were beautifully restored.”


A few doors down the square, barber Donald Corr sat inside his shop and described how suspicions began to grow. “Everyone wondered where the money was coming from. Why was he spending it in a little place in the mountains? Christ, he wouldn't have gotten it back in 100 years.” According to the court, Mr. Williams stole more than £8 million over eight years. Most of it came from a secret fund that had been placed under his sole authority and that was supposed to be used to pay spies and conduct secret activities against the Irish Republican Army.


Instead, it went to create one more British lord.Mr. Williams bought an estate with a fine brick house in England. He bought a beautiful home with white walls and a pool in Spain. He bought noble titles at auctions, spending £95,000 to become the Lord of Chirnside, and then adding on 10 more Scottish titles.But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into this village that captured his heart with its fine stone cottages, its central area of green grass, green rows of hedges, and its fantastic view of rolling fields and pine forests disappearing into the distance like the men of an ancient army marching over the horizon.He bought multiple cottages and fixed them up. He purchased the pub and made it into a fine place to have a glass of Glenlivet Scotch whiskey, produced only 10 miles (16 kilometers) to the north. And most of all, he bought the run-down Gordon Arms Hotel and totally restored it, transforming it from a mess into a glorious first-class hotel with 30 handsomely furnished rooms, wood-paneled stairs, false bookshelves with fake leather books and an outstanding restaurant.“I would offer him three choices of glasses for the restaurant: an average one, a poor one, and fine crystal. Always, he chose the crystal. Nothing but the best,” said David Abdy, who was chosen by Mr. Williams to manage the construction work and run the businesses.Mr. Williams deceived everyone, including Mr. Abdy and including even his own wife, telling them that he inherited the money from a rich uncle. He was caught because his bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank's management. The bank notified the police, who discovered, to their terrible embarrassment, that the criminal was one of their own.


The London police commissioner publicly apologized for poorly supervising his department. Under a hastily made arrangement, the police will sell the properties, but at a substantial financial loss. Mr. Abdy, a 27-year-old businessman,acquired the bulk of the properties for about half a million pounds, obtaining bank loans and striking deals with various people to pay only a part of what they are owed by Mr. Williams.In the only interview he has given since his arrest a year ago, Mr. Williams discussed his motives for the crime with a London newspaper: “I discovered this bloody huge amount of money. I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. There is no way to justify it.”
New Words

 fantasy n. 幻想,想像
 wealthy a. 富裕的
 suspicion n. 1.猜疑,懷疑 2.懷疑,嫌疑
 arouse vt. 1.引起,喚起,激起 2.喚醒
 injection n. 1.投入,注入 2.注射
 deputy n. 1.副職,副手 2.代理人
 court n. 1.法院,法庭 2.球場(chǎng)
 considerate a. 體諒的,體貼的
 mislead vt. 1.給... ...以錯(cuò)誤的想法或印象,使誤解 2.領(lǐng)錯(cuò)或引錯(cuò)方向 3.把……帶壞,使誤入歧途
 restore vt. 1.重建,修復(fù) 2.使恢復(fù),使回復(fù)
 barber n. 理發(fā)師
 Christ int. (表示氣憤、厭煩、驚訝等)
n. 基督(基督教創(chuàng)始人)
 republican a. 共和國(guó)的,共和政體的,贊成共和的
n. 擁護(hù)共和政體的人
 estate n. 1.莊園;大片私有土地 2.財(cái)產(chǎn)(尤指遺產(chǎn))
 brick n. 磚
vt. 用磚砌,用磚堵住
▲auction n. 拍賣(mài);拍賣(mài)會(huì)
vt. 拍賣(mài)
 hedge n. 1.(土地周?chē)模?shù)籬 2.保護(hù)手段,防護(hù)措施
 fantastic a. 1.極好的,極出色的 2.異想天開(kāi)的,不切實(shí)際的 3.奇異的,古怪的
 horizon n. 1.地平線(xiàn) 2.一個(gè)人的知識(shí)、經(jīng)驗(yàn)、興趣的限度或范圍;眼界;見(jiàn)識(shí)
 multiple a. 多重的,多樣的,多的
n. 倍數(shù)
 mess n. 1.污穢,雜亂,混亂 2.困境,狼狽的處境
 glorious a. 1.美麗的,輝煌的,燦爛的 2.榮耀的,光榮的
 furnish vt. 1.供給家具,用家具布置 2.提供,供應(yīng)
 panel vt. 給... ...鑲面板
n. 1.面,板 2.專(zhuān)門(mén)小組
 wood-paneled a. 鑲木板的
 leather n. 皮,皮革
 crystal n. 水晶
 deceive vt. 欺騙,蒙蔽
 inherit vt. 繼承(財(cái)產(chǎn)、爵位、頭銜等)
 deposit n. 1.存款 2.定金,押金
 notify vt. 通知,報(bào)告
 commission vt. 委任,任命
n. 1.考察團(tuán),調(diào)查團(tuán),委員會(huì) 2.任務(wù),委托
 commissioner n. 委員,專(zhuān)員,特派員
▲supervise vt. 監(jiān)督,管理
 arrangement n. 1.計(jì)劃,安排,準(zhǔn)備 2.整理,排列,布置
 substantial a. 1.大的,相當(dāng)可觀的 2.大體上的,實(shí)質(zhì)上的
 bulk n. 1.大半,大部分 2.(巨大的)體積,大量
 arrest n. 逮捕,拘留
vt. 逮捕,拘留
 motive n. 動(dòng)機(jī),(行動(dòng)的)理由
 bloody ad. (用于加強(qiáng)語(yǔ)氣)非常,很
a. 1.(用于加強(qiáng)語(yǔ)氣)非常的;該死的 2.血污的,流血的
 debt n. 欠款,債務(wù);負(fù)債
 justify vt. 為... ...辯護(hù),證明... ...正當(dāng)(或有理)


Phrases and Expressions

 raise a glass to 向... ...祝賀,為... ...干杯
 turn out 打扮、裝飾; 露面、出現(xiàn)
 buy up 全部買(mǎi)進(jìn),盡量收購(gòu)
 bring … to life 使有活力(或生氣)
 live out 過(guò)(某種生活)
 bring … into court 控告,起訴
 fall upon dark days 遭到不幸,倒霉
 stick by sb. 繼續(xù)支持,忠于(尤指在困難時(shí)刻)
 add on 附加,加上
 sink … into 投資
 fix up 修理;整修
 make … into 使轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)?
 sell sth. at a loss 虧本出售

Proper Names

 Tomintoul 托明陶爾
 Scotland 蘇格蘭(英國(guó)的一部分,在大不列顛島北部)
 The Grouse's Nest 牢騷酒吧
 Lord Williams 威廉斯勛爵
 Tony 托尼
 Anthony Williams 安東尼·威廉斯
 Scotland Yard 蘇格蘭場(chǎng)(即倫敦警察總署)
 London 倫敦
 Georgie McAllister 喬吉·麥卡利斯特
 Donald Corr 唐納德·科爾
 Irish Republican Army 愛(ài)爾蘭共和軍(謀求北愛(ài)爾蘭脫離英國(guó)獨(dú)立的秘密組織)
 British (大)不列顛的,英國(guó)的,英聯(lián)邦的
 England 英格蘭(在大不列顛島南部及中部,是英國(guó)的主要部分)
 Spain 西班牙(歐洲西南部國(guó)家)
 Lord of Chirnside 徹恩賽德勛爵
 Scottish 蘇格蘭的,蘇格蘭人的
 Glenlivet 格倫利物(威士忌酒)
 Gordon Arms Hotel 戈登·阿姆斯旅館
 David Abdy 戴維·阿布迪


蘇格蘭托明陶爾——周六晚,在"牢騷酒吧",村民依舊樂(lè)意向"威廉斯勛爵"祝酒,盡管這個(gè)頭銜現(xiàn)在只能引來(lái)陣陣笑聲。 如今他們就叫他 "托尼"。





據(jù)估計(jì)他在該村投入了近500萬(wàn)英鎊的贓款,提供了43個(gè)就業(yè)機(jī)會(huì)。 如今他落難入獄,至少仍有部分村民支持他。

"我覺(jué)得這個(gè)人非??蓯?ài),非常友好,非常體貼,一點(diǎn)也不傲慢。" 70歲的喬吉·麥卡利斯特這樣說(shuō)。他是當(dāng)?shù)夭┪镳^館長(zhǎng),家里人世代都在周?chē)缴戏N地。" 很難理解一個(gè)像他這樣聰明的人會(huì)那樣誤導(dǎo)別人。真是糟糕。 當(dāng)然,這對(duì)我們村倒不壞,許多房產(chǎn)都修繕得很漂亮。"

距廣場(chǎng)幾家之遙,理發(fā)師唐納德·科爾坐在自己的店里講述人們是如何開(kāi)始懷疑的。" 每個(gè)人都猜疑錢(qián)是從哪來(lái)的,為什么他要把錢(qián)花在山溝里的一個(gè)小地方? 老天,他就是等100年也收不回這些錢(qián)。"

依據(jù)法庭調(diào)查,威廉斯八年中共竊取了800多萬(wàn)英鎊。 其中大部分錢(qián)來(lái)自一項(xiàng)由他單獨(dú)管轄的秘密基金。該基金本應(yīng)用來(lái)支付間諜費(fèi)用,以及開(kāi)展對(duì)抗愛(ài)爾蘭共和軍的秘密活動(dòng)。


威廉斯在英格蘭買(mǎi)了幢高級(jí)的磚結(jié)構(gòu)住宅。 他還在西班牙購(gòu)買(mǎi)了一幢有雪白墻壁和游泳池的豪宅。 他在拍賣(mài)會(huì)上買(mǎi)了多個(gè)貴族頭銜,先是花95, 000英鎊成為徹恩賽德勛爵,后來(lái)又增加了十多個(gè)蘇格蘭貴族頭銜。


他買(mǎi)了多處石屋并將其修繕一新。他還買(mǎi)下了酒吧,將它建成一個(gè)可以喝到格倫利物蘇格蘭威士忌的好去處。該威士忌的產(chǎn)地就在村北10英里(16公里)處。 而最主要的,是他將年久失修的戈登·阿姆斯旅館買(mǎi)下并完全改裝,將這堆廢墟變成了一座富麗堂皇的一流賓館,內(nèi)有30間裝修華麗的房間,木質(zhì)鑲嵌的樓梯,擺滿(mǎn)了人造皮革裝訂的書(shū)籍的書(shū)架,和一間高級(jí)餐廳。

"我提供給他三種玻璃酒杯,讓他選用于餐廳。一種是普通的,一種是便宜的,還有一種是漂亮的水晶的。 他選了水晶的。他一向如此,只要最好的。" 戴維·阿布迪說(shuō)。威廉斯先生指派他負(fù)責(zé)修建工作,并經(jīng)營(yíng)這家賓館。

廉斯先生欺騙了所有的人,包括阿布迪先生,甚至他自己的妻子。他對(duì)他們說(shuō)自己從一個(gè)富有的叔叔那里繼承了這筆錢(qián)。 他被捕是因?yàn)樗你y行存款太大,引起了銀行管理部門(mén)的注意。 銀行通知了警方,警方最后極為尷尬地發(fā)現(xiàn),罪犯原來(lái)是自己的家賊。

倫敦警署長(zhǎng)官公開(kāi)道歉自己對(duì)部門(mén)管理不善。 匆忙安排之后,警方將賣(mài)出這些房產(chǎn),但卻要蒙受巨大的經(jīng)濟(jì)損失。 27歲的商人阿布迪先生,通過(guò)獲取銀行貸款和與各種人做交易,只支付威廉斯先生所欠他們的一部分,最后以大約50萬(wàn)英鎊的價(jià)格,買(mǎi)下了絕大部分房產(chǎn)。

自一年前被捕以來(lái),威廉斯先生僅接受過(guò)一次采訪。采訪中,他對(duì)倫敦一家報(bào)紙談到了自己的犯罪動(dòng)機(jī): "我發(fā)現(xiàn)了這么一大筆錢(qián)。 起初是需要用它來(lái)還一些債,后來(lái)就只能說(shuō)是因?yàn)樨澙贰N覠o(wú)法為自己的所作所為辯護(hù)。"


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