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走遍美國(guó)The Community Center 社區(qū)中心 ACT I






Morning, Grandpa. 早安,爺爺。
Is something the matter, Grandpa? 怎么了,爺爺?
The editorial in this paper has my friend Nat Baker real upset. 這張報(bào)紙上的社論著實(shí)令我的朋友Nat Baker不高興。
Ah! I'll read it to you. ??!我來(lái)讀給你聽(tīng)聽(tīng)。
"The old library building on Chestnut Street, “Chestnut街的老圖書(shū)館,
which has been vacant for over a year now, 已空了一年多,
was supposed to be made into a community center 原計(jì)劃改成一座社區(qū)交誼中心
to serve the senior citizens 為Riverdale的老年人
as well as the younger people of Riverdale. 和年輕人服務(wù)。
Due to lack of funds 由于缺乏經(jīng)費(fèi)
for the repainting of the interior of the building 用來(lái)重新粉刷內(nèi)部
and for the furniture needed, 和購(gòu)買(mǎi)必需家具,
the plans for the community center 這項(xiàng)修建社區(qū)中心計(jì)劃
have been postponed indefinitely." 被迫無(wú)限期延遲!”
He's coming over to talk about it. 他就是要來(lái)談這個(gè)問(wèn)題。
Is it that serious a problem, Grandpa? 這個(gè)問(wèn)題有那么重要嗎,爺爺?
It is. 是的。
Nat's not as lucky as I am, Robbie. Nat不像我這樣幸運(yùn),Robbie。
He doesn't have any family with him. 他沒(méi)有家人和他在一起。
He lives alone 他一個(gè)人生活
and depends on places like a community center 主要靠社區(qū)中心這樣的地方
to be with people--people his own age. 和別人交往。
But there's the old community center on Elm Street. 但是在Elm街有一個(gè)舊的社區(qū)中心。
It's small, 它小小的,
and the problem is that it's set up primarily for kids to play. 而問(wèn)題是它主要是讓孩子們?nèi)ネ娴摹?br /> Ping-Pong tables, soda machines, and lots of music. 乒乓球,汽水販賣(mài)機(jī),熱鬧的音樂(lè)。
It's too noisy for some older people like Nat. 它對(duì)于像Nat這樣的老人來(lái)說(shuō)太吵了。
I never realized that. 我從來(lái)沒(méi)有意識(shí)到這點(diǎn)。
It's hard for some older people to take all that noise. 一些老年人沒(méi)法忍受那些噪音。
That's why the new community center is a good idea. 這就是為什么新的社區(qū)中心是個(gè)好主意。
Part of the building for older people, 建筑物中的一些由老年人用,
part of the building for younger people. 另一部分給年輕人用。
I see what you mean. 我明白你的意思。
That must be Nat. 一定是Nat。
It could be Alexandra. 可能是Alexandra 。
She's coming over this morning to help me with my math. 她今天早晨要來(lái)幫我補(bǔ)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)。
Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。
Hi, Alexandra. Come on in. 嗨,Alexandra。請(qǐng)進(jìn)。
Do you want something cold to drink? 想喝點(diǎn)什么涼的東西嗎?
I'd love some cola, please. 請(qǐng)給我可樂(lè)。
Cola coming up. 可樂(lè)馬上就來(lái)。
I really appreciate you coming over to help me with my math. 我真的很感謝你過(guò)來(lái)幫我補(bǔ)習(xí)數(shù)學(xué)。
My final exam is next Tuesday. 期終考試就在下周二。
You're so good in all your other subjects. 你別的功課都那樣好。
I just can't understand 我就不懂
why you have so many problems with math. 為什么你在數(shù)學(xué)方面有那么多問(wèn)題。
Hi, Alexandra. 嗨,Alexandra。
Hi, Mr. Stewart. 嗨,Stewart 先生。
I thought that was Nat Baker who rang the front doorbell. 我還以為是Nat Baker按大門(mén)鈴呢。
Don't let me interrupt you. 別讓我打攪你們。
No problem, Grandpa. 沒(méi)有關(guān)系,爺爺。
We're just having some cola 我們只是先喝點(diǎn)可樂(lè)
before getting to the tough stuff--math. 在對(duì)付難纏的數(shù)學(xué)之前。
He'll do anything to avoid getting down to math lessons, 他老是設(shè)法想逃避數(shù)學(xué),
Mr. Stewart. Stewart 先生。
I was the same way. 我當(dāng)年也是這樣。
Really, Grandpa? 真的,爺爺?
Really. I didn't like math. 真的。我不喜歡數(shù)學(xué)。
I wasn't good at it, and I didn't like studying it. 我不精于此道,也不愛(ài)去學(xué)它。
But you had to be good at math. 但是你數(shù)學(xué)一科很好。
You graduated from engineering school. 你是從工學(xué)院畢業(yè)的。
I was. But not in high school. 說(shuō)的對(duì)。但高中時(shí)不好。
For some reason, I couldn't get a handle on it. 因?yàn)槟承┰颍揖褪情_(kāi)不了竅。
Then, in college, I became good at it. 然而,在大學(xué),我變得很精于數(shù)學(xué)。
Then there's hope for Robbie. 看來(lái)Robbie還有希望。
I can't wait. 我迫不及待。
You think I can just skip it now and get to it at college? 你想我現(xiàn)在略過(guò)數(shù)學(xué),等到上了大學(xué)再學(xué)可以嗎?
You'll never get to college to find out, Robbie, 你根本就進(jìn)不了大學(xué)去探究這個(gè)問(wèn)題的答案,Robbie,
if you skip it now. 假如你現(xiàn)在略過(guò)它的話(huà)。
That must be Nat. 這一定是Nat。
Sit down, Robbie. Let's get to work. 坐下來(lái),Robbie, 讓我們開(kāi)始做功課吧。
I'd like you to meet my friend Nat Baker. 我來(lái)向你們介紹我的朋友Nat Baker。
This is Alexandra Pappas, and this is my grandson Robbie, 這是Alexandra Pappas,這是我孫子Robbie,
whom I think you've met once or twice before. 我想你以前見(jiàn)過(guò)他一兩次面。
Nice to meet you, Mr. Baker. 很高興見(jiàn)到你,Baker先生。
Hi, Mr. Baker. We met before. 嗨,Baker先生。我們以前見(jiàn)過(guò)面。
Where? 在哪?
In town. At the hardware store. 在鎮(zhèn)上。在五金商店。
I remember now. Right. Hi. 我現(xiàn)在想起來(lái)了。對(duì)了。嗨。
Hello, Alexandra. 哈,Alexandra。
Don't let us keep you from your math tutoring, Robbie. 別讓我們打擾你的數(shù)學(xué)家教,Robbie。
I know you want to get to it. 我知道你想要開(kāi)始啦。
Stay ... stay. 再待一會(huì)兒…再一會(huì)兒。
I told you. He'll use any excuse to avoid math. 我說(shuō)嘛,他就適且找各種藉口來(lái)逃避數(shù)學(xué)。
Did you read the story in the paper, Malcolm? 你看到報(bào)紙上的新聞了嗎,Malcolm?
I did. 看到了。
It's a serious matter for a lot of us. 對(duì)我們?cè)S多人來(lái)講這可是個(gè)嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題。
A serious matter. 一個(gè)嚴(yán)重的問(wèn)題。
It is. Come on out to the patio. 的確如此。請(qǐng)到院子里來(lái)吧。
We'll talk about it out there. 我們到外頭談。
Thanks. Nice to meet you ... again. 謝謝。很高興再次…見(jiàn)到你。
What's the problem? 是什么問(wèn)題?
Come on! You'll hear about it. 來(lái)吧!你將聽(tīng)到。

You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
Sometimes you can find good news.
Sometimes the news is bad.
Sometimes the news makes you happy.
Sometmes it only makes you mad.
But if you want to be informed,
take my recommendation.
Go to a newsstand
and pick up a paper,
if you want information.
If you want to read the news ...
look in the paper.
If you want an opinion ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a house ...
look in the paper.
If you're looking for a job ...
look in the paper.
If you want to buy a car ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see a show ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
If you want to know the score ...
look in the paper.
If you want the weather forecast ...
look in the paper.
If you want to see the comics ...
look in the paper.
If you have money to invest ...
look in the paper.
If you want a recipe ...
look in the paper.
If you need a vacation ...
look in the paper.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.
You can read it in the paper.
You can read what people say.
You can find it in the paper.
Most papers in the U.S.A.


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