In an open letter published yesterday, the CEO of British Airways shared that the airline is facing a significant scale-back in the coming years after the coronavirus. Alex Cruz said that the airline is currently looking at all options to protect its employees.
British Airways to shrink in size
In a raw letter published by the Daily Mail, the Chief Executive Officer of British Airways has shared that the airline looks to be much smaller in the coming years. The airline says that it is still fighting for survival while it assesses a long-term “sustainable and competitive re-emergence.”
Needless to say, British Airways has been looking forward to the return of its services.
All travelers entering the country are being asked to quarantine for 14 days. It’s a strategy that BA, among other airlines, has been very vocal about. The issue is that it disincentivizes people from entering or returning to the UK.
The new regulation has caused significant problems for BA. It had hoped to return some services in July, but that plan is now being revisited. Also, as a consequence of being unable to restart operations, the airline is currently reviewing its workforce.
Earlier on in the month, it issued a controversial statement warning that it could fire its whole pilot base if a decision could not be reached with its union over employee contracts.
A reduced customer base will mean fewer routes are flown, which will mean less revenue. The airline says it is already millions of pounds in debt. Any revenue it can make from those minimal services will be used to repay loans.
Cruz says that BA is now looking at how it can protect as many jobs as possible while shrinking its operation. He said,“British Airways has no absolute right to exist. We are in a fight to survive, and, like our peers, we must consult in an honest, transparent, and meaningful way on proposals to reduce the size of our workforce.”
As such, it is exploring a voluntary redundancy program for its employees. However, it has warned that this scheme will only work as long as BA has the funds to support employees that want to stay on. It also says that it’s still in talks with the unions to come to a more meaningful resolution.