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ARTHUR, N.D. — This is harvest season in the rich farmlands of the eastern Dakotas, the time of year Kevin Karel checks his computer first thing in the morning to see how many of his soybeans Chinese companies have purchased while he was sleeping.

北達(dá)科他州亞瑟——這是達(dá)科他州東部豐饒農(nóng)田的收獲季節(jié),一年中的這個(gè)時(shí)候凱文·卡雷爾(Kevin Karel)總是會(huì)在早上查看他的電腦,看看中國(guó)公司在他睡覺時(shí)購(gòu)買了多少大豆。

Farmers here in Cass County have prospered over the last two decades by growing more soybeans than any other county in the United States, and by shipping most of those beans across the Pacific Ocean to feed Chinese pigs and chickens.


But this year, the Chinese have all but stopped buying. The largest market for one of the United States’ largest exports has shut its doors. The Chinese government imposed a tariff on American soybeans in response to the Trump administration’s tariffs on Chinese goods. The latest federal data, through mid-October, shows American soybean sales to China have declined by 94 percent from last year’s harvest.


Karel, the general manager of the Arthur Companies, which operates six grain elevators in eastern North Dakota, has started to pile 1 million bushels of soybeans on a clear patch of ground behind some of his grain silos. The big mound of yellowish-white beans, already one of the taller hills in this flat part of the world, will then be covered with tarps.

卡雷爾是亞瑟公司(Arthur Companies)的總經(jīng)理,公司在北達(dá)科他州東部經(jīng)營(yíng)著六座谷倉(cāng)塔,他已開始在一些谷倉(cāng)后面的空地上堆積100萬蒲式耳的大豆。在這片地勢(shì)平坦的地區(qū),這些黃白色的大豆堆的高度已經(jīng)超過了許多山丘,然后在上面會(huì)蓋上防水布。

The hope is that prices will rise before the beans rot.


“We’re sitting on the edge of our seat,” Karel said.


President Donald Trump sees tariffs as a tool to force changes in the United States’ economic relationships with China and other major trading partners. His tough approach, he says, will revive American industries like steel and auto manufacturing that have lost ground to foreign rivals. But that is coming at a steep cost for some industries, like farming, that have thrived in the era of globalization by exporting goods to foreign markets.

唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統(tǒng)認(rèn)為關(guān)稅是推動(dòng)美國(guó)與中國(guó)和其他主要貿(mào)易伙伴轉(zhuǎn)變經(jīng)濟(jì)關(guān)系的工具。他說,他的強(qiáng)硬手段將使鋼鐵和汽車制造等美國(guó)工業(yè)復(fù)蘇,這些工業(yè)相比外國(guó)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手已經(jīng)處于下風(fēng)。但是,對(duì)于像農(nóng)業(yè)這樣在全球化時(shí)代通過向國(guó)外市場(chǎng)出口商品而蓬勃發(fā)展的產(chǎn)業(yè)來說,這需要付出巨大的代價(jià)。

China and other trading partners hit with the tariffs, including the European Union, have sought to maximize the political impact of their reprisals. The European Union imposed tariffs on bourbon, produced in Kentucky, the home state of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and on Harley-Davidson motorcycles, from Wisconsin, the home state of House Speaker Paul Ryan. China’s decision to impose tariffs on soybeans squeezes some of Trump’s staunchest supporters across the Midwestern farm belt.

被關(guān)稅打擊的中國(guó)和包括歐洲的其他貿(mào)易伙伴,都試圖最大化其報(bào)復(fù)的政治影響。歐盟對(duì)產(chǎn)自肯塔基州的波本威士忌和產(chǎn)自威斯康星州的哈雷-戴維森摩托車(Harley-Davidson motorcycles)征收關(guān)稅,肯塔基州是參議院多數(shù)黨領(lǐng)袖米奇·麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)的家鄉(xiāng),而威斯康星州則是眾議院議長(zhǎng)保羅·瑞安(Paul Ryan)的家鄉(xiāng)。中國(guó)對(duì)大豆征收關(guān)稅的決定打擊了特朗普在中西部農(nóng)場(chǎng)地帶一些最堅(jiān)定的支持者。

Like most successful American exports, soybeans are produced at high efficiency by a small number of workers using cutting-edge technologies, like tractors connected to satellites so the optimal mix of fertilizers can be spread on each square foot of farmland. The United States exported $26 billion in soybeans last year and more than half went to China.


Some farmers in North Dakota say they trust Trump to negotiate in the nation’s interest. Karel said many of his customers wear red “Make American Great Again” caps and insist that the pain of lost business and lower profits is worthwhile. They say they will suffer now so their children benefit later — echoing the argument Trump has made.

北達(dá)科他州的一些農(nóng)民說他們相信特朗普會(huì)為了國(guó)家的利益進(jìn)行談判??ɡ谞栒f,他的許多顧客戴著紅色“讓美國(guó)恢復(fù)偉大榮光”(Make America Great Again)帽子,并堅(jiān)持認(rèn)為失去生意和降低利潤(rùn)的痛苦是值得的。他們說他們現(xiàn)在將遭罪,所以他們的孩子以后會(huì)受益——這與特朗普提出的論點(diǎn)相呼應(yīng)。

Others are less enthused. Greg Gebeke, who farms 5,000 acres outside Arthur with two of his brothers, said he struggled to understand the administration’s goals.

有的人則不那么熱忱。格雷格·格貝吉(Greg Gebeke)和他的兩個(gè)兄弟在亞瑟外面種植了5000英畝的土地,他說他很難理解政府的目標(biāo)。

“I’m trying to follow and figure out who the winners are in this tariff war,” Gebeke said. “I know who one of the losers are and that’s us. And that’s painful.”


North Dakota’s soybean industry was created by Chinese demand for the beans, which are crushed to make feed for animals and oil for human consumption.


China is by far the world’s largest importer of soybeans. The country consumed 110 million tons of soybeans in 2017, and 87 percent of those beans were imported — the vast majority from either Brazil or the United States. While soybeans are grown throughout the Midwest, the soybean fields of North Dakota are the part of soybean country that is closest to the Pacific Ocean, and so its beans are mostly sent to China.


In the mid-1990s, there were 450,000 acres of soybeans in the state. Last year, there were 6.4 million. As the state’s production of soybeans increased, companies spent millions of dollars on larger grain elevators, on the 110-car trains that carry the soybeans west to the Pacific Coast, on bigger terminals at the ports. A few years ago, Gebeke traded his grain drill, used to plant wheat, for a second machine to plant soybeans.


The Arthur Companies in 2016 opened a shiny drying, storage and loading facility that can hold 2.7 million bushels of beans waiting for the next train.


Soybean farmers also spent millions of dollars cultivating the Chinese market. Farmers in North Dakota and other states contribute a fixed percentage of revenue to a federal fund called the “soybean checkoff” that pays for marketing programs like trade missions to China and research intended to convince Chinese farmers that pigs raised on American soybeans grow faster and fatter. In 2015, North Dakota soybean farmers footed the bill for an event in Shanghai honoring the 10 “most loyal” buyers of American soybeans.


The soybean industry’s sales pitch emphasized the reliability of American infrastructure and the political stability of the United States. The message was that the Chinese could be confident that American farmers would deliver high quality soybeans.


“I’ve been to China 25 times in the last decade talking about the dependability of U.S. soybeans,” said Kirk Leeds, the chief executive of the Iowa Soybean Association. By undermining that reputation, he said, “We have done long-term damage to the industry.”

“在過去的十年中,我曾25次訪問中國(guó),告訴他們美國(guó)大豆有多么可靠,”艾奧瓦州大豆協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)柯克·利茲(Kirk Leeds)說。他說,通過削弱這種聲譽(yù),“我們已經(jīng)對(duì)該行業(yè)造成了長(zhǎng)期損害。”

Gebeke, 65, recalled President Jimmy Carter’s decision to suspend wheat sales to the Soviet Union in 1979. The embargo ended two years later but, by then, the Soviets were getting more of their grain from Ukraine. Speaking of the soybean standoff, he said, “They could get together tomorrow and iron this thing all out and I don’t think we’ll ever get all of our market back.”

現(xiàn)年65歲的格貝吉回憶起吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)總統(tǒng)曾于1979年決定暫停向蘇聯(lián)出售小麥。兩年后禁運(yùn)結(jié)束了,但到了那時(shí)候,蘇聯(lián)人從烏克蘭獲得了更多糧食。談到大豆方面的對(duì)峙,他說,“就算他們明天就開會(huì)把所有事都解決掉,我也不認(rèn)為到時(shí)候我們能把所有的市場(chǎng)都拿回來。”

As China swallows the world’s supply of non-American soybeans, other countries are buying more beans from the United States, especially European nations that usually import beans from Brazil.


Some nations that grow soybeans, like Canada, are shipping their own beans to China at high prices and then buying American beans at lower prices to meet domestic demand. Taiwan, seeking to curry favor, signed a deal to buy more American soybeans over the next two years.


None of this is nearly enough. During the first six weeks of the current export year, which began in September, American soybean exports to China are down by about 6 million tons from last year, while soybean exports to the rest of the world are up by only 3 million tons.


Some analysts predict China will be forced to buy more American beans after it exhausts other sources. Others are hopeful that China and the United States will reach a deal to remove the tariffs.


But waiting carries risks. Soybeans can spoil and Brazil harvests its crop in the spring, creating fresh competition for American beans.


“Hope is unfortunately a terrible marketing plan,” said Nancy Johnson, executive director of the North Dakota Soybean Growers Association. “不幸的是,‘希望’是一種糟糕的營(yíng)銷計(jì)劃,”北達(dá)科他州大豆種植者協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)長(zhǎng)南希·約翰遜(Nancy Johnson)說。

The industry continues to seek new markets. Jim Sutter, chief executive of the U.S. Soybean Export Council, said he was focused on persuading Indians to eat more chicken. The council, which already provides funding to Indian trade groups, is planning to back an advertising campaign.

該行業(yè)繼續(xù)尋求新的市場(chǎng)。美國(guó)大豆出口委員會(huì)首席執(zhí)行官吉姆·薩特(Jim Sutter)說,他專注于說服印度人吃更多雞肉。該委員會(huì)已經(jīng)為印度貿(mào)易集團(tuán)提供資金,計(jì)劃支持一項(xiàng)廣告活動(dòng)。

“People in India will eat more protein as the economy grows, but our job is to speed that up,” Sutter said.


The Trump administration said in August that it would distribute $3.6 billion to soybean farmers to offset the decline in market prices. The subsidy rate of 82.5 cents per bushel, however, covers less than half of the losses facing North Dakota farmers at current market prices.



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