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KOMARNA, Croatia — As a quirk of history and the Balkan wars, a corner of Croatia is cut off from the rest of the country by a 12-mile interruption of land belonging to neighboring Bosnia. It is a rift that Croatia has long wanted to repair with a bridge that would unite the disconnected sliver of its coast with the rest of the country.


For decades — foiled by war, corruption, political bickering and global financial turmoil — work never got much further on the bridge than abandoned concrete pylons and two bronze angels overlooking the glittering waters of the Adriatic Sea.


That is, until the Chinese arrived this summer.


With drills churning and its engineers arriving daily, a state-owned Chinese construction firm, the China Road and Bridge Corporation, is the latest company to take on the project.


For many Croatians, just the possibility that the long-awaited bridge project is now on track to be completed is reason for celebration.


But the project is also a test case for the European Union, which has been wary of allowing state-owned Chinese firms into the market for big European infrastructure projects, fearing that Chinese companies can undermine competition, trample the bloc’s labor laws and depress wages.


The bridge, which will span the water separating a peninsula in the disconnected region with the village of Komarna and the rest of Croatia, is the first time that a project funded largely with European Union money has been won by a Chinese firm.


China Road and Bridge won the contract with a proposal that undercut the nearest competitor by nearly $100 million, leading to a legal challenge. The European Commission is also investigating whether Croatia awarded the contract in line with European Union rules.

中國路橋贏得這個合同的報價比最接近的競爭對手的報價低近一億美元,因此引起了一個法律挑戰(zhàn)。歐盟委員會(European Commission)也正在調(diào)查克羅地亞是否按照符合歐盟規(guī)定的做法把合同授予中國公司。

On top of the concerns officials have over competitive practices and lower wages, many of the jobs that come with the project may not even go to workers in the slow-growing economies of Europe.


Typically, Chinese state firms bring most of their own workers for construction projects, an often contentious practice. It is not clear if Croatian authorities even know how much the Chinese workers will be paid. China Road and Bridge did not respond to queries, and the Croatian authorities said they did not want to officially comment.


“European companies are increasingly finding themselves in the situation that they cannot compete with Chinese-subsidized companies on price levels,” said Jens Bastian, an economic analyst who has detailed Chinese investments and loans in the Balkans in a report for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

“歐洲公司日益發(fā)現(xiàn),它們無法在價格上與得到補貼的中國公司競爭,”經(jīng)濟分析師延斯·巴斯蒂安(Jens Bastian)說,他在一篇給歐洲復興開發(fā)銀行(European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)寫的報告中詳細描述了巴爾干地區(qū)的中國投資和貸款。

China is in the midst of a global infrastructure spending spree known as the Belt and Road Initiative, which is intended to increase Beijing’s economic and diplomatic clout — but which is bringing rising criticism and scrutiny. China is actively cultivating leaders in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, an overture that some in the European Union regard as a veiled effort to undermine the bloc.


In a 2016 report, the European Union Institute for Security Studies concluded that the bloc may “have to acknowledge its limited leverage when it comes to influencing Chinese corporate behavior.”

歐盟安全研究所(European Union Institute for Security Studies)2016年的一份報告的結論是,歐盟可能“不得不承認,在影響中國企業(yè)行為方面,歐盟的影響力有限”。

Yet for Croatia, which joined the European Union in 2013, the project has become a neat and relatively cheap fix for a once insolvable problem in a Balkans region where bridges have long played outsize roles in politics and diplomacy.


When rulers sought to unite the region’s ethnic and religious groups, bridges were built across rivers and over valley passes. When leaders wanted to divide people along ethnic lines, those same bridges were often fought over or destroyed to keep communities apart.


The gap in Croatia’s territory occurred after the socialist Yugoslavia dissolved and frontiers between its former republics became international borders. The Neum corridor, the strip of Bosnia’s coastline that cuts Croatia in two, is Bosnia’s only access to the Adriatic Sea.


As things stand, people traveling from Croatia’s southern coast must endure four border checkpoints to reach the rest of the country, which can mean delays of hours that disrupt one of the nation’s chief economic drivers, tourism.


In June 2017, the European Union announced an allocation of 357 million euros, or $413 million — about 85 percent of the bridge’s cost — with a touch of fanfare.


“This project genuinely embodies our commitment to removing barriers, uniting territories and bringing people together,” Corina Cretu, the union’s commissioner for regional policy, said at the time.

“這個項目真正體現(xiàn)了我們消除障礙、聯(lián)結領土、團結人民的承諾,”歐盟地區(qū)政策專員科瑞娜·克雷圖(Corina Cretu)當時曾這樣說。

Yet six months later, the situation became more complicated when Croatia awarded the project to China Road and Bridge. Rivals were furious. A Croatian court later dismissed a complaint from a losing bidder, the Austrian firm Strabag, which accused the Chinese consortium of charging a price that was lower than the actual value of the project.


On a recent afternoon at the construction site, Jeroslav Segedin, a civil engineer, gave a tour of the early stages of the project. Mr. Segedin, a representative of Croatia Roads, which contracted with the Chinese company for the project, stressed the importance of the bridge, despite the concerns about Beijing’s involvement.

最近一個下午,在建設工地上,土木工程師杰洛斯拉夫·塞格丁(Jeroslav Segedin)帶著來訪者參觀了項目的早期階段。塞格丁是克羅地亞公路公司(Croatia Roads)的代表,該公司是與中國路橋簽訂項目的合同方。他強調(diào)了大橋的重要性,盡管人們對北京的參與表示擔憂。

“It means a lot to both Croatia and this region,” he said. “It will be a national symbol for Croatia.” “這對克羅地亞和這個地區(qū)都很重要,”他說。“這將是克羅地亞的一個國家象征。”

Mr. Segedin, whose team of civil engineers will oversee the project, said construction should reach its peak in about 18 months, when there are expected to be 490 workers on the bridge, most of them Chinese living in trailers on the sparsely populated peninsula. Croatian workers will take part in the construction, but only on a small scale.


European Union officials say they will be watching China’s recruitment process for workers closely, once it gets underway, for possible violations of the bloc’s labor laws. Even so, the Chinese have already been allowed to set the wages for the workers they bring to the site — something that European companies fear is an unfair advantage.


The uncertainty around how many Chinese workers will be employed at the site, and what they will be paid, has spawned rumors.


For months, the Croatian news media has been reporting that thousands of Chinese workers would be living on a cruise ship converted to a dormitory, overwhelming the small fishing village of Komarna where the construction site is based. 幾個月來,克羅地亞新聞媒體一直報道說,數(shù)千名中國工人將住在一艘被改造成宿舍的游輪上,建設工地所在的科瑪納小漁村可能承受不了這么多人。

“It’s incredible, the calls I’ve been getting regarding the Chinese workers in our region,” said Smiljan Mustapic, the governor of the Slivno area where the bridge is being built. “It’s like a group of aliens has landed.”

“我接到的關于我們這個地區(qū)出現(xiàn)中國工人的電話,令人不可思議,”斯米爾揚·穆斯塔皮克(Smiljan Mustapic)說,他是正在建造這座大橋的斯萊夫諾地區(qū)(Slivno)的省長。“就好像是來了一群外星人似的。”

For now, the bridge construction is focused under water and requires only a few dozen Chinese engineers.


Beyond the bridge project, China is seeking closer ties to Croatia in other ways, such as an agreement on joint police patrols — as was done in the heart of the old city of Dubrovnik this summer at the peak of tourism season.


The ostensible reason for the joint patrols was to help resolve issues related to Chinese tourists. But it also served as a dry run for Croatia’s plans to host a meeting of the Chinese-led investment initiative, known as 16+1, in Dubrovnik next year. It includes 11 European Union members in Central and Eastern Europe along with five Balkan nations.


Mato Frankovic, the mayor of Dubrovnik, which is in the cutoff corner of Croatia, said that unlike other Chinese projects in other Balkan nations, the bridge is not financed by debt and loans from Chinese banks, which would have saddled Croatia. “It is a win-win,” he said.

杜布羅夫尼克就位于克羅地亞被隔開的地區(qū),該市市長馬托·弗蘭科維奇(Mato Frankovic)說,與中國在別的巴爾干國家的其他項目不同,建這座大橋的資金不是來自中國銀行的債務和貸款,所以不會讓克羅地亞背上負擔。“這是雙贏的,”他說。

Mr. Mustapic, the governor of the area where the bridge is being built, said, “For us, the construction of this bridge is priceless.”


He could not help but be overcome, he said, as he saw the lights on the water that marked the start of the work on the bridge’s foundation.


“It meant that this time, it is going to happen,” he said.



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