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BOSTON — Harvard University’s admissions practices are on trial in Federal District Court in Boston, in a lawsuit that could have a broad impact on the way colleges choose their incoming classes.


The trial began on Monday with opening statements by lawyers for the plaintiffs, who accuse Harvard of effectively setting a restrictive quota for the number of Asian-American students it accepts, and for the university, which denies that its admissions practices are discriminatory. Supporters of the two sides held dueling rallies in Boston and on the Harvard campus in Cambridge, Mass., on the eve of the trial.


The case is a departure from past challenges to race-conscious admissions, because it argues that a minority group has been unfairly penalized in favor both of whites and of other minority groups. Asian-Americans are divided on the case, with some saying they are being unfairly used as a wedge in a bid to abolish affirmative action.


The court may rule broadly and make new law on the issue, or it may hand down a narrow decision that affects only Harvard. At a minimum, legal experts say, the case will expose the sometimes arcane admissions practices of one of the most selective institutions in the world. William Fitzsimmons, Harvard’s longtime dean of admissions, is expected to be among the first witnesses to testify.

法院可能會做出廣泛的裁決、并在這個(gè)問題上制定新法律,也可能做出只影響哈佛的小范圍裁決。法律專家說,至少此案將把世界上最嚴(yán)格挑選學(xué)生的機(jī)構(gòu)之一的有時(shí)神秘的錄取方法顯露于世。預(yù)計(jì)哈佛大學(xué)長期負(fù)責(zé)招生的院長威廉·菲茨西蒙斯(William Fitzsimmons)將作為第一批證人出庭作證。

In opening arguments Monday, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, Adam Mortara, asserted that the lawsuit was not against campus diversity.

在周一的開庭陳述中,原告律師亞當(dāng)·莫塔拉(Adam Mortara)聲稱,本次訴訟不是反對校園的多元化。

“The future of affirmative action in college admissions is not on trial,” Mr. Mortara said. “This trial is about what Harvard has done and is doing to Asian-American applicants, and how far Harvard has gone in its zeal to use race in the admissions process.”


Harvard’s lawyer, Bill Lee, finished his opening arguments in defense of the university on a personal note. He recalled the first time he had appeared in a federal courtroom, more than 40 years ago. Everyone in the room was male, he said, and they were all white except for him, an Asian-American. “This, of all times, is not a time to go back,” Mr. Lee said.

哈佛大學(xué)的律師比爾·李(Bill Lee)以一段個(gè)人經(jīng)歷結(jié)束了他的開庭陳述。他回憶起40多年前他首次在一個(gè)聯(lián)邦法庭上出庭的情景。他說,房間里的每個(gè)人都是男性,而且除了他都是白人,他是亞裔美國人。“現(xiàn)在,無論何時(shí),都不是倒退的時(shí)候,”李說。

Here are the basic facts of the case and a look at what’s at stake.


What’s this case about?


The lawsuit accuses Harvard of discriminating against Asian-American applicants.


The plaintiffs say that the university holds Asian-Americans to a higher standard than applicants of other races and resorts to racial balancing to shape its incoming classes, in violation of civil rights law. It does this, the plaintiffs say, by manipulating aspects of its admissions process, especially nonacademic gauges — including a “personal rating” — that are hard to quantify.


Harvard says it does not discriminate against applicants of any race. It has staunchly defended its “holistic” admissions policy, which considers race as one factor among many and has been held up as a model by the Supreme Court. The university makes no secret of its pursuit of a diverse class each year, but denies using racial quotas to achieve it.


But what is it really about?


The case is widely seen as a battle over the future of affirmative action. Race’s role in admissions is being debated at every level in education, from colleges to elite high schools to gifted elementary programs, and all of them will be watching intently for a broad ruling.


The plaintiffs are trying to eliminate the use of race in the admissions process, and accuse Harvard of not making a good-faith effort to consider race-neutral alternative policies to achieve its goals. Harvard says that it has, and that eliminating race as a factor would cause an unacceptable decline in diversity, which it values as part of its educational mission.


The suit is tailor-made to go to the Supreme Court, and if it does, it could change the face of admissions.


Who are the main parties?


The plaintiffs, Students for Fair Admissions, are a group of Asian-American students who were rejected by Harvard. They are led by Edward Blum, a conservative activist who opposes consideration of race in all aspects of public life. Mr. Blum, 65, was behind two previous landmark cases to reach the Supreme Court: one on the issue of race in admissions at the University of Texas, which he lost; and one contesting key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which he won.

原告“大學(xué)生公平錄取”組織(Students for Fair Admissions)是一群被哈佛大學(xué)拒之門外的亞裔學(xué)生。他們由保守派活躍分子愛德華·布魯姆(Edward Blum)領(lǐng)導(dǎo),布魯姆反對在公共生活的各個(gè)方面考慮種族因素?,F(xiàn)年65歲的布魯姆是以前兩起上了最高法院的具有里程碑意義的案子的幕后推手:一起是關(guān)于德克薩斯大學(xué)錄取學(xué)生中使用種族的,這起他輸了;另一起對1965年的投票權(quán)法案的關(guān)鍵部分提出了異議,這起他贏了。

The judge is Allison D. Burroughs, who was nominated by President Barack Obama and confirmed to the federal bench in 2014. Judge Burroughs was one of several federal judges who delayed or blocked President Trump’s first travel ban, issued in January 2017.

本案的法官是阿利森·D·伯勒斯(Allison D. Burroughs),她是在2014年由巴拉克·奧巴馬總統(tǒng)提名為聯(lián)邦法官的,并得到了確認(rèn)。伯勒斯是延遲或阻止特朗普總統(tǒng)于2017年1月簽署的第一個(gè)旅行禁令的幾位聯(lián)邦法官之一。

The defendant is Harvard, but other elite universities, including the rest of the Ivy League schools, have closed ranks in support, filing a joint brief saying that a ruling against Harvard would hurt diversity efforts across academia.


What evidence will be presented?


The plaintiffs have cited preliminary drafts of reports that Harvard itself conducted on its admissions, which circulated within the university in 2013. The reports, by Harvard’s Office of Institutional Research, found that being Asian-American was negatively associated with being admitted. Harvard says the reports are incomplete.


The plaintiffs indicated on Monday that they consider the 2013 reports to be among their strongest evidence. “Before there was a website called ‘Harvard Not Fair,’ before Harvard knew anything about this case, Harvard’s own internal researchers told Harvard, told Dean Fitzgerald, that having a higher personal rating was the most important thing to get in,” Mr. Mortara said in opening arguments. “They also told them that there was a big tip for African-Americans,” Mr. Mortara said, using a common term for an admissions preference or advantage.

原告在周一暗示,他們認(rèn)為這份2013年的報(bào)告是他們掌握的是最強(qiáng)有力的證據(jù)之一。“早在‘哈佛不公平’(Harvard Not Fair)網(wǎng)站出現(xiàn)之前,早在哈佛知道這個(gè)案子的任何事情之前,哈佛自己內(nèi)部的研究人員就對哈佛、對菲茨西蒙斯院長說,有更高的個(gè)性評分對被錄取來說是最重要的,”莫塔拉在開庭陳述中說。“研究人員還告訴他們,對非洲裔美國人有一個(gè)大的額外考慮。”莫塔拉說,他用了描述錄取偏好或優(yōu)勢的一個(gè)常用術(shù)語。

Mr. Lee argued on Harvard’s behalf that the plaintiffs had misinterpreted the internal report, whose real purpose was to assess admissions of low-income students.


Both sides will rely on expert analysis. The plaintiffs’ report, written by Dr. Peter Arcidiacono, found, among other things, that the “personal ratings” given to Asian-American applicants tended to significantly drag down their chances of being admitted.

雙方都將依靠專家分析。原告的分析報(bào)告由彼得·阿西迪亞科諾博士(Dr. Peter Arcidiacono)撰寫,報(bào)告發(fā)現(xiàn),與其他因素相比,對亞裔美國申請人作出的“個(gè)性評分”往往會顯著地拉低他們被錄取的機(jī)會。

Harvard signaled on Monday that it will argue that the plaintiffs are glossing over aspects of the admissions data that undermine their case, including figures that show no discrimination against some categories of Asian-Americans.


Harvard’s lawyer, Mr. Lee, said that other factors, including an applicant’s intended major and parents’ occupation, weigh more heavily than race in determining which students are admitted, and that once those factors are accounted for, the statistical support for the plaintiffs’ claim of discrimination disappears.


Much of the courtroom debate is expected to focus on how the two experts conducted their analyses, and what they chose to include and omit.


How do Asian-Americans feel about the case?


Surveys show that by and large, Asian-Americans support affirmative action. Many have fiercely defended Harvard in the lawsuit, and say that the plaintiffs are using them against other minorities.


But the case has also been deeply painful for some, dredging up longstanding fears of being reduced to crude stereotypes. It has sowed ambivalence and division among Asian ethnic groups.


Increasingly vocal groups of Chinese-Americans have been galvanized by the fight over race-based school admissions. Dozens of Chinese-Americans filed their own discrimination complaint with the Justice Department against Harvard. The department has opened investigations at Harvard and at Yale on the issue, and has backed the plaintiffs in the Harvard suit.


What’s the history behind the case?


The lawsuit was first filed in 2014, but it has been decades in the making. Disputes over whether Harvard imposes quotas on Asian-Americans date back to at least the 1980s. The Education Department looked into the matter in 1988, but cleared Harvard of any foul play, a point Mr. Lee dwelled on in his opening.


The debate roared back to life in 2012 after a conservative activist published a long essay about Harvard admissions called “The Myth of American Meritocracy,” which attracted mainstream news coverage. Mr. Lee derided that essay as “provocative,” and said that the university’s introspection about admissions was prompted instead by the research of Caroline Hoxby, an economist studying low-income students and college.

2012年,一名保守派活動人士發(fā)表了一篇關(guān)于哈佛如何錄取學(xué)生的長文,文章的題目是《美國英才領(lǐng)導(dǎo)體制的神話》(The Myth of American Meritocracy),文章引起主流媒體的報(bào)道后,這場辯論又重新活躍起來。李嘲笑該文是“煽動性的”,并說,哈佛對招生情況的內(nèi)部反思是卡洛琳·霍克斯比(Caroline Hoxby)的研究引起的,霍克斯比是研究低收入學(xué)生群體與大學(xué)的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家。

The plaintiffs in the current lawsuit have tried to trace the issue back even farther, to Harvard’s history of restricting its admission of Jews starting in the 1920s.


“We must take as many as we can benefit,” the president of the university, A. Lawrence Lowell, wrote concerning Jewish applicants in a 1922 letter, “but if we take more, we shall not benefit them and shall ruin the college.”

“我們必須盡可能多地錄取對我們有利的人數(shù),”哈佛大學(xué)校長A·勞倫斯·洛厄爾(A. Lawrence Lowell)在1922年的一封信中提到猶太申請人時(shí)寫道,“但是,如果我們錄取更多人的話,我們將無法讓他們受益,并且將毀掉這所大學(xué)。”

Jewish enrollment at Harvard had been growing rapidly, and by 1925, Jews accounted for 27.1 percent of the freshman class, according to court documents, leading to threats from some alumni that they would stop giving. Mr. Lowell proposed a quota of 15 percent, but the plan met heated opposition. Then, in January 1926, Harvard revamped its admissions policy, in part by putting more emphasis on “character and fitness,” according to another unsealed document, as well as “racial characteristics.”


“Race is part of the record,” a student paper, The Gadfly, quoted the admissions chairman saying a few months after the change. “It is by no means the whole record and no man will be kept out on grounds of race.”

“種族是正式記錄的一部分”,一份學(xué)生報(bào)紙《牛虻》(The Gadfly)援引當(dāng)時(shí)的招生主管在修改政策幾個(gè)月后說的話寫道。“它絕不是全部的記錄,沒有人會因?yàn)榉N族而被拒之門外。”

Judge Burroughs has expressed skepticism about whether the history of discrimination against Jews at Harvard is relevant to the current case, but she agreed to allow limited testimony on the matter.



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