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Britain on Tuesday joined a growing group of Western nations hardening their use of national security as a litmus test for Chinese investments, with the government in London unveiling a blueprint to sharply tighten its oversight of foreign takeovers.


The proposal, which follows a pledge by Prime Minister Theresa May to protect sensitive industries, widens the scope of deals that Britain can thwart to protect its competitive edge. The new rules being suggested extend the government’s reach when it comes to foreign takeovers, lowering the threshold to include acquisitions of even small companies, intellectual property, individual assets or company shares.

英國(guó)首相特麗莎·梅(Theresa May)此前曾誓言要保護(hù)敏感行業(yè),該計(jì)劃擴(kuò)大了英國(guó)為保護(hù)自己的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)而否決并購交易的范圍。擬議中的新規(guī)定加大了政府在外資收購方面的影響力,同時(shí)也降低了介入小企業(yè)、知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)、個(gè)人資產(chǎn)或公司股份收購的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。

The move aligns Britain more closely with the United States, Canada, Australia and major European economies, which have been strengthening foreign investment and takeover criteria. In Washington, lawmakers are expected to soon expand the powers of a body that investigates international deals for national security risks.


Britain and other governments in the West have had to tread a fine line when it comes to handling investment from China.


Beijing and its homegrown companies are increasingly a competitive force in the global economy, in sectors ranging from technology to energy. But China is also the second-largest economy in the world, with deep pockets to invest overseas and a large market of consumers at home.


Britain and other countries in Europe are trying to protect strategic industries, while courting Chinese investment and fighting to obtain better access to customers in China for their own companies.


The challenge is especially stark for Britain as the country negotiates its withdrawal from the European Union. Dire warnings abound that companies will leave if they lose access to the 28-nation bloc.


Financial firms have already begun shifting some operations elsewhere. Multinational companies including Airbus and BMW are questioning whether and how to maintain their investments post-Brexit, depending on what kinds of links Britain maintains with the world’s second-largest economic bloc.


Greg Clark, Britain’s business secretary, said on Tuesday that the latest proposal would ensure that Britain had “the appropriate safeguards to protect our national security whilst ensuring our economy remains unashamedly pro-business and open to high levels of foreign investment in the future.”

英國(guó)商務(wù)大臣格雷格·克拉克(Greg Clark)周二表示,新計(jì)劃將確保英國(guó)有“適當(dāng)?shù)谋U洗胧﹣肀Wo(hù)我們國(guó)家安全的同時(shí),確保我們的經(jīng)濟(jì)在未來始終對(duì)商企有利,并且向高水平的外國(guó)投資開放”。

Under the plans, business owners will be encouraged to notify the government of any transaction that might trigger a host of potential national security risks contained in a set of guidelines. They could also face criminal charges for failing to comply with information requests or other steps the government might take to halt what it deems risky transactions.


Those would involve “hostile parties acquiring control over entities or assets with the potential to undermine national security,” including foreign governments acquiring sensitive assets through “traditional and nontraditional means,” or individuals or entities affiliated with hostile states, the British government said.


Currently Britain vets very few deals based on national security. A proposed takeover of Northern Aerospace, a British airplane parts supplier to Airbus and Boeing, by a Chinese rival is the only one this year to be held up by British officials. The deal was eventually called off.

目前英國(guó)很少基于國(guó)家安全來審查交易。一個(gè)中國(guó)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手提議收購英國(guó)的飛機(jī)零部件供應(yīng)商北方航空航天公司(Northern Aerospace),是英國(guó)官員今年叫停的唯一一筆交易。該公司是空客和波音(Boeing)的供應(yīng)商。這筆交易最終被取消。

The government said that only a small number of investment activities, mergers and transactions in Britain actually pose a risk to national security. But Britain has noted that it could review as many as 50 a year under the new plan.


The proposed changes could allow the government to clamp down on virtually every sector of the economy, including energy, defense and transportation, and in assets as diverse as energy networks, major airports and health care databases. “The reforms,” the government proposal said, must “be designed to ensure that control over assets themselves cannot be acquired by those who wish our country harm.”


Chinese companies have spent billions of dollars buying strategic real estate and companies in Britain in recent years, including the prominent Leaden hall Building in London, known as the Cheesegrater. And they have been enthusiastic buyers of businesses and properties from New York to Frankfurt.


But Chinese buyers are facing increased scrutiny around the world.


A steady series of attempted deals by Chinese companies in the United States has helped galvanize lawmakers in Washington to call for greater scrutiny of investments from China. The Senate and House of Representatives have agreed on the final text of legislation that would strengthen the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, a multiagencybody known as Cfius, and are expected to approve the bill soon with a final vote.

中國(guó)企業(yè)在美國(guó)持續(xù)進(jìn)行的一系列并購交易嘗試,也在促使華盛頓的國(guó)會(huì)議員呼吁加強(qiáng)對(duì)中國(guó)投資的審查。參眾兩院已經(jīng)就加強(qiáng)美國(guó)外國(guó)投資委員會(huì)(Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States)的立法最終文本達(dá)成了一致,預(yù)計(jì)很快就能通過最終表決。

The impact of growing concerns has been significant: The value of new Chinese deals in the United States over the first five months of this year fell 92 percent from the same period last year, to $1.8 billion, according to Rhodium Group, which tracks Chinese investment overseas.

根據(jù)追蹤中國(guó)海外投資的榮鼎咨詢(Rhodium Group)的數(shù)據(jù),不斷加劇的擔(dān)憂已經(jīng)造成了顯著的影響:在今年頭五個(gè)月,中國(guó)在美國(guó)新交易的價(jià)值較去年同期下降92%,至18億美元。

In Britain, a Chinese investment in Hinkley Point, a new nuclear power plant on Britain’s west coast, triggered Mrs. May’s determination to raise the bar for what is considered a strategic foreign investment.

在英國(guó),中國(guó)對(duì)西海岸新建的欣克利角核電站(Hinkley Point)的投資,促使首相特麗莎·梅決心提高被視為戰(zhàn)略性外國(guó)投資的門檻。

In Canada, which has been more open to Chinese investment in recent years, the government blocked a $1 billion takeover of a construction company, citing national security concerns.


Several splashy deals in Europe have also prompted discussion there about whether to raise the barriers for investment from China. In Germany, the acquisition of Kuka, the country’s largest industrial robot manufacturer, by a Chinese appliance maker triggered a backlash. The deal turned Midea, the Chinese company, into a major player in automation almost overnight.


More recently, a stealth move by the Chinese carmaker Geely to acquire a $9 billion stake in Daimler prompted Germany to take a closer look at its investment disclosure rules.


Despite the pressure, Chinese companies, faced with increased difficulties in the United States, have been able to continue making investments at a good clip in Europe. Over the past six months, the value of newly announced Chinese deals in the region has surpassed that of new deals in the United States by nine times, according to Rhodium Group and Baker Mackenzie, the law firm.

盡管面臨壓力,在美國(guó)遭遇越來越多困難的中國(guó)企業(yè),仍能繼續(xù)在歐洲迅速投資。根據(jù)榮鼎咨詢和貝克麥堅(jiān)時(shí)律師事務(wù)所(Baker Mackenzie)的數(shù)據(jù),在過去的六個(gè)月,中國(guó)在該地區(qū)新宣布的交易價(jià)值,已經(jīng)超過在美國(guó)新交易價(jià)值的9倍。


“Despite the tightening of investment screening practices in several countries, Europe remains relatively open to Chinese investment,” said Thilo Hanemann, director at Rhodium Group.

榮鼎咨詢的董事韓其洛(Thilo Hanemann)表示:“盡管一些國(guó)家收緊了投資篩選措施,但歐洲對(duì)于中國(guó)投資仍然是相對(duì)開放的。”

“Only a handful of deals are reviewed and instances of intervention remain rare compared toNorth America. Not to forget, in the era of Trumpian politics, Europe provides Chinese investorswith a more stable and predictable political environment,” Mr. Hanemann said.



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