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A top trade adviser to President Donald Trump has said there would be no exemptions from US tariffs on steel and aluminium imports as the EU prepared retaliatory measures and officials warned of the risk of a transatlantic trade war.

唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)總統(tǒng)的一名高級貿(mào)易顧問表示,美國針對鋼鐵和鋁進(jìn)口的關(guān)稅將不會(huì)有豁免機(jī)制。歐盟已準(zhǔn)備了報(bào)復(fù)措施,官員們警告稱,歐美面臨發(fā)生跨大西洋貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。

Peter Navarro, who heads the US Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, said that while there could be exceptions for specific business uses, there would be no carve-out for individual countries, dealing a blow to allies such as Canada, the UK and South Korea.

美國貿(mào)易和制造業(yè)政策辦公室(Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy)負(fù)責(zé)人彼得•納瓦羅(Peter Navarro)表示,盡管可能會(huì)有針對特定商業(yè)用途的例外安排,但不會(huì)有照顧個(gè)別國家的豁免措施,這對加拿大、英國和韓國等盟國是一個(gè)打擊。

“As soon as you start exempting countries you have to raise the tariffs on everybody else . . . and so it’s a slippery slope,” Mr Navarro told CNN yesterday.


Mr Trump’s impromptu announcement of tariffs last week set off a furious round of last-minute lobbying by allies such as Canada, now the largest supplier to the US of aluminium and steel.


UK officials were also pressing for an exemption but could find no legal means to do so while Britain remained in the EU. Theresa May, the prime minister, raised her “deep concern” over the move in a phone call with Mr Trump yesterday, saying a multilateral solution was needed to resolve the global problem of steel overcapacity.

英國官員也極力要求享受豁免,但在英國仍是歐盟成員的情況下找不到這種安排的合法手段。英國首相特里薩•梅(Theresa May)昨日在與特朗普電話通話期間表達(dá)了她對此舉的“深切擔(dān)憂”,她表示,需要一個(gè)多邊解決方案來解決鋼鐵產(chǎn)能過剩的全球問題。

Mr Navarro is one of the economic nationalists within the Trump administration vying for the president’s ear with pro-free trade advisers led by Gary Cohn, head of the National Economic Council. Since Thursday’s announcement, Mr Cohn has been working to try to blunt the effects of any tariffs and to argue for exemptions.

納瓦羅是特朗普政府內(nèi)的經(jīng)濟(jì)民族主義者之一,這些人與支持自由貿(mào)易的顧問們——以國家經(jīng)濟(jì)委員會(huì)(National Economic Council)主席加里•科恩(Gary Cohn)為首——競相說服總統(tǒng)。自上周四這個(gè)消息宣布后,科恩一直在努力緩解任何關(guān)稅的影響,并力主推出豁免機(jī)制。

The EU had low hopes of an exemption and has instead focused on preparing a “harsh and clear reaction from Brussels”, according to one senior European official.


The European Commission could launch tit-for-tat measures as soon as Wednesday but must first wait for the Trump administration to formally adopt detailed tariff proposals. The EU is also in contact with other countries affected by Mr Trump’s proposed measures, such as Japan, Canada, Brazil and Turkey, European diplomats say.

歐盟委員會(huì)(European Commission)最快可能在周三就拿出針鋒相對的措施,但必須先等待特朗普政府正式批準(zhǔn)詳細(xì)的關(guān)稅提案。歐洲外交官稱,歐盟還在與受特朗普擬議措施影響的其他國家接觸,如日本、加拿大、巴西和土耳其。

The EU has drawn up a €2.8bn list of proposed counter-measures comprising roughly one-third steel and aluminium, one-third agricultural products and one-third other goods. The list ranges from commodities such as maize and orange juice to quintessential Americana, notably Harley-Davidson motorcycles, bourbon whiskey and blue jeans.


European diplomats said there would be no stepping back from the retaliation, despite Mr Trump’s threat to extend the tariffs to EU car imports.


The Federal Reserve was wary of the effect a trade war would have on US economic growth with Neel Kashkari of the Minneapolis Fed saying it would hit their growth and inflation forecasts.

美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)(Federal Reserve)已對貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)對美國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長造成的影響表示擔(dān)憂,明尼阿波利斯聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備銀行(Minneapolis Fed)行長尼爾•卡什卡里(Neel Kashkari)表示,貿(mào)易戰(zhàn)將打擊美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)的增長和通脹預(yù)測。


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