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North Korea has signalled it is willing to open dialogue with the US as diplomatic engagement on the Korean peninsula picks up pace.


The comments from a North Korea envoy came as Seoul wrapped up the Winter Olympic Games, which South Korean President Moon Jae-in has used to bolster relations with the reclusive regime.

上述言論是一位朝鮮特使在平昌冬奧會閉幕時發(fā)表的。韓國總統(tǒng)文在寅(Moon Jae-in)利用此次冬奧會來改善韓國與這個與世隔絕的政權的關系。

Throughout last year, tension on the peninsula looked set to tip over into conflict as Washington and Pyongyang faced off over the regime’s development and testing of ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons.


However, since the new year, Mr Moon has used the global sporting spectacle to engage with Kim Jong Un, North Korea’s leader, in the hope that reduced tension can lead to negotiations over the North’s weapons programmes.

然而,進入新的一年后,文在寅利用這場全球體育盛會與朝鮮領導人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)進行接觸,希望局勢緩和引向有關朝鮮武器計劃的談判。

The approach met much scepticism in Seoul and Washington. However, if Pyongyang now proves sincere about engaging diplomatically with the US, Mr Moon will feel a measure of vindication.


On Sunday, a high-ranking political delegation from Pyongyang came to the closing ceremony of the Winter Games, which featured North Korean athletes waving their national flag — a statement of inter-Korean detente that only months ago would have shocked observers.


Ivanka Trump, US president Donald Trump’s daughter and a senior White House adviser, also attended the closing ceremony of the Olympics in Pyeongchang alongside Kim Yong Chol, head of the high-ranking North Korean delegation.

美國總統(tǒng)特朗普的女兒及白宮的高級顧問伊萬卡•特朗普(Ivanka Trump)與朝鮮高級代表團團長金英哲(Kim Yong-chol)都出席了平昌冬奧會的閉幕式。

Mr Kim met Mr Moon before the ceremony and expressed an openness towards talks with the US.


“The North Korean delegation agreed that North Korea-US relations must develop along with the South-North Korea relationship, while noting [Pyongyang] has enough intention to hold North Korea-US dialogue,” said a spokesman for South Korea’s presidential Blue House.

“北韓代表團同意北韓-美國關系必須與韓朝關系一同發(fā)展,同時指出,平壤方面有足夠意愿與美國對話,”韓國總統(tǒng)府青瓦臺(Blue House)的一位發(fā)言人表示。

While the comments are a positive sign for those worried about the prospect of war on the peninsula, many will question Pyongyang’s sincerity.


The regime has a long history of diplomatic mind games and may well be playing for time as it puts the finishing touches on its intercontinental ballistic missile programme.


Only hours before the apparent overture, North Korean state media lambasted Mr Trump for pursuing ever tougher sanctions on the regime. 就在朝鮮特使貌似伸出橄欖枝的幾小時前,朝鮮官方媒體還嚴厲抨擊了特朗普對朝鮮政權實施越來越嚴厲的制裁。

Washington is “running amok to bring another dark cloud of confrontation and war over the Korean peninsula by announcing enormous sanctions against” North Korea, the official KCNA news agency said.


Mr Trump has adopted a “maximum pressure” strategy of economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation in a bid to coerce Pyongyang to denuclearise.


Washington has also sent mixed signals about diplomatic talks. Before the opening ceremony of the Olympics, US vice-president Mike Pence said North Korea’s de-nuclearisation must be on the table before dialogue with the US could commence.

華盛頓方面也發(fā)出了錯綜復雜的外交談判信號。在本屆冬奧會開幕之前,美國副總統(tǒng)邁克•彭斯(Mike Pence)表示,在與美國展開對話之前,朝鮮棄核必須被納入議事日程。

Days later he appeared to reverse course, saying there were no preconditions for talks.


The US has also been wary of moves towards inter-Korean reconciliation, which Washington fears might drive a wedge into its longstanding alliance with Seoul.


Mr Moon, however, has moved carefully and has yet to accept an offer from Kim Jong Un to visit Pyongyang for an inter-Korean summit.


The South Korean leader has instead reiterated that US-North Korea dialogue must run in parallel to inter-Korean reconciliation.



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