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There’s a smartphone that the United States does not want you to buy. It’s called the Mate 10 Pro and it’s made by Huawei, a Chinese manufacturer that the American government has long suspected of committing espionage for China.

有一款智能手機(jī)是美國(guó)政府不希望你買的。它叫Mate 10 Pro,華為制造。這是一家長(zhǎng)期被美國(guó)政府懷疑在為中國(guó)進(jìn)行間諜活動(dòng)的中國(guó)制造商。

The device, priced at $800, was supposed to make a big splash this year as the first high-end smartphone from Huawei in the United States. But AT&T, which intended to promote the Mate 10 Pro as a rival to premium devices from Apple and Samsung, abruptly pulled out of the deal this month, appearing to bend to pressure from Washington over security concerns. Verizon Wireless, the country’s biggest carrier, may have also canceled a similar deal because of political pressure, according to some reports. (Verizon declined to comment.)

這部手機(jī)售價(jià)為800美元,作為華為在美國(guó)推出的首部高端智能手機(jī),它本應(yīng)在今年引起巨大反響。但原計(jì)劃以蘋果、三星等品牌高端手機(jī)的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手來推廣它的AT&T,這個(gè)月突然退出了協(xié)議,似乎是在向華盛頓出于安全顧慮的施壓低頭。據(jù)一些報(bào)道稱,美國(guó)最大運(yùn)營(yíng)商威瑞森無線(Verizon Wireless)也出于政治壓力取消了一份類似的協(xié)議。(威瑞森拒絕置評(píng)。)

The snub by AT&T, the country’s No. 2 carrier, aroused a candid diatribe from Richard Yu, Huawei’s chief executive, this month at CES, the giant tech convention in Las Vegas.


“It’s a big loss for us, and also for carriers,” he said. “But the more big loss is for consumers, because consumers don’t have the best choice.”


Security issues aside, Mr. Yu may have a point. Based on a week of testing, the Mate 10 Pro is a solid all-around Android smartphone. It has an excellent camera that takes advantage of artificial intelligence to shoot clear, rich photos of pets, plants, food and, of course, people. The device has longer battery life than phones from Apple and Samsung, and, with durability in mind, it comes with a protective case and a screen protector.

拋開安全問題不說,余承東說的不無道理?;谝恢艿臏y(cè)試,Mate 10 Pro是一款可靠全面的安卓智能手機(jī)。它配有極佳的攝像頭,會(huì)利用人工智能,拍攝清晰、色彩鮮艷的寵物、植物、食物,當(dāng)然,還有人像。與蘋果和三星的手機(jī)相比,它的電池壽命更長(zhǎng)??紤]到耐用性,手機(jī)還配了一個(gè)保護(hù)殼和屏幕保護(hù)膜。

Yet without the backing of a big American carrier, the risks of buying the smartphone are high. While the Mate 10 Pro will still be available online next month and on sale at Best Buy stores by the end of the quarter, the lack of carrier buy-in means it will be tougher to get device support if your screen shatters or if something goes wrong.

然而,沒有美國(guó)大型運(yùn)營(yíng)商的支持,購買這款智能手機(jī)的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)就大了。雖然下個(gè)月Mate 10 Pro仍會(huì)通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)開售,到了季末還能在百思買(Best Buy)店內(nèi)購買,但缺少運(yùn)營(yíng)商的協(xié)作意味著,一旦屏幕破裂或出現(xiàn)其他問題,你將很難獲得設(shè)備支持。

Here’s what you need to know about the device.


The Highlights


The signature feature of the Mate 10 Pro is the processor, which has a dedicated part of its silicon specifically designed for artificial intelligence.

處理器是Mate 10 Pro的標(biāo)志性主打,芯片中有一部分是專為人工智能設(shè)計(jì)的。

This allows the phone to crunch algorithms and do things like automatically recognize an object so that the camera can be adjusted to focus quickly and let in the right amount of light. Huawei also says A.I. allows the phone to maximize its performance: Periodically, it will automatically do maintenance, like clearing out old system files that might otherwise slow down the phone.


The camera is notable as well. Huawei teamed up with Leica, a popular camera maker, to develop the phone’s dual-lens setup. Like phones from Apple and Samsung, the Mate 10 Pro’s camera can create a so-called bokeh effect, where the two cameras work together to show the picture’s main subject in sharp focus while gently blurring the background.

攝像頭也值得關(guān)注。華為與廣受歡迎的相機(jī)制造商徠卡(Leica)合作開發(fā)了手機(jī)的雙攝像頭配置。和蘋果、三星的手機(jī)一樣,Mate 10 Pro的攝像頭能拍出所謂的“焦外”效果,這需要兩個(gè)鏡頭協(xié)同工作,用精準(zhǔn)聚焦表現(xiàn)照片的主要對(duì)象,同時(shí)輕柔地虛化背景。

Like other modern smartphones, the Mate 10 Pro is water and dust resistant. But it also has an extra large battery that Huawei says will last longer than that in many other phones. That’s partly because of its A.I. processor, which examines how the battery is being used and changes resource allocation to prolong its life.

和其他新潮的智能手機(jī)一樣,Mate 10 Pro防塵、防水。但它也有一個(gè)華為說比其他許多手機(jī)都能使用更久的超大電池。這部分是因?yàn)樗娜斯ぶ悄芴幚砥髂軝z查電池使用情況,調(diào)整資源配置,延長(zhǎng)使用壽命。

The Mate 10 Pro also ships with a screen protector applied to its display, and inside the box there is a plastic protective case. These are thoughtful additions. The case absorbs the impact of drops and the screen protector helps prevent scratches, which weaken the structural integrity of a display.

Mate 10 Pro還附送了一個(gè)顯示屏適用的屏幕保護(hù)膜,盒內(nèi)還有一個(gè)塑料保護(hù)殼。這些都是很貼心的配件。保護(hù)殼能吸收墜落的沖擊力,屏幕保護(hù)膜能防止劃痕,不破壞顯示屏的結(jié)構(gòu)完整。

Pros and Cons


In my tests, the two best features of the Mate 10 Pro were the camera and battery. The least impressive was the display.

根據(jù)我的測(cè)試,Mate 10 Pro的兩個(gè)最佳特性是攝像頭和電池。最不吸引人的是顯示屏。

But let’s start with the good stuff. In side-by-side comparisons with an iPhone X and Samsung’s Galaxy S8+, the Mate 10 Pro came in second to Apple’s offering in photo quality. All took nice photos, but the colors in Galaxy S8+’s pictures looked oversaturated, and while the Mate 10 Pro’s photos appeared rich and clear, the shadow details looked better on the iPhone X.

我從好的方面開始說起。在與iPhone X和三星Galaxy S8+的對(duì)比中,Mate 10 Pro在照片質(zhì)量上僅次于蘋果。三款手機(jī)都能拍出很好的照片,但Galaxy S8+拍出的照片顏色太過飽和,而Mate 10 Pro拍出的照片看起來又豐富又清晰,iPhone X的照片則在陰影細(xì)節(jié)上看起來更好。

As for the bokeh effect, also known as portrait mode, the Mate 10 Pro excelled at separating the subject from the background compared with the Galaxy S8+, but I still preferred the iPhone X because it did a better job at lighting up a person’s face.

至于焦外效果,也就是肖像模式,與Galaxy S8+相比,Mate 10 Pro更擅長(zhǎng)將主體與背景分開,但我還是更喜歡iPhone X,因?yàn)樗芨玫卣樟寥四槨?/p>

There was one area where the Mate 10 Pro was the clear winner: the battery. In my tests browsing the web over a cellular connection, Huawei’s phone had roughly two hours more juice than Samsung’s Galaxy Note 8 and the iPhone X. Mate 10

Pro在有一個(gè)方面顯然是贏家:電池。在我通過蜂窩網(wǎng)絡(luò)瀏覽網(wǎng)頁的測(cè)試中,華為手機(jī)剩下的電量比三星Galaxy Note 8和iPhone X大約多了兩小時(shí)。

The display — the biggest downside of the Mate 10 Pro — had a lower resolution than the Note 8, the Galaxy S8+ and the iPhone X, meaning some graphics and text looked more pixelated. Over all, text appeared crisper and websites more vibrant on the iPhone X and Samsung Galaxy screens than they did on the Mate 10 Pro’s display.

顯示屏是Mate 10 Pro最大的缺點(diǎn),它的分辨率低于Note 8、Galaxy S8+和iPhone X,也就是說,有些圖形和文字看起來更模糊??傮w而言,與Mate 10 Pro的顯示屏相比,iPhone X和三星Galaxy屏幕上的文本更清晰,網(wǎng)頁更生動(dòng)。

Bottom Line 結(jié)論

The Mate 10 Pro is an impressive smartphone, but you probably aren’t going to buy it even if you get your hands on it. The lower-resolution display is a major negative, as is the lack of carrier support.

Mate 10 Pro是一款相當(dāng)出色的智能手機(jī),但即使能買到,你也很可能不會(huì)買它。顯示屏分辨率較低是它的主要缺點(diǎn),此外,它還缺乏運(yùn)營(yíng)商的支持。

Huawei said that to get technical support for the Mate 10 Pro, you can call its hotline, and for repairs, you can ship your device to a center in Texas. That’s still not ideal compared to the ease of strolling into an Apple store or your carrier’s nearest location.

華為表示,如果需要獲得Mate 10 Pro的技術(shù)支持,可以撥打它的熱線電話;如果需要維修,可以把設(shè)備寄到德克薩斯州的一個(gè)維修中心。但相比走幾步就能到的蘋果店或最近的運(yùn)營(yíng)商,這還不夠理想。

Privacy and trust are also important. In 2012, the House Intelligence Committee concluded that Huawei and ZTE, another Chinese telecommunications company, were a national security threat because of their attempts to extract sensitive data from American companies. And in 2016, security researchers discovered preinstalled software on some Huawei and ZTE phones that included a backdoor that sent all of a device’s text messages to China every 72 hours. That feature was not intended for American phones, according to the company that made the software. But American lawmakers have been wary of Huawei.

隱私和信任也很重要。2012年,美國(guó)眾議院情報(bào)委員會(huì)(House Intelligence Committee)得出結(jié)論稱,華為和另一家中國(guó)電信公司中興通訊(ZTE)是國(guó)家安全威脅,因?yàn)樗鼈冊(cè)噲D獲取美國(guó)公司的敏感數(shù)據(jù)。2016年,安全調(diào)查人員在華為和中興的某些手機(jī)上發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個(gè)預(yù)裝軟件,其中設(shè)置了每隔72小時(shí)把手機(jī)上的所有短信發(fā)回中國(guó)的后門。據(jù)開發(fā)該軟件的公司稱,該功能并非針對(duì)美國(guó)手機(jī)。但美國(guó)的國(guó)會(huì)議員一直對(duì)華為保持警惕。

Most important, you will have to decide whether you trust Huawei. The onus is on you to carefully read Huawei’s privacy policy and determine if you feel confident using this phone. In a statement, Huawei said privacy and security were top priorities and that it complies with stringent privacy frameworks and regulations.


At CES, Huawei’s Mr. Yu described how the company had previously overcome trust hurdles — including at home in China, where Huawei’s smartphones were initially distrusted by Chinese carriers because the company was a newcomer.


“It was very hard,” he said. “But we won the trust of the Chinese carriers, we won the trust of the developing market, and we also won the global carriers, all the European and Japanese carriers. Over the last 30 years, we’ve proven our quality.”



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