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Australia will ban foreign political donations and force lobbyists to reveal when they are working for overseas entities under tough new laws designed to tackle growing espionage threats and Chinese influence in domestic politics.


The crackdown follows revelations that organisations and individuals with alleged links to the Chinese government have donated more than A$6.7m to the Liberal and Labor parties over recent years. One opposition MP, who received cash, called publicly for Australia to respect China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea — a position contrary to that of his party.


“Foreign intelligence services are engaged in covert influence and interference on an unprecedented scale,” Malcolm Turnbull, Australia’s prime minister, said on Tuesday as he summarised the proposed legislation.

澳大利亞總理馬爾科姆•特恩布爾(Malcolm Turnbull,文首圖)周二在總結(jié)這項(xiàng)擬議中的法案時(shí)說:“外國情報(bào)機(jī)構(gòu)正以前所未有的規(guī)模秘密施加影響和干涉。

“This activity is being directed against a range of Australian interests, from our political systems, to our commercial interests, to expatriate communities who have made Australia their home.”


The proposed reforms would ban foreign donations to political parties or to lobby groups that have spent more than A$100,000 ($76,000) on political campaigning over a four-year period. This would likely affect environmental campaigning groups such as GetUp!, which has opposed construction of the Adani coal mine.


Australia is the latest western country to review its laws amid rising concern that foreign governments are seeking to influence domestic politics. China spends an estimated $10bn a year on external propaganda activities, while Russia and North Korea have both been implicated in hacking controversies by western security agencies.


The Australian legislation, which must be approved by parliament, would create a transparency scheme similar to the US Foreign Agents Registry that requires lobbyists to declare whether they are acting on behalf of a foreign power.

澳大利亞的這一法案必須經(jīng)議會(huì)批準(zhǔn)。該法案如獲批準(zhǔn),將創(chuàng)建出類似美國《外國代理人登記法》 (FARA)的透明度機(jī)制。美國《外國代理人登記法》要求游說人員公開他們是否代表外國勢力行事。

“Being registered should not be seen as any kind of taint and certainly not as a crime,” said Mr Turnbull. “If you fail to disclose your ties, then you will be liable for a criminal offence.”


A succession of high profile Australian politicians, including Andrew Robb, a former trade minister, and Bob Carr, a former foreign minister, have taken lucrative jobs with Chinese companies or Chinese-funded institutions in recent years. They may have to declare their interests under the new transparency regime.

近年來,一連串知名澳大利亞政治人士接受了中國企業(yè)或者中國資助的機(jī)構(gòu)中報(bào)酬不菲的工作,比如前貿(mào)易部長安德魯•羅伯(Andrew Robb)和前外交部長鮑勃•卡爾(Bob Carr)。依據(jù)新的透明度機(jī)制,這些政治人士或許必須申報(bào)利益關(guān)系。

The legislation will target covert, deceptive or threatening actions by foreign actors who intend to influence Australia’s government processes. It will also criminalise economic espionage with up to 15 years imprisonment.


Existing laws on espionage, sabotage and treason will be updated and will carry severe penalties, including life imprisonment.


Mr Turnbull said the legislation was not directed at a single country, while noting allegations of Russian interference in the US election. However, he used the occasion to launch a scathing attack on opposition lawmaker Sam Dastyari, who is embroiled in a foreign donations controversy.

特恩布爾表示,該法并不針對特定國家——盡管他提到了有關(guān)俄羅斯干預(yù)美國大選的說法。不過,他利用這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)猛烈抨擊陷入外國捐款爭議的反對黨議員薩姆•達(dá)斯季亞里(Sam Dastyari)。

The Labor senator accepted thousands of dollars from a Chinese businessman Huang Xiangmo to pay for travel and legal bills. He later supported China’s position on the contested South China Sea.


Last week Fairfax Media reported allegations that Mr Dastyari had warned Mr Huang that his phone was likely tapped by government agencies.

上周費(fèi)爾法克斯傳媒(Fairfax Media)報(bào)道稱,據(jù)稱達(dá)斯季亞里曾警告黃向墨,他的電話很可能被政府機(jī)構(gòu)監(jiān)聽。

Mr Dastyari denies passing on intelligence information to Mr Huang.



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