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Forbes business magazine has booted US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross off its list of the richest people in America for the first time in 13 years, alleging he lied to it about his net worth by more than $2bn.

商業(yè)雜志《福布斯》(Forbes) 已將美國(guó)商務(wù)部長(zhǎng)威爾伯•羅斯(Wilbur Ross)移出其美國(guó)富豪榜,這是13年來(lái)首次?!陡2妓埂贩Q羅斯在自己的資產(chǎn)凈值上對(duì)該雜志說(shuō)謊,自報(bào)身價(jià)比真實(shí)身價(jià)多了超過(guò)20億美元。

Mr Ross, 79, who made his fortune in private equity and by turning round distressed businesses, disclosed a net worth of about $700m when he was nominated to President Donald Trump’s cabinet.

現(xiàn)年79歲的羅斯通過(guò)私人股權(quán)投資和扭轉(zhuǎn)困境企業(yè)致富。在獲得唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)總統(tǒng)的內(nèi)閣職位提名時(shí),他披露自己的資產(chǎn)凈值大約為7億美元。

A year earlier, his net worth was listed at $2.9bn on the Forbes 400 list. When the magazine confronted him about the lower figure, he told them that the rest of his assets were held in trusts that he did not have to disclose. He told the magazine his net worth was actually closer to $3.7bn, according to Forbes, but would not provide them with documentation of the missing billions.

一年前,福布斯400富豪榜(Forbes 400)列出的他的資產(chǎn)凈值為29億美元。當(dāng)該雜志就那個(gè)較低的身家數(shù)字質(zhì)問(wèn)他時(shí),他告訴他們,他的其余資產(chǎn)放在他不需要披露的信托中。《福布斯》稱,羅斯告訴該雜志,他的資產(chǎn)凈值實(shí)際上更接近于37億美元,但拒絕向他們提供相關(guān)文件,證明無(wú)影無(wú)蹤的數(shù)十億美元確實(shí)存在。

“After one month of digging, Forbes is confident it has found the answer: that money never existed. It seems clear that Ross lied to us, the latest in an apparent sequence of fibs, exaggerations, omissions, fabrications and whoppers that have been going on with Forbes since 2004,” the magazine said.


A spokesman for Mr Ross did not respond to a request for comment.


According to Forbes, his office responded to their queries by saying: “Secretary Ross has filed all required disclosures in accordance with the law and in consultation with both legal counsel and ethics officials at the Department of Commerce and Office of Government Ethics. As we have said before, any misunderstanding from your previous conversation with Secretary Ross is unfortunate.”

據(jù)《福布斯》報(bào)道,他的辦公室回答了他們的問(wèn)題,稱:“羅斯部長(zhǎng)已經(jīng)按照法律的規(guī)定,在咨詢了法律顧問(wèn)以及商務(wù)部(Department of Commerce)和政府倫理辦公室(Office of Government Ethics)負(fù)責(zé)倫理問(wèn)題的官員后,滿足了所有披露要求。正如我們之前所說(shuō),源自你方與羅斯部長(zhǎng)過(guò)往交談的任何誤解令人遺憾。”

Forbes says Mr Ross inflated his net worth by claiming credit for the money he had made for all investors through some of his investments. He was listed on the Forbes 400 for the first time in 2004 with a fortune of $1bn.


Mr Ross also claimed that he transferred $2bn into trusts between the election and the nomination, meaning he did not have to disclose the sum.


He was forced to defend himself earlier this week after a leak of millions of documents, dubbed the Paradise Papers, revealed that he owned a stake in a shipping group that does business with a company linked to the family of Russian president Vladimir Putin.

本周早些時(shí)候,在被稱為“天堂文件”(Paradise Papers)的數(shù)百萬(wàn)份文件泄露后,他被迫為自己辯護(hù)。泄露出來(lái)的文件顯示,他擁有一家航運(yùn)集團(tuán)的股份,該集團(tuán)與一家與俄羅斯總統(tǒng)弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)的家族有聯(lián)系的公司有業(yè)務(wù)往來(lái)。

The commerce secretary owns shares through several offshore entities in Navigator Holdings, a shipping group listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The documents showed that Navigator’s clients include Sibur, a Russian gas producer part-owned by Kirill Shamalov, son-in-law of Mr Putin.

羅斯通過(guò)幾個(gè)離岸實(shí)體持有在紐約證交所(NYSE)上市的航運(yùn)集團(tuán)Navigator Holdings的股票。“天堂文件”顯示,Navigator的客戶包括俄羅斯天然氣生產(chǎn)商西布爾(Sibur),普京的女婿基里爾•沙馬洛夫(Kirill Shamalov)擁有該公司的部分股權(quán)。


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