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特朗普一名助理認(rèn)罪 兩人被提起公訴




Robert Mueller filed the first charges of his investigation into Russian links to Donald Trump’s election team, indicting the president’s former campaign manager and striking a plea deal with an ex-aide who attempted to broker meetings with senior officials in Moscow.

羅伯特•米勒(Robert Mueller)在他對(duì)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)競(jìng)選團(tuán)隊(duì)通俄嫌疑展開(kāi)的調(diào)查中提出首批刑事控罪,把總統(tǒng)的前競(jìng)選經(jīng)理告上法庭,并和一名曾嘗試安排與莫斯科高級(jí)官員的會(huì)面的前助理達(dá)成認(rèn)罪協(xié)議。

The charges against Paul Manafort, who headed the Trump campaign from June to August 2016, and George Papadopoulos, a campaign adviser who was arrested in July but has since agreed to co-operate, mark the most serious legal threat to the president since Mr Mueller was appointed special counsel in May.

保羅•馬納福特(Paul Manafort,見(jiàn)文首照片)曾在2016年6月至8月執(zhí)掌特朗普競(jìng)選活動(dòng)。喬治•帕帕多普洛斯(George Papadopoulos)曾是競(jìng)選顧問(wèn),在今年7月被捕,但后來(lái)同意合作。針對(duì)這兩個(gè)人的刑事指控,標(biāo)志著自今年5月米勒被任命為特別檢察官以來(lái)總統(tǒng)面對(duì)的最嚴(yán)重法律威脅。

Although the 31-page indictment against Mr Manafort, who was charged along with business partner Richard Gates, focused mainly on the Republican operatives’ work in Ukrainian politics before joining Mr Trump’s team, Mr Papadopoulos has provided a detailed account of his work to secure damaging information about Democratic rival Hillary Clinton form Russian sources.

馬納福特和他的商業(yè)伙伴理查德•蓋茨(Richard Gates)一起面對(duì)刑事指控。雖然針對(duì)馬納福特的31頁(yè)刑事起訴書(shū)主要聚焦于這名共和黨操盤手在加入特朗普?qǐng)F(tuán)隊(duì)之前參與烏克蘭政治的活動(dòng),但帕帕多普洛斯已經(jīng)全盤交代了自己的工作:從俄羅斯消息來(lái)源獲取有損民主黨競(jìng)選對(duì)手希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)的信息。

According to a charge sheet filed with his guilty plea, Mr Papadopoulos worked with a London-based academic who claimed to have connections to President Vladimir Putin’s family. “They [the Russians] have dirt on her,” the professor told Mr Papadopoulos in April 2016, according to the documents. “The Russians had emails on Clinton . . . they have thousands of emails.”

根據(jù)和他的認(rèn)罪協(xié)議一起提交的控罪書(shū),帕帕多普洛斯與一位常住倫敦的學(xué)者合作,此人聲稱與俄羅斯總統(tǒng)弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)的家庭有聯(lián)系。根據(jù)法律文件,這名教授在2016年4月告訴帕帕多普洛斯,“他們(俄羅斯方面)掌握著對(duì)她不利的材料……俄羅斯人有希拉里的電郵……他們有數(shù)以千計(jì)的電子郵件。”

Mr Papadopoulos attempted to pass on the leads to top Trump campaign officials and to set up a meeting between the Republican candidate and Mr Putin, the charges allege.


The charges against Mr Papadopoulos mark the second documented incident in which Trump campaign aides met Russia-linked operatives and discussed working with Moscow to secure information damaging to Mrs Clinton.


In July, Mr Trump’s eldest son released emails showing he and other top campaign officials, including Mr Manafort and Mr Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, met Russian lobbyists after being promised similar compromising information.

今年7月,特朗普的長(zhǎng)子披露電子郵件,顯示他和其他競(jìng)選團(tuán)隊(duì)高官,包括馬納福特和特朗普的女婿賈里德•庫(kù)什納(Jared Kushner),在被承諾有望獲得類似的對(duì)希拉里不利的信息后,曾會(huì)晤俄羅斯游說(shuō)者。

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, denied that the charges signalled any co-ordination between Moscow and the Trump camp¬aign. “Today’s announcement has not¬h¬ing to do with the president, has nothing to do with the president’s campaign or campaign activity,” she said. She des¬cribed Mr Papadopoulos as holding an “extremely limited, volunteer position”.

白宮新聞秘書(shū)薩拉•哈克比•桑德斯(Sarah Huckabee Sanders)否認(rèn)這些指控表明了莫斯科方面與特朗普競(jìng)選團(tuán)隊(duì)之間有任何協(xié)調(diào)。“今日的宣布與總統(tǒng)毫無(wú)關(guān)系,與總統(tǒng)的競(jìng)選團(tuán)隊(duì)或競(jìng)選活動(dòng)毫無(wú)關(guān)系。”她表示。她形容帕帕多普洛斯只是擔(dān)任“極其有限的、志愿性質(zhì)的職位”。

The three indictments revealed the twin track approach taken by Mr Mueller in his investigation, with the former FBI director aggressively targeting senior Trump officials while simultaneously cultivating junior aides as sources who can aid the inquiry. Both Mr Manafort and Mr Gates pleaded not guilty at a court appearance in Washington.


Mr Manafort turned himself in to the FBI’s Washington field office early yesterday after he and Mr Gates were accused of funnelling $75m through unreported offshore accounts.


Mr Manafort, 68, is accused of laundering $18m, while Mr Gates is accused of transferring $3m from the accounts from 2006 to 2015, when they served as “unregistered agents” for Viktor Yanukovich, the Ukrainian leader who was ousted in a 2014 revolution. Mr Trump seized on the fact charges focus on Mr Manafort’s Ukrainian work.

現(xiàn)年68歲的馬納福特被控洗錢1800萬(wàn)美元,而蓋茨被指控在2006年至2015年期間從上述賬戶轉(zhuǎn)移300萬(wàn)美元,在此期間他們是烏克蘭領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人維克托•亞努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovich)的“未登記代理人”;亞努科維奇在2014年的一場(chǎng)革命中被推翻。特朗普抓住了起訴書(shū)聚焦于馬納福特在烏克蘭承接的業(yè)務(wù)這個(gè)事實(shí)。

“Sorry, but this is years ago, before Paul Manafort was part of the Trump campaign,” Mr Trump wrote on Twitter.



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