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Austria’s far-right nationalist Freedom party has scored its best result in a national election for two decades and is likely to join the country’s next government, in a significant boost for Europe’s nationalist and anti-establishment movements.


Sebastian Kurz, the 31-year-old leader of the mainstream conservative People’s party, looked set to become Austrian chancellor — and the EU’s youngest leader — after topping Sunday’s poll with 31.6 per cent of votes, according to projections based on most votes counted. He said the vote was a “clear contract to change the country”.

31歲的主流保守派政黨人民黨(People’s party)領(lǐng)袖塞巴斯蒂安•庫爾茨(Sebastian Kurz)看起來會成為奧地利總理和歐盟最年輕的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人——基于已經(jīng)點算的大多數(shù)選票作出的預(yù)測,庫爾茨在周日的大選中以31.6%的得票率位居榜首。他表示,此次選舉“是改變國家的明確合同”。

But the projections showed 26 per cent of the vote went to the Freedom party, which has earned international notoriety for its hardline stance on immigration and airbrushing of Austria’s Nazi past. If confirmed, that would be its strongest performance since the 26.9 per cent it won in 1999 when the party was led by the charismatic Jörg Haider.

但預(yù)測也表明,有26%的選民支持自由黨,后者因在移民問題上的強硬立場和粉飾奧地利納粹歷史而在國際上聲名不佳。如果選舉結(jié)果真如預(yù)測的那樣,那將是該黨自1999年以來的最好表現(xiàn),當(dāng)時該黨在富有魅力的約爾格•海德爾(Jörg Haider)的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下贏得了26.9%的選票。

Its strong showing means the Freedom party could demand a high price to join a coalition led by Mr Kurz. That would almost certainty result in a more aggressive position from Vienna on many EU topics, including immigration, and the Freedom party occupying top government posts such as the foreign and interior ministries. Heinz Christian Strache, Freedom party’s leader, hailed his party’s “great success” but refrained from immediate comment on any possible coalition.

自由黨的強勁表現(xiàn)意味著,該黨可以為加入庫爾茨領(lǐng)導(dǎo)的執(zhí)政聯(lián)盟要求高代價。這幾乎可以肯定會導(dǎo)致維也納在移民等眾多歐盟事務(wù)上采取更為激進的立場,而且自由黨也會占據(jù)外交部和內(nèi)政部等政府職位。自由黨黨魁海因茨-克里斯蒂安•斯特拉赫(Heinz-Christian Strache)贊揚了該黨的“巨大成功”,但沒有立即對任何可能的聯(lián)盟置評。

“It is certainly a very strong message for Europe,” said Thomas Hofer, political analyst in Vienna. The Freedom party “had a fabulous campaign”.

維也納政治分析人士托馬斯•霍弗(Thomas Hofer)表示:“這對歐洲肯定是一個非常強烈的信號。”自由黨“進行了非常棒的競選活動”。

Mr Kurz could, however, seek another coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats, which according to exit polls came second with 26.8 per cent of the vote. But this match would continue the system of “grand coalition” governments between Austria’s two mainstream parties that disenchanted voters and that Mr Kurz had promised to overhaul.

然而,庫爾茨可能尋求與中左翼政黨社民黨(Social Democrats)組建聯(lián)盟政府;根據(jù)投票站出口民調(diào),該黨獲得了26.8%的選票,排名第二。但這種組合將會延續(xù)奧地利兩大主流政黨之間的“大聯(lián)盟”政府體系,而選民們已表示對這種體系不滿,而庫爾茨承諾要改革該體系。

Christian Kern, Social Democratic leader, said Austria had seen a “massive slide to the right,” but hinted he hoped his party would remain in power, saying it took its responsibilities seriously.

社民黨領(lǐng)袖克里斯蒂安•科安(Christian Kern)表示,奧地利“大幅右傾”,但他暗示希望社民黨繼續(xù)執(zhí)政,并表示該黨將會認(rèn)真履職。

In another variation, the Freedom party could try to form a coalition with the Social Democrats.


The Social Democrats’ share of the vote was better than many in the party had feared and was a slight improvement on its 2013 result, which was its worst in the postwar era.


The Freedom party was in government in Austria from 2000 to 2005 — but its disastrous performance then resulted in its support among voters plummeting.


Support surged, however, after Europe’s migration crisis, which erupted two years ago. During the election campaign Mr Strache warned of Austria’s “Islamification”.



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