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The tougher UN sanctions against North Korea that China agreed to on Monday will cause real economic pain for its recalcitrant ally, but without risking regime collapse or significantly damaging the interests of large Chinese companies involved in cross-border trade.


Zhao Tong, a regional expert at the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing, said the Chinese government’s objective was to block the most extreme measures advocated by US President Donald Trump while also communicating its anger to Kim Jong Un about his regime’s sixth nuclear test, conducted on September 3.

北京清華—卡內(nèi)基全球政策中心(Carnegie-Tsinghua Center)的地區(qū)專家趙通表示,中國政府的目標(biāo)是阻止美國總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)揚言的最極端的舉措變?yōu)楝F(xiàn)實,同時向金正恩(Kim Jong Un)傳達(dá)中國對其政權(quán)在9月3日進行的第六次核試驗的憤怒。

“China prevented a complete cut-off of oil and fuel supplies to North Korea, which could have had deadly economic consequences for the regime,” Mr Zhao said. “But the sanctions now in place will dramatically reduce North Korea’s foreign exchange earnings and have an irreversible impact on its economy.”


An embargo on North Korean textile exports, coupled with earlier sanctions targeting coal, minerals and seafood, will affect more than 90 per cent of the country’s exports and deprive Mr Kim’s regime of $1.3bn in annual earnings.


The sanctions limit the number of North Koreans allowed to work abroad at the current level of about 100,000 people, who repatriate an estimated $500m to their homeland annually. They will also reduce oil and fuel exports to North Korea by about a third, from 8.5m barrels annually to 6m.


“The sanctions effectively cap North Korea’s development potential and opens the door for further tightening now that oil and fuel are on the table,” said Michael Kovrig at the International Crisis Group.

“這些制裁有效限制了朝鮮的發(fā)展?jié)摿?,而且既然石油和燃料被擺到了臺面上,它也為進一步收緊制裁開啟了大門,”國際危機組織(International Crisis Group)的邁克爾•科夫里格(Michael Kovrig)說。

While the squeeze on energy supplies will be keenly felt by Mr Kim, the amounts are inconsequential for state-owned Chinese energy groups that do business with North Korea. China National Petroleum Corp, which helps operate a “friendship pipeline” burrowed under the two countries’ Yalu river border, is a Fortune Global 500 company with more than $260bn in annual revenues.


“The effect on any large [Chinese] oil company will negligible,” said Lin Boqiang, dean of the China Institute for Energy Studies at Xiamen University. “Exports to North Korean are a drop in the ocean when it comes to the Chinese oil industry. There may be small companies specifically focused on North Korea that would be affected, but they're not worth watching in terms of the overall industry.”

“任何大型(中國)石油公司將受到的影響都可以忽略不計,”廈門大學(xué)中國能源政策研究院(China Institute for Energy Studies)院長林伯強說,“對中國的石油行業(yè)而言,對朝鮮的出口只是九牛一毛。或許會有一些專注朝鮮市場的小公司受到影響,但就整個行業(yè)而言,它們不值得關(guān)注。”

Small Chinese traders in Dandong, Hunchun and other border towns already hit by earlier sanctions are bracing themselves for more pain. Last month, traders in Hunchun protested against the ban on North Korean seafood exports.


On Tuesday one Hunchun seafood importer, who asked not to be named, was ruing the new sanctions’ impact on a North Korean textile factory that she has invested in. “The seafood business is already hopeless,” the trader said. “They call them sanctions against North Korea but the reality is they’re making Chinese people suffer as well.”


In a statement on Tuesday, Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe said the new sanctions demonstrated “the international community’s shared determination that the pressure against North Korea should be raised to an unprecedented new level”.

日本首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)在周二的聲明中表示,最新制裁決議“將對朝施壓上升到了一個前所未有的新級別,也將國際社會要求‘北朝鮮必須轉(zhuǎn)變政策’的態(tài)度表示得清楚明白”。

In Beijing, a foreign ministry spokesman reiterated China’s position that the sanctions should be followed with “diplomatic solutions and a resumption of the six-party talks”.


“The Chinese government thinks that this is a problem between the US and North Korea,” said one Beijing-based foreign policy expert who advises Chinese officials.


“China views its agreement with the new sanctions as a favour to the US and will now expect something in return,” Mr Kovrig said. “North Korea was never an ideal neighbor but China was willing to tolerate it provided it didn’t create too much of a fuss. Beijing’s cost-benefit analysis has clearly changed.”



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