This coin social experiment has gone viral.
A Twitter user from London named Jamahl McMurran tweeted a picture with this caption: "So my Airbnb guest and I decided to place 15000 2p coins on the canal and see what would happen.... #coinsbythecanal."
The whole experiment came about when Jamahl's Airbnb guest, a freelance photographer named Lana Mesic, couldn't decide what to do with the 15,000 coins she used in an art installation.
So my Airbnb guest and I decided to place 15000 2p coins on the canal and record what would happen.... #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
"I was doing an artist residency in London and doing research on how value is created," she said. For her residency project, Mesic created a tower of coins. She is having trouble trying to figure out how to transport the 15,000 coin work of art that weighed about 235 pounds back to Holland.
They were having a drink on McMurran's balcony when he was struck with the idea to leave the coins out along the canal below and see how people react to them. Thus the social experiment was born.
The next morning, the coins were put out and they began to observe... and of course live tweet the experiment.
These kids popped a squat and played in the pile of coins.
Some people like to take photos and play #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
This kid filled a bag and struggled real hard.
This dude took a picture of his umbrella on top of the coin pile.
This passerby grabbed a few coins from the road.
Others need some change for their coffee #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
There was this awesome guy who decided to make it rain.
This guy is awesome.... looking for some magic #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
Observations were cut short when these guys showed up... and took the lot.
These guys decide to spoil everyone's fun #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
And now it's over... cheers fellas #coinsbythecanal
— Jamahl (@JHM_UK) May 17, 2017
Mesic and McMurran think that the social media reaction to their experiment has been awesome.
"I think the social experiment has gone viral because people love watching other people's behaviours," said McMurran. "Humans are naturally interested in what others do and how they behave in unusual circumstances."
"When you have something like this, it’s almost like a treasure pile," said Mesic. "Like a pirate with a chest of coins. It appeals to something magic."
The highlight of this social experiment was definitely this guy. What a legend.