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ExxonMobil, the US’s largest oil group, has urged the Trump administration to remain in the Paris climate accord, joining the ranks of large businesses opposing Washington’s move to disengage from international efforts to tackle global warming.


Its views, set out in a letter to President Donald Trump’s top aide on international energy policy, echo the arguments in favour of the Paris agreement made by Rex Tillerson, Exxon’s previous chief executive and now Mr Trump’s secretary of state.

該公司在寫(xiě)給美國(guó)總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)國(guó)際能源政策最高助理的一封信中列出了自己的看法。這些看法呼應(yīng)了??松笆紫瘓?zhí)行官、現(xiàn)任特朗普政府國(guó)務(wù)卿的雷克斯•蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)支持巴黎協(xié)定的理由。

The company describes the agreement as “an effective framework for addressing the risks of climate change”, and highlights opportunities for US businesses in the Paris framework for curbing greenhouse gas emissions.


The letter was made public on the same day Mr Trump launched an effort to undo the climate policies of his predecessor Barack Obama, including regulations for curbing carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generation, known as the Clean Power Plan.

這封信公布的當(dāng)天,特朗普著手逆轉(zhuǎn)前任巴拉克•奧巴馬(Barack Obama)的氣候政策,包括被稱(chēng)為“清潔電力計(jì)劃”(Clean Power Plan)的限制發(fā)電過(guò)程二氧化碳排放的法規(guī)。

Mr Trump’s moves were praised by some business groups, with Thomas Donohue, president of the US Chamber of Commerce, saying they were “a welcome departure from the previous administration’s strategy of making energy more expensive through costly, job-killing regulations.”

特朗普的舉措受到了部分商界團(tuán)體的贊揚(yáng),美國(guó)商會(huì)(US Chamber of Commerce)主席托馬斯•多諾休(Thomas Donohue)表示,這些舉措是“對(duì)上屆政府通過(guò)代價(jià)高昂和消除工作崗位的法規(guī)使能源更加昂貴的戰(zhàn)略的可喜背離”。

However many US companies have also spoken out in favour of addressing climate change, with Johnson & Johnson, Nike and Intel signing a statement in support of the Paris agreement.

不過(guò),許多美國(guó)企業(yè)也已直言不諱地表示支持應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化。強(qiáng)生(Johnson & Johnson)、耐克(Nike)和英特爾(Intel)簽署了一封聲明,支持巴黎協(xié)定。

Trump administration officials have said a decision on whether to stay in the Paris accord was still “under discussion”, and have been soliciting views from US energy companies.


On the campaign trail, Mr Trump promised to “cancel” the Paris agreement within 100 days of taking office, and has described the science warning of a threat of global warming as “created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive”.


In the Exxon letter, sent last week, Peter Trelenberg, the company’s manager for environmental policy, argued that the US was well-placed to be internationally competitive within the Paris framework, thanks to abundant natural gas reserves and its “innovative private industries, including the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors”.

在??松现馨l(fā)出的上述信件中,該公司環(huán)境政策主管彼得•特雷倫貝格(Peter Trelenberg)聲稱(chēng),由于豐富的天然氣儲(chǔ)量和其“創(chuàng)新的私營(yíng)產(chǎn)業(yè)——包括石油、天然氣和石化產(chǎn)業(yè)”,美國(guó)在巴黎框架內(nèi)處于保持國(guó)際競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的有利地位。

Natural gas creates lower carbon emissions than coal when burnt for power generation, and many countries aiming to curb emissions plan to use more of it. Exxon is one of the world’s largest producers of liquefied natural gas, supercooled for export in tankers.


The Exxon stance highlights divisions within the administration over climate change. Scott Pruitt, a sceptic and the Environmental Protection Agency chief, has said Paris is “just a bad deal”.

埃克森的立場(chǎng)凸顯出特朗普政府內(nèi)部在氣候變化問(wèn)題上的分歧。氣候變化懷疑者、美國(guó)國(guó)家環(huán)境保護(hù)局(EPA)局長(zhǎng)斯科特•普魯伊特(Scott Pruitt)曾表示巴黎協(xié)定“就是一個(gè)糟糕的協(xié)議”。


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