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Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump traded insults in a bitterly contentious second debate that saw the Republican regain some of his footing following a disastrous two weeks that had threatened to derail his populist campaign for the White House.

希拉里•克林頓(Hillary Clinton)與唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在火藥味兒濃厚的第二場辯論中展開了互相攻擊。共和黨候選人在此次辯論中重新找回了一些立足之地,此前災難性的兩周險些破壞他的民粹主義總統(tǒng)競選活動。

After declining to shake hands as they came on stage, the candidates launched into some of the most acrimonious and personal exchanges seen on a presidential debate stage as they questioned each other’s fitness to serve as president.


Mrs Clinton attacked her rival over the 2005 video where he discussed groping women in vulgar language, while Mr Trump vowed to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate her email scandal.


Mrs Clinton said the video, which emerged on Friday, was more evidence that Mr Trump disrespected women and lacked the temperament to be president. Defending his words as “locker room talk,” Mr Trump denied having assaulted any women, and sought to turn the tables on her husband, Bill Clinton, accusing the former president of being one of the worst abusers of women.

希拉里說上周五公布的視頻進一步證明特朗普不尊重女性,缺乏總統(tǒng)氣質(zhì)。特朗普辯解自己那些話是“更衣室聊天”,他否認曾對任何婦女動手,并試圖將矛頭轉(zhuǎn)向希拉里的丈夫比爾•克林頓(Bill Clinton),指責這位前總統(tǒng)是最糟糕的婦女猥褻者之一。

“If you look at Bill Clinton, far worse. Mine were words and his were action,” Mr Trump said.


In heated exchanges on subjects from healthcare and tax policy to how the US should respond to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, Mrs Clinton repeatedly tried to rile her opponent as she had successfully done in the first debate.


But Mr Trump was more disciplined than he had been two weeks ago. While Mrs Clinton argued that he was temperamentally unfit to be president, he focused on a core argument for his campaign team: that after 30 years in public service his rival is the epitome of the political status quo.


“She doesn’t do anything about anything other than talk. With her, it’s all talk and no action,” Mr Trump said, resurrecting a line he often uses at campaign rallies.


Mr Trump has been under intense pressure since the release on Friday of an Access Hollywood video, in which the former star of The Apprentice boasted in coarse language about trying to have sex with married women, groping women against their will, and claiming that beautiful women liked to kiss him just because he was a star. He also faced criticism after separate audio recordings captured him telling a shock jock that it was fine to call his daughter Ivanka a “piece of ass”.

自上周五一段《走進好萊塢》(Access Hollywood)的視頻曝光后,特朗普一直處于巨大壓力之下。視頻中,這位《學徒》(The Apprentice)節(jié)目前明星用粗俗的語言吹噓自己試圖與已婚婦女發(fā)生關系,違背意志對她們“動手動腳”,并聲稱,漂亮女人喜歡吻他,就因為他是一個明星。還有一份曝光他對一名電臺主持人表示可以稱自己的女兒伊萬卡(Ivanka)為“巨臀美人”的錄音也招致了批評。

He apologised for his vulgar words in a video statement released late on Friday night. But at the same time, he suggested that his words were less egregious than Mr Clinton’s past sexual scandals, and accused Mrs Clinton of bullying her husband’s “victims”.


Shortly before the debate, Mr Trump held a short press conference with three women who have accused Mr Clinton of sexual abuse, including Juanita Broaddrick, who has accused him of rape — a charge that the former president has denied. The women were in the audience for the debate, as were both candidates’ families.

此次辯論開始前不久,特朗普與三名曾指控遭到克林頓性侵的女性一起舉行了簡短的新聞發(fā)布會。她們中包括指控克林頓強奸的胡安妮塔•布羅德里克(Juanita Broaddrick),但該指控已被這位前總統(tǒng)否認。這幾名女性都坐在此次辯論的觀眾席中,兩位候選人的家人也坐在臺下。

Mr Trump did not suffer significantly from the many controversial comments that he made over the past year, from describing Mexican immigrants as “rapists” to denigrating John McCain for being captured after he was shot down over Vietnam. But with only a month until the November 8 election, the video has sparked huge criticism, and forced many Republicans to withdraw their support for their presidential nominee. Several high-profile Republicans have also called on Mr Trump to withdraw from the race.

過去一年,特朗普發(fā)表過許多有爭議的言論——從形容墨西哥移民為“強奸犯”到抹黑約翰•麥凱恩(John McCain)在越南上空遭擊落后被俘——但這些都沒有對他造成太大不利影響。但在距離11月8日大選僅剩一個月之際,這段視頻引發(fā)了空前的批評,并迫使許多共和黨人撤回對這位總統(tǒng)候選人的支持。多位共和黨知名人士還呼吁特朗普退出大選。

Mr Trump has fallen in the polls since the first debate when his performance was widely panned. Mrs Clinton skilfully got under his skin over everything from his refusal to release his tax returns to his description of a former Latina beauty queen as “Miss Piggy” and “Miss Housekeeping”.



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