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跨性別人士的如廁問題 成為人權新議題




The people of Palatine, Ill., a middle-class suburb of Chicago marked by generic strip malls and tidy cul-de-sacs, had not spent much time debating the thorny questions of transgender rights. But in late 2013, a transgender high school athlete, so intent on defending her privacy that she is known only as Student A, took on her school district so she could use the girls’ locker room.


After the federal Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights ruled in her favor last fall, the two sides cut a deal: Student A could use the locker room and the school would install private changing areas. Some in the community denounced the arrangement; others joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, which represented the girl, in declaring a victory for civil rights.

去年秋天,聯(lián)邦教育部的公民權辦公室做出了有利于她的裁決,隨后雙方達成了協(xié)議:學生A可以使用女更衣室,而學校將設置私密的更衣區(qū)。社區(qū)的一些人對這一安排進行了譴責;另一些人則與代理她的美國公民自由聯(lián)盟伊利諾伊州分部(American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois)一起,宣稱這是公民權的勝利。

Now the whole nation is in a pitched battle over bathroom access, with the Obama administration ordering all public schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choice. Across the country, religious conservatives are rebelling. On Friday, lawmakers in Oklahoma became the latest group to protest, proposing one measure to effectively overturn the order, and another calling for President Obama to be impeached over it.


How a clash over bathrooms, an issue that appeared atop no national polls, became the next frontier in America’s fast-moving culture wars — and ultimately landed on the desk of the president — involves an array of players, some with law degrees, others still in high school.


The sweeping directive to public schools seemed to come out of nowhere. In fact, it was the product of years of study inside the government and a highly orchestrated campaign by advocates for gay and transgender people. Mindful of the role “Whites Only’’ bathrooms played in the civil rights battles of more than half a century ago, they have been maneuvering behind the scenes to press federal agencies, and ultimately Mr. Obama, to address a question that has roiled many school districts: Should those with differing anatomies share the same bathrooms?


The lobbying came to a head, according to people who were involved, in a hastily called April 1 meeting between top White House officials — led by Valerie Jarrett, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser and one of his closest confidantes — and national leaders of the gay and transgender rights movement. North Carolina had just become the first state to explicitly bar transgender people from using the bathrooms of their choice.

據(jù)參與其中的人士稱,在4月1日緊急召開的一個會議上,相關游說到了緊要關節(jié)。參會者包括白宮高級官員以及同性戀及跨性別權利運動的全國性領導者。白宮方面的牽頭官員是瓦萊麗·賈勒特(Valerie Jarrett),奧巴馬的高級顧問,同時也是其心腹之一。此前,北卡羅萊納剛剛成為第一個明確禁止跨性別人士根據(jù)自我認同的性別使用衛(wèi)生間的州。

“Transgender students are under attack in this country,” said Chad Griffin, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, a Washington-based advocacy group that is active on the issue, summing up the message he sought to convey to Ms. Jarrett that day. “They need their federal government to stand up for them.”

“跨性別學生正在這個國家里遭受攻擊,”積極推進這一議題的華盛頓倡導組織“人權運動”(Human Rights Campaign)的主席查德·格里芬(Chad Griffin)如此總結(jié)他那天竭力傳達給賈勒特的信息。“他們需要從聯(lián)邦政府那里得到支持。”

Ms. Jarrett and her team, he said, listened politely, but “did not reveal much,” including the fact that a legal directive on transgender rights that had been in the works for months was about to be released.


When — or precisely how — Mr. Obama personally weighed in is not clear; the White House would not provide specifics. But two days before that meeting, scores of advocacy groups sent Mr. Obama a private letter, appealing to his sense of history as he nears the end of his presidency, in which he has already advanced gay and transgender rights on multiple fronts.


In August, several groups seeking protection for transgender people — including the Human Rights Campaign, the National Education Association and the National Center for Lesbian Rights — issued a 68-page guide for schools, hoping to provide a blueprint for the White House.

去年8月,包括人權運動、全國教育協(xié)會(National Education Association)以及全國女同性戀權益中心(National Centerfor Lesbian Rights)在內(nèi),若干尋求保護跨性別人士權益的組織,發(fā)布了一份面向?qū)W校的、68頁長的指南,希望可以為白宮提供可資借鑒的藍圖。

At the Department of Education, Catherine E. Lhamon, 44, a former civil rights litigator who runs the agency’s Office of Civil Rights — and has made aggressive use of a federal nondiscrimination law known as Title IX — was taking the lead. The department’s ruling in favor of Student A in November was the first time it had found any school district in violation of civil rights over transgender issues.

在美國聯(lián)邦教育部,凱瑟琳·E·利亞蒙(Catherine E. Lhamon)牽頭展開行動。44歲的利亞蒙曾是一位民權律師,目前是教育部民權辦公室(Office of Civil Rights)的負責人,一直在大力使用人稱“第九條”(Title IX)的聯(lián)邦反歧視法。教育部在去年11月做出了有利于“學生A”的裁決,這是它首次判定某個學區(qū)存在與跨性別議題有關的侵犯民權問題。

The ruling in Palatine reverberated across the Midwest. In the South Dakota Legislature, Republicans were so alarmed by the situation in Palatine that, in February, they passed a measure restricting bathroom access for transgender students — similar to the one that later became law in North Carolina. Opponents sent transgender South Dakotans to meet with Gov. Dennis Daugaard, a Republican, and they believe that influenced his veto of the bill.

這項裁決的影響從帕拉丁蔓延到了整個中西部地區(qū)。帕拉丁的情況讓南達科他州議會的共和黨人極為恐慌,以至于他們在今年2月通過了一項限制跨性別學生使用衛(wèi)生間的議案——和北卡羅來納州那項變成了法規(guī)的舉措頗為相似。反對者們派了南達科他州的跨性別人士去見身為共和黨人的州長丹尼斯·多加德(Dennis Daugaard),他們認為此次會面對州長造成了影響,促使其否決了相關議案。

Among the visitors was Kendra Heathscott, who was 10 when she first met Mr. Daugaard, then the executive director of a social services organization that treats children with behavioral problems. In his office to lobby against the bathroom measure, she reintroduced herself. “He remembered me as a little boy,” she said.

其中一位造訪者是肯德拉·希思科特(Kendra Heathscott),和多加德州長第一次見面時,她只有10歲,多加德當時在一家救治有行為問題的兒童的社會服務機構(gòu)擔任執(zhí)行主任。在州長辦公室里進行游說,反對實施與洗手間有關的限制性規(guī)定時,她再次介紹了自己。“在他記憶里我是一個小男孩,”她說。

In Wisconsin last year, another Republican-sponsored bathroom bill began to work its way through the Legislature, but was beaten back by transgender rights activists, many of them teenagers.


In rural north-central Florida, a retired veterinarian and cattle rancher named Harrell Phillips was alarmed one evening in March, when his 17-year-old son reported over dinner that he had encountered a transgender boy in the high school bathroom.

今年3月里的一個晚上,在佛羅里達州中北部的鄉(xiāng)村地區(qū),退休獸醫(yī)兼牧場主哈勒爾·菲利普斯(Harrell Phillips)嚇了一跳,因為他17歲的兒子在吃晚飯時告訴他,自己在高中的衛(wèi)生間里碰見了一個跨性別男孩。

“I marched myself down to the principal,” said Dr. Phillips, who believes that “you are born into a sex that God chose you to be.”


One transgender young man there has been suspended for using the boys’ bathroom. The A.C.L.U. of Florida sued the day before the White House issued its directive, and last Sunday night, transgender activists and their allies held a strategy session in a church — with a sheriff’s deputy standing guard outside because attendees feared for their safety.


“It’s separate but equal, so they might as well put black and white up on the bathrooms, too,” said Beth Miller, the mother of 17-year-old Mathew Myers, formerly Madison, an R.O.T.C. student in Ocala who came out as transgender this fall by asking his sergeant to permit him to switch from a women’s uniform to one for men. The sergeant accommodated Mathew on the uniform, but the school required him to use the gender-neutral bathroom in the nurse’s office.

“這是隔離,又號稱平等,所以他們有可能也會考慮讓白人和黑人分開使用衛(wèi)生間,”貝絲·米勒(Beth Miller)說道。她是17歲的馬修·邁爾斯(Mathew Myers)的母親,后者以前名為麥迪遜(Madison),來自奧卡拉,是預備役軍官訓練營的一名學生。去年秋天,他曝光了自己的跨性別身份,請求他的中士允許他脫下女軍裝,換上男軍裝。這名中士同意了馬修在著裝上的要求,但學校要求他使用護士辦公室內(nèi)那間不分性別的洗手間。

Though North Carolina was the first state to adopt a law explicitly barring all transgender people from using public facilities of their choice, many say the current debate has its roots in Houston. In November 2015, voters there repealed the city’s anti-discrimination measure, after a campaign in which the law’s opponents boiled their message down to a five-word slogan. It appeared on yard signs, T-shirts, banners, and ominous ads on TV, radio and the Internet: “No Men in Women’s Bathrooms.”

盡管北卡羅來納是第一個以法律形式明令禁止所有跨性別人士按自己的意愿使用公共設施的州,但很多人表示,目前這場爭論的根源產(chǎn)生于休斯頓。在2015年11月,那里的選民廢除了該市的反歧視法案。此前,反對這項法律的人士發(fā)起了一場宣傳攻勢,將他們的意見歸結(jié)為一條五個單詞的口號。這個口號出現(xiàn)在庭院廣告牌、T恤、條幅上,也出現(xiàn)在透出警告意味的電視、廣播和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)廣告里:“男性禁入女廁(No Men in Women’s Bathrooms)。”

The repeal of the Houston ordinance rattled national gay rights leaders.


“I think they have now created a campaign in a box that we are going to see shipped from city to city and state to state,” Mr. Griffin, of the Human Rights Campaign, said in an interview at the time.



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