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The largest of the parties is an annual day of drinking called Unofficial, a St. Patrick’s Day celebration that was started by a local bar. The event included fatal accidents in 2001 and 2006. The university tries every year to keep the event under control, often beefing up police presence and, two years ago, even asking parents to help them tone down the partying.

伊利諾伊大學(xué)最大的派對(duì)要屬每年的飲酒日,被稱作Unofficial,這個(gè)派對(duì)由當(dāng)?shù)氐囊患揖瓢蔀閼c祝圣帕特里克節(jié)(St. Patrick’s Day)而發(fā)起。該活動(dòng)在2001年和2006年都曾釀成致命事故。校方每年都試圖控制活動(dòng)的局面,經(jīng)常增加現(xiàn)場(chǎng)的警力,兩年前甚至呼吁學(xué)生家長(zhǎng)幫助他們令派對(duì)收斂一些。

The Princeton Review’s publisher says the collection of lists is meant to paint a picture of life on campus at the schools it reviews, using students’ answers to a long series of questions about student life to create profiles, as well as lists for things such as partying, dorm life, sports, political persuasions and more.


“We have such a high regard for each of the 380 schools,” said publisher Robert Franek, whose review is not affiliated with Princeton University. “The University of Illinois, it is an exceptional school.”

《普林斯頓評(píng)論》與普林斯頓大學(xué)(Princeton University)并無(wú)關(guān)聯(lián)。其出版商羅伯特•弗蘭尼克(Robert Franek)表示:“我們非常敬重這380所大學(xué),伊利諾伊大學(xué)是極為優(yōu)秀的學(xué)校。”

For those who don’t imbibe, the top stone-cold sober school is Brigham Young University (BYU), the private Utah school affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Tops for most religious students? That’s BYU, too.

對(duì)于那些不飲酒的學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō),最滴酒不沾的學(xué)校是楊百翰大學(xué)(Brigham Young University,BYU)。這所位于猶他州(Utah)的私立大學(xué)隸屬于耶穌基督后期圣徒教會(huì)(Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)。對(duì)于最為虔誠(chéng)的教徒來(lái)說(shuō)首選的大學(xué)?還是楊百翰大學(xué)。

Looking for the best campus food? Try the small, exclusive Bowdoin College in Maine.

哪所大學(xué)食堂最好吃?你可以試試緬因州(Maine)規(guī)模精小、錄取嚴(yán)格的鮑登學(xué)院(Bowdoin College)。

Most satisfied students? Claremont McKenna University, under what one student told the review was “the constantly beaming California sun.”

哪所學(xué)校學(xué)生滿意度最高?克萊蒙麥肯納學(xué)院(Claremont McKenna University)。有位在校生對(duì)《普林斯頓評(píng)論》提到自己最滿意的是“時(shí)常沐浴在加利福尼亞燦爛的陽(yáng)光里”。

Want a job? Go to Clemson University in South Carolina, where students say they’re instantly part of a worldwide network.

想要找工作?那就要去南卡羅來(lái)納州(South Carolina)的克萊姆森大學(xué)(Clemson University)就讀吧,那里的學(xué)生說(shuō)他們一入校就已經(jīng)融入全球網(wǎng)絡(luò)。

The party rankings, like most parties themselves, change over time. The University of Iowa is a former No. 1, but came in at No. 2 this year.

派對(duì)排行榜,正如大多派對(duì)本身,都會(huì)隨著時(shí)間不停地變化。曾經(jīng)問(wèn)鼎榜首的愛(ài)荷華大學(xué)(University of Iowa)今年位居第二。

Freshmen due in Iowa City this month will find dozens of bars downtown and many house parties awaiting them. But the city has also made it harder for those under 21 to get into bars, and police officers will be patrolling neighborhoods to break up rowdy parties.

即將在本月到愛(ài)荷華市(Iowa City)報(bào)到的新生會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)市中心有幾十個(gè)酒吧,還有諸多室內(nèi)派對(duì)等著他們的到來(lái)。但同時(shí)該城也做出更加嚴(yán)格的規(guī)定,嚴(yán)禁21歲以下青少年進(jìn)入酒吧,警察也會(huì)去街區(qū)巡邏解散那些嘈雜的派對(duì)。

Rounding out the top five party schools are, in order: The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bucknell University in Pennsylvania and last year’s No. 1, Syracuse University in New York.

其他排在前五名的派對(duì)學(xué)校依次是:威斯康星大學(xué)麥迪遜分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison),賓夕法尼亞州的巴克內(nèi)爾大學(xué)(Bucknell University)以及去年的第一名紐約的雪城大學(xué)(Syracuse University)。



beef up:增加


stone-cold sober:絲毫未醉的


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