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2014年最流行詞語出爐 心形符號居首




2014年最流行詞語出爐 心形符號居首


The most popular word of 2014 has been revealed, and is not actually a word at all but a symbol meaning love.


A heart 'emoji' was the most widely used character in blogs, Twitter and Facebook and in 250,000 global news outlets in the last 12 months, according to analysts.


The increasing prominence of the emoji or emoticon shows how symbols are making their way into the English language with the rise of the internet.


There are now 722 recognised characters which portray an emotion, expression, or state of mind, or a person, place or thing - with another 250 to be made available over the next year. The list was compiled by the Global Language Monitor in Austin, Texas, which analyses the use of words and symbols in blogs, social media and 250,000 of the most popular online and print news outlets across the world.

目前共有722個表現(xiàn)感情、表情、心情,或人、場所、物品的符號。2015年將會新增250個表情符號。位于美國德克薩斯州奧斯丁市的全球語言檢測機(jī)構(gòu)(Global Language Monitor)通過分析博客、社交媒體以及全球25萬家主流在線和出版媒體中詞語和符號的使用情況,發(fā)布了2014年度流行詞語榜。

Researchers found the heart emoji appeared billions of times a day across the world.


Other words that rose to popularity in 2014 were 'vape' from the term vaporise, used to refer to electronic or e-cigarettes. This word appeared in the Oxford Dictionary's top word for 2014. Prince George also made the list along with the phenomena blood moon - referring to the blood red colour of the moon after it passes in the earth's shadow, causing the sun's red light to scatter.


Paul Payack, president of Global Language Monitor, said: 'The English Language is now undergoing a remarkable transformation unlike any in its 1400 year history - its system of writing, the alphabet, is gaining characters at amazing rate.

全球語言檢測機(jī)構(gòu)主席保羅?帕亞克(Paul Payack)表示:”英語正在經(jīng)歷一場1400年來都不曾有過的巨大變革―書寫系統(tǒng),也就是字母系統(tǒng)正在以驚人的速度吸收各種符號。”

'These character are ideographs or pictographs that are called emoji and emoticons.


'There are about a thousand emoji characters now officially recognised by Unicode Consortium, the official keepers of coding that forms the basis of the internet.

“現(xiàn)在大約有1000個經(jīng)編碼聯(lián)盟(Unicode Consortium)認(rèn)證的表情符號。編碼聯(lián)盟負(fù)責(zé)管理構(gòu)成網(wǎng)絡(luò)基礎(chǔ)的各種程序編碼。”

'They regularly review new suggestions with the next 37 or so being finalised for June 2015.


'Then the new emoji can be embedded in any number of devices for any number of languages.'


The list is the 15th annual survey compiled by Global Language Media. Last year '404' appeared as the most popular word - the internet error message showing the popularity of online media.

年度流行詞語榜是全球語言媒體(Global Language Media)開展的第15項年度調(diào)查研究。去年排名榜首的流行詞語是“404”——網(wǎng)絡(luò)錯誤頁面提示詞,展現(xiàn)了網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體的快速普及。

Social media and the internet strongly influenced words appearing in the list - with hashtag, photobomb and clickbait all in the list.


Ebola earned top place in the list of names - above Pope Francis and Prince George. The project also included the most common phrases for 2014 with 'Hands up, don't shoot' in the number one spot. This phrase was coined by protesters who called for action after the shooting of black teenager Michael Brown in St Louis, Missouri in August.

在名字年度流行榜上埃博拉高居榜首——緊隨其后的是教皇方濟(jì)格和喬治王子。這個年度調(diào)查研究項目還盤點了2014年最常見的短語,“舉起手來,別開槍(Hands up, don't shoot)”占據(jù)頭名。該短語由8月美國黑人少年邁克爾?布朗(Michael Brown)被槍擊后為其游行示威的抗議者們所使用。


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