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Two Flights Go Missing, but Their Stories Are Not the Same


Indonesia AirAsia Flight 8501, an Airbus A320 airliner carrying 162 people, disappeared from radar screens early Sunday, about 40 minutes after leaving the Indonesian city of Surabaya en route to Singapore. A full day of searching the relatively shallow waters off the coast of Borneo has so far yielded no sign of the aircraft, raising a familiar mix of uncertainty and grief just nine months after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared shortly after takeoff from Kuala Lumpur. Though Flight 8501 disappeared in a similar part of the world, it involves a different airline and a different type of aircraft.

周日早上,印度尼西亞亞洲航空(Indonesia AirAsia)8501航班在從印度泗水出發(fā)約40分鐘后,從雷達(dá)屏幕上消失。這架載有162人的空客A320飛機(jī)當(dāng)時正在飛往新加坡的途中。在婆羅洲附近相對較淺水域搜尋了整整一天之后,迄今為止仍然沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)這架飛機(jī)的任何跡象,這件事引發(fā)了一種交織著不確定性和悲傷的感受,讓人不禁聯(lián)想起九個月前,馬來西亞航空(Malaysia Airlines)370航班從吉隆坡起飛之后不久失聯(lián)的情形。盡管兩架航班失聯(lián)的區(qū)域相似,但涉及的航線和機(jī)型并不相同。

Here are some basic details about what is known about the two disappearances.


Unlike Malaysia Airlines, a financially struggling, state-controlled carrier, AirAsia, with headquarters near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is a rapidly growing, low-cost airline with several affiliates — including Indonesia AirAsia — operating across Southeast Asia. Its fleet of 80 planes is relatively young, with an average age of less than five years.


The aircraft that disappeared Sunday was a single-aisle Airbus A320-200 that was built in 2008. AirAsia is one of the world’s largest operators of Airbus A320 series jets. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was a Boeing 777-200, a wide-body jet that was built in 2002.


Until Sunday, AirAsia had had an unblemished safety record. Tony Fernandes, the current chief executive and a billionaire, bought AirAsia in 2001 from DRB-Hicom, a government-linked conglomerate. It was a small, heavily indebted airline then, which was originally established in 1994.

截至周日,亞航的安全記錄一直堪稱完美?,F(xiàn)任首席執(zhí)行官、億萬富豪托尼·費(fèi)爾南德斯(Tony Fernandes)2001年從有政府背景的DRB-Hicom集團(tuán)公司收購了亞航。創(chuàng)立于1994年的亞航當(dāng)時是一家負(fù)債累累的小型航空公司。



In the case of Flight 370, the skies were clear and there were no unusual weather conditions or turbulence reported. In the AirAsia case, cumulonimbus cloud formations were reported in the area, and weather agencies reported a number of lightning strikes along the flight’s planned route.


In both cases, there was no emergency distress call issued by the crew. But in the case of Flight 8501, the pilots did inform air traffic controllers in Jakarta, Indonesia, that they were planning to increase their altitude to 38,000 feet from 32,000 feet to avoid what may have been a thunderstorm. This is why many experts have focused on weather conditions as a possible contributing factor in the disappearance of the AirAsia flight. In the case of Flight 370, the last communication from the flight with the ground was a “good night” message to Malaysian air traffic controllers just before the plane was supposed to cross into Vietnamese airspace. Instead, Flight 370 veered sharply off its intended course to Beijing, for reasons that remain unexplained.




Aside from the voice communications between the pilots and air traffic controllers, there would have been periodic automatic transmissions of certain flight performance and maintenance data sent from the computers on board the plane. The Indonesian authorities have not yet released any details about what information those transmissions contained, but in past accidents, these have provided important clues about what happened.


In the case of Flight 370, the amount of such data was limited because one of those automated systems, the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or Acars, was among the systems that are believed to have been manually disabled in the cockpit. But in the case of another flight, Air France Flight 447, which disappeared of the coast of Brazil in 2009, investigators had access to a cascade of error messages that were sent over the Acars system that indicated, among other issues, a problem with the plane’s airspeed sensors that ultimately disabled the plane’s autopilot system.

370航班的這類數(shù)據(jù)量很有限,因?yàn)轱w機(jī)通信尋址與報(bào)告系統(tǒng)(Aircraft CommunicationAddressing and Reporting System,簡稱Acars)據(jù)信已經(jīng)在駕駛艙內(nèi)被人手動停用。但2009年法航447航班在巴西海岸消失后,調(diào)查人員獲得了Acars系統(tǒng)發(fā)送的一連串錯誤信息,它們顯示,除其他問題外,機(jī)上空速傳感器出現(xiàn)的一個問題最終導(dǎo)致了該機(jī)自動駕駛系統(tǒng)被關(guān)閉。

There has so far been no indication in the case of the AirAsia flight that the crew took any action to disable any onboard systems. In the case of Flight 370, investigators believe that the plane’s transponders and other communications systems were deactivated manually by someone in the cockpit, possibly one of the pilots.




One of the more confounding details about Flight 370 was the fact that its captain was extremely experienced, with more than 18,000 hours of flying experience. That flight’s co-pilot was less experienced on the Boeing 777, and had around 2,700 hours under his belt. The combined flight experience of the two pilots of the AirAsia flight was much less: The captain, who has been identified as Irianto, and who like many Indonesians uses only one name, had a total of 6,100 flying hours, while the first officer had 2,275 flying hours. France’s Foreign Ministry confirmed the co-pilot was a French citizen, and news media reports have identified him as Remi Emmanuel Plesel.

關(guān)于370航班,一個更加令人困惑的狀況是,該機(jī)機(jī)長的經(jīng)驗(yàn)極為豐富,飛行時數(shù)超過1.8萬小時。副機(jī)長對于波音777的經(jīng)驗(yàn)較少,飛行時數(shù)大約為 2700小時。亞航兩名飛行員的飛行經(jīng)驗(yàn)加起來則少得多:機(jī)長被指認(rèn)為艾利安托(Irianto),像很多印尼人一樣,他只有單名,其飛行時數(shù)為6100 小時,副機(jī)長飛行時數(shù)是2275小時。法國外交部證實(shí)副機(jī)長是法國人,新聞報(bào)道已經(jīng)指認(rèn)他是雷米·伊曼紐爾·普雷瑟(Remi Emmanuel Plesel)。

Status of Flight 370


Flight 370 left Kuala Lumpur on March 8 on an overnight flight to Beijing with 239 people on board, but its communications inexplicably turned off course and headed south. A series of fleeting satellite communications signals from the aircraft that were captured by a ground station in Perth, Australia, indicated that the flight had most likely come down somewhere over the Indian Ocean, off the west coast of Australia, when it ran out of fuel.


A three-month search for debris on the sea surface, as well as efforts to locate the audio beacons attached to the plane’s so-called black boxes, covered 1.7 million square miles but has failed to turn up any trace of Flight 370. In October, a new hunt began along a vast arc of rugged seabed that is thought to have been the plane’s final flight path based on calculations made from the satellite ping series.



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