Captain Gets 36 Years for Deserting Korean Ferry
GWANGJU, South Korea — The captain of the South Korean ferry that sank in April, killing more than 300 people, was sentenced on Tuesday to 36 years in prison for deserting his ship and its passengers in a fatal crisis. But he was acquitted of murder, infuriating family members of some of the victims in the country’s worst disaster in decades.
The captain, Lee Jun-seok, “abandoned his passengers, knowing that they were waiting for instructions from the crew and that if they were not evacuated, their lives would be at risk,” the presiding judge, Lim Joung-youb, said in his ruling, which ended the five-month trial of Mr. Lee and 14 other crew members from the ferry, Sewol.
審判長林正燁(Lim Joung-youb)在判決書中稱,涉案船長李俊石(Lee Jun-seok,音譯)“在明知乘客正在等待船員的指示,且如果無法疏散,他們的生命將面臨危險的情況下,拋棄了乘客”。對李俊石,以及“世越號” (Sewol,舊譯“歲月號”)上其他14名船員長達(dá)五個月的審判就此結(jié)束。
Prosecutors had charged Mr. Lee, 69, with murder through willful negligence and asked for the death penalty, but the judge said they had failed to prove that charge. Instead, he convicted the captain of failing to take the steps required to save passengers in an emergency. Thirty-six years is the maximum sentence the law allows for that charge.
One senior crew member, however, was convicted of murder: Park Gio-ho, the chief engineer, who was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The judge said Mr. Park was guilty of willful negligence for abandoning two seriously injured cooks whom he could have saved.
然而,一名高級船員,即輪機(jī)長樸吉鎬(Park Gi-ho,音譯)謀殺罪名成立,被判處30年有期徒刑。審判長稱,樸吉鎬犯有不作為故意殺人罪,因為他本可以救助兩名身受重傷的廚師,但卻拋棄了他們。
The captain’s acquittal on the most serious charge outraged some victims’ relatives in the courtroom in Gwangju District Court on Tuesday. “You call that law? That’s nonsense,” several shouted.
周二,在光州地方法院(Gwangju District Court)的法庭上,船長得以洗脫最嚴(yán)重的罪名,這激怒了部分遇難者的親屬。“這也算法律嗎?簡直一派胡言,”幾名親屬喊道。
“Why don’t you just free them so we can punish them ourselves?” an angry father yelled at the judge.
In a joint statement, some of the victims’ families said a death sentence would have shown “that one cannot keep his own life if he betrays his duty to protect other lives and sacrifices hundreds of people in order to save his own.”
The sinking of the Sewol was a national trauma, and the trial may have been the most emotionally fraught legal case South Korea has ever undergone. Most of the 304 people who died were students from a single high school, on a class trip. When the 6,825-ton ferry sank off the southwestern coast of South Korea on April 16, the ship was carrying twice as much cargo as legally allowed, and much of it was poorly secured.
Most of the victims died after the crew repeatedly urged them to stay inside the vessel. All the ship’s 15 navigational and engineering crew members, including the captain and mates, fled on the first Coast Guard rescue boats that arrived at the scene.
Two other senior crew members — the first mate, Kang Won-sik, and the second mate, Kim Young-ho — were sentenced on Tuesday to 20 and 15 years in prison, respectively. Eleven crew members of lower rank received sentences of five to 10 years for shirking their duty to help passengers.
周二,還有兩名高級船員,大副康元植(Kang Won-sik,音譯)和二副金永浩(Kim Young-ho,音譯)分別被判處20年和15年有期徒刑。另有11名級別較低的船員,因為逃避職責(zé)沒有去幫助乘客而獲刑,刑期五至十年不等。
The crew members sat in silence during the judge’s 90-minute reading of his verdict, some with their eyes closed and others looking at the floor.
During the trial, Mr. Lee and the senior crew members all tearfully apologized for their poor seamanship but insisted that they had never intended to commit murder. Their lawyers argued that prosecutors were making scapegoats of the crew members, who have been vilified in South Korea almost since the moment of the disaster.
In his ruling, Judge Lim said others were also responsible for the disaster, including a ferry company that spent little on safety training for the crew and dismissed complaints that the ship was often overloaded to the point of instability; regulators who colluded with the company to turn a blind eye to such problems; and the Coast Guard, which bungled the early rescue effort.