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When Beyonce Knowles dropped her self-titled album without any warning back in December, I was amazed, like the rest of the world. I was also curious to see how she’d outdo herself after an obvious career peak.去年12月,沒有任何預(yù)兆,碧昂斯•諾斯突然發(fā)布了自己的同名專輯,這讓我和很多人都為之一驚。與此同時,這也讓我感到好奇,想要知道她在達(dá)到事業(yè)巔峰之后要如何繼續(xù)超越自我?Now almost nine months have passed, and the facts speak for themselves: 132 performances in 28 countries during her Mrs Carter Show world tour; 21 performances during the On the Run tour with her husband Jay Z, which, according to Forbes, should net the couple $100 million (about 615 million yuan); and several new remixes of cuts from her surprise album, with guest stars including Nicki Minaj and Rihanna.現(xiàn)在,9個月過去了,事實(shí)說明了一切:她在自己Mrs Carter Show世界巡回演唱會上完成了28個國家、132場演出;還完成了與丈夫Jay Z一起的On the Run巡演21場,并據(jù)福布斯統(tǒng)計,夫婦倆因此凈賺1億美元(約合6.15億人民幣);她同時發(fā)布了混音版本的新專歌曲,邀請了蕾哈娜,妮琪•米娜前來助陣。

In her latest career surprise, on Aug 24 Beyonce received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards, a special honor in one of the industry’s top ceremonies, and gave a mind-blowing 18-minute performance.而碧昂斯事業(yè)的新巔峰則是在8月24號的MTV音樂錄影帶大獎頒獎禮——歌壇最高頒獎禮之一——上,她獲得“邁克爾•杰克遜錄影帶先鋒獎”這一特別榮譽(yù),同時她在頒獎禮上的18分鐘表演也成功秒殺全場。

So, the 33-year-old superstar has shown no signs of slowing down, and it seems that her next big move is only a matter of time. But so far this year, how Beyonce handles the gossip and negativity is even more impressive.這一切,都讓我們看到這位33歲的歌壇巨星仍然熠熠奪目,看來她的下一個大動作指日可待。但是,在今年,碧昂斯對流言和負(fù)面新聞的應(yīng)對之道則更讓人印象深刻。

After video footage of Solange Knowles, Beyonce’s younger sister, punching and kicking Jay Z in an elevator went viral in May, many realized that things may not be as perfect as they seemed in the music industry’s royal family. Soon, rumors surrounding the couple’s divorce and custody of their 2-year-old daughter Blue Ivy Carter, got out of hand.5月份,一段碧昂斯妹妹索蘭格•諾斯在電梯里拳打姐夫的視頻在網(wǎng)上瘋狂轉(zhuǎn)發(fā),很多人開始認(rèn)為也許這對歌壇“模范夫妻”并沒有看上去那么完美無瑕。很快,關(guān)于碧昂斯夫婦離婚,爭奪2歲女兒Blue Ivy Carter監(jiān)護(hù)權(quán)的傳聞大肆蔓延,一度失控。

Beyonce, who as usual didn’t respond directly to the rumors, has handled the bad press like a superstar. First, in the remix of Flawless, released earlier this month, she addresses the elevator incident with self-awareness, saying “of course, sometimes things go down when there’s a billion dollars on an elevator.” And in the awarding ceremony on Aug 24, she invited Jay Z and Blue Ivy on stage for an emotional moment that stole everyone’s hearts.碧昂斯一如往常,并未做出直接反應(yīng),而是像真正的巨星一樣對待負(fù)面新聞:首先,她在本月初發(fā)布的混音版《Flawless》一歌中,用一段自白澄清了電梯里的“插曲”:“有時,如果電梯里有十億美元,那么發(fā)生些什么也是合情合理的。”隨后,在8月24日的頒獎禮上,碧昂絲一家三口在臺上擁吻的感人一幕更是贏得了每個人的心。

So, despite of all her success in her music career, the trendsetting superstar uses her recent experiences to show us that it’s OK to be imperfect. All you need to do is to embrace your imperfections. And Beyonce’s already outdone herself in that department.所以,雖然在音樂事業(yè)上大紅大紫,但是這位引領(lǐng)潮流的歌壇巨星也用自己最近的經(jīng)歷告訴我們:不完美并沒有什么,你所要做的就是接受自己的不完美。而碧昂斯顯然已經(jīng)做到了。


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