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Season two of Where Are We Going, Dad? , a reality show on Hunan TV, is even more fun and colorful than the first — not just because of new cast members (Gary Chaw brings in his two children). But thanks to a cast with more distinct and diverse personalities, we’ve been able to watch different kinds of father-son/daughter relationships unfold. This time around we see the families at their most adorable and awkward moments.湖南衛(wèi)視的真人秀節(jié)目《爸爸去哪兒2》正在熱播,相較第一季,第二季的節(jié)目更加精彩有趣。這不僅因為新面孔的加入(曹格攜兒帶女一同參加節(jié)目),更多的是因為節(jié)目中每對父子、父女鮮明的性格,讓我們看到了各不相同的父子、父女情深。這一季中,既有他們最可愛的瞬間,也有各自出糗的時刻。Which pair is your favorite? Even if you don’t watch the show, read our descriptions of their personalities and chemistry to get familiar and maybe build up some vocabulary.你最喜歡哪一對父子、父女?即使你還沒有看過《爸爸去哪兒》,讀過下面內容,也許你會對他們的性格和節(jié)目中的互動有一些基本了解。

Dad: Huang Lei, 43爸爸:黃磊,43歲

Daughter: Huang Yici (Duo Duo), 8女兒:黃憶慈(多多),八歲

Huang Lei, among his many occupations — actor, director, singer and lecturer — is also a devoted farther. He couldn’t be more patient when it comes to taking care of his daughter Duo Duo and chastising her for trivial slipups. Huang surely makes parenting seem easy, but he has his daughter to thank for that. As the oldest kid in the show, Duo Duo is smart, thoughtful and wise beyond her years. Together, they’re the pair with the most positive energy on the show.身兼數職的黃磊,不僅是演員、導演、歌手、大學教師,也是一個盡職盡責的爸爸。照顧女兒時,他總是很有耐心,即使女兒犯了些小錯,他也會諄諄教導。黃磊確實讓人們覺得帶孩子并非難事,但是這都要感謝他的女兒——作為節(jié)目中最大的孩子,多多聰明、體貼,而且有著超過同齡人的成熟想法。父女倆簡直是節(jié)目中的無敵正能量組合!

Dad: Lu Yi, 38爸爸:陸毅,38歲Daughter: Lu Yuxuan (Bei’r), 5女兒:陸雨萱(貝爾),5歲

As one of the most stylish fathers in the show, actor Lu Yi certainly knows how to look sharp. We often see him wearing chic clothes, snazzy accessories and matching outfits with his daughter Bei’r. But as for being a dad, we can sense how insecure and overwhelmed he can feel sometimes on the show. Fortunately, Bei’r is an obedient and cheerful child who behaves well. This pair has more of a besties relationship — and they always show up in style.作為節(jié)目中最時尚的老爸,演員陸毅耍帥當然很在行,我們常常能在節(jié)目中看到他一身瀟灑打扮,搭配時髦配飾,還跟女兒穿“父女裝”。不過,在帶孩子方面,陸毅卻并不自信,在節(jié)目中有時力不從心,還好貝爾聽話、乖巧,表現良好。這對父女更像是好朋友,當然總是很有范兒。

Dad: Francis Ng, 53爸爸:吳鎮(zhèn)宇,53歲Son: Feynman Ng, 5兒子:Feynman,5歲

These two have the traditional father-son relationship, where the father is serious and commanding and the son is tamed by merely a glance. But “a tough man with a tender heart” is the best way to describe this actor from Hong Kong, especially when we see him giving Feynman encouragement and support. Feynman doesn’t disappoint either. He’s a strong and independent boy who always tries to be manly by holding back his tears in front of the camera.吳鎮(zhèn)宇和兒子更像傳統的父子,爸爸威嚴,兒子聽話,只要爸爸一個眼神兒子就乖乖服從。但是,這位來自香港的演員爸爸卻是“鐵骨柔情”的最佳典范,總是會給兒子Feynman鼓勵和支持。兒子也不負爸爸期望,總能在鏡頭前忍住淚水,做一個獨立堅強的小男子漢。

Dad: Yang Wei, 34爸爸:楊威,34歲Son: Yang Wenchang (Yang Yangyang), 4兒子:楊文昌(楊陽洋),4歲

As a father, the former world champion gymnast isn’t as fierce and powerful as he was in competition. We’re not saying that’s a bad thing — at least Yang has showed us his soft, patient and quiet side. Yang’s good life skills make it quite easy for him to look after his son on his own. Yang Yangyang, on the other hand, is a perfect example of the saying “like father, like son”. The introverted boy wins our hearts with his purity and innocence.作為父親,這位前世界冠軍在節(jié)目中絲毫沒有比賽時的強勢與嚴厲,這并非壞事,相反,楊威在節(jié)目中展現出了柔情而安靜的一面。楊威強大的生活能力讓他照顧兒子游刃有余。另一方面,楊陽洋也是“生子如父”的完美詮釋,這個同樣內向的男孩兒,用他的純凈和天真贏得了觀眾的心。

Dad: Gary Chaw, 34爸爸:曹格,34歲Son: Joe Chaw, 5兒子:Joe,5歲

Daughter: Grace Chaw, 3女兒:Grace,3歲

Finally, this is the most dramatic troupe on the show. Malaysian singer Gary Chaw may not be that great at parenting, but he certainly knows how to identify with his children. Joe and Grace, meanwhile, are agodsend. The angelic brother and sister are sweet, bright and adorable. We watch the three cycle through their emotions, with even Gary Chaw tearing up a few times. But this is what family is for: Family laughs together, cries together and shares with each other their most memorable moments.最后這組爸爸、兒子和女兒的“三人行”,絕對是節(jié)目里最戲劇化的存在。曹格這位來自馬來西亞的歌手也許并不是最擅長帶孩子的爸爸,但一定是最會和孩子們互動的爸爸。而Joe and Grace這對兄妹也如同天賜,哥哥天真,妹妹可愛。節(jié)目中我們能看到三人情緒起起落落,甚至曹格都掉了幾次眼淚。但這不正是家庭的意義?一家人一起笑,一起哭,一起分享最珍貴的時刻。


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